Requests keep coming in … for more photos on the web site! You can help by sending in pictures of plants and other things of interest, such as scenes from your favorite natural areas, or "horror sites" where invasive plants have taken over.
Photos with people: get permission from the individuals in the photo to use the photo on the web site; include that with your photo. Many people don’t like to unexpectedly find themselves in pictures on web sites.
Member Photo Albums. See the instructions on how to create a photo album (pdf) which will allow for a variety of file types and larger size photos.
Favorite Places: Mattawoman Creek.
Photo Contest. Results from the 2007 photo contest.
Before and After. See how volunteers have changed a site taken over by invasive species to one that can recover to its natural state.
Horror Sites. View pictures and read discussions of how invasive species have spread throughout natural areas.
Fans of our Facebook page can post photos of plants or trip activities.