The Maryland Native Plant Society

The Maryland Native Plant Society
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  • MNPS Field Trip: Search for Orchids (Saturday)

MNPS Field Trip: Search for Orchids (Saturday)

  • 04/29/2017
  • 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
  • Catoctin Mountain Park, MD


Registration is closed

Sponsoring Organization: Maryland Native Plant Society

Catoctin Mountain Park was established in the 1930's.  The trip leader started going to the park in 1973 and led wildflower walks there until about 1990.  He recently found that there is no record for Pink Lady's Slipper (Cypripedium acaule) and only one vague record from about 1971 for Large Whorled Pogonia (Isotria verticillata).  He feels that they can probably both be found on Catoctin Mountain (the eastern and only named ridge in the park).

Catoctin Mountain is primarily Weverton Quartzite composed primarily of silica, the same compound with makes up sand. It makes a poor, acid soil which mainly supports an Oak-Hickory forest with a heath understory. Higher up, several pine species are added.

We will start on the connecting trail at the end of the Visitors' Center parking lot and follow it to Wolf Rock Trail. We will then take Wolf Rock Trail up to Wolf Rock and then take the connecting trail to Chimney Rock. This will be the first time the leader has seen either of these overlooks in person. We will take the Chimney Rock Trail down to the parking area by Camp Peniel. The leader will leave a car there for ferrying drivers back to the Visitors' Center parking lot.

The leader asks that one car come a few minutes early so that he can put a car at Camp Peniel and get back to the Visitors' Center parking lot.

Leader: Joe Metzger



Notes: We will be out all day.  We will walk the uphill sections  very slowly.

Bring: Lunch and water.

Cancellation Policy: Trip will go in light drizzle; canceled if heavy rain.

Contact: (for additional information; not to register) Joe Metzger: or phone at home (301) 264-3161 or cell (240) 285-3925 [on day of trip]

Directions: will be sent to registered participants, with their confirmations and pre-trip reminders.

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