Continuing the theme of the 2007 Irvine Native Plant Seminar, 2008 Lahr Symposium, and June 2009 Howard County Master Gardeners presentation, this month's meeting will compare cultivars of native plants with native species and how these plants relate to the natural communities around us, including insights on the ongoing research into the secret life of plants and pollinators. Join us for a panel discussion with regionally and nationally recognized experts for a presentation on the choices planners, homeowners, and gardeners have in drawing from the region's natural floristic diversity and plant associations, with an aim towards conservation and restoration. Audience participation and questions will highlight the evening.
Location: White Oak Library – Large Meeting Room
Directions: Exit the Washington Beltway at New Hampshire Ave (exit 28). Go north about 2 miles. The library is the first building on the right, once you have passed under Route 29, just after the Sears store.
There will be refreshments and door prizes. Pot luck refreshments are always welcome.
The meeting is open to non-members.
Meetings take place on the last Tuesday of each month.
©Maryland Native Plant Society PO Box 4877, Silver Spring, MD 20914MNPS is a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization incorporated in Maryland.