The Maryland Native Plant Society

The Maryland Native Plant Society

Please Consider a Tax Deductible Donation

The Society is run completely by volunteers. We don't charge for any trips or events except the conference because we want to offer as much nature education as possible to the public. The registration fee for our Fall Conference is intended to cover costs; any proceeds are used to support our research grants and programs. Thus, all of our activities -- field trips, meetings, publications, and web site -- are supported by Membership and Donations.

Donations over the membership fee enable MNPS to offer conference scholarships to students, support conservation efforts, and all of the Society's other activities.

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For any publication where the name of the donor may be listed, please identify the following names:
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MNPS is a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization incorporated in Maryland. Donations and membership fees are are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. 

Donations and other payments will be processed through Wild Apricot Payments (AffiniPay). You will be directed to the  secure on-line payment processing system.

To pay by check, you may print this page and mail  along with your check to MNPS, P. O. Box 4877, Silver Spring, MD 20914. Checks take 4-6 weeks to process. 

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