Sponsoring Organizations: Anacostia Watershed Society, Sierra Club
Several of the worst invasive species in the Mid-Atlantic region, including English Ivy, Asiatic Bittersweeet, Garlic Mustard, Bush Honeysuckle and Porcelain Berry, are in the early stages of invasion in this park. Japanese Stiltgrass covers about 5% of the park. Research indicates that Japanese Stiltgrass is a major contributor of Nitrogen pollution in the Chesapeake Bay and reduces by half the ability of any land it dominates to hold water and release it slowly. Non-native invasive plant removal will reach maintenance phase following a major work effort at each site in the Mid-Atlantic Region and around the world for about 3 to 5 years to remove the massive populations of species. Regular stewardship projects are conducted in all seasons including Winter, early Spring, late Spring, Summer, and late Summer.
This high intensity program is followed by a low intensity annual maintenance program for plants we have missed, plants emerging from the seed bank, and occasional plants migrating in from neighboring areas. The project supporters are now removing English Ivy, wineberry, periwinkle, Ground Ivy, Japanese pachysandra, Bush Honeysuckle, and multiflora Rose to rescue the incredible diversity of native plants and animals at this particular park. Unlike most parks in the area the 150 acre Little Paint Branch Park is in the early stages of invasion and is essentially the native plant nursery for the Paint Branch itself.
See what our volunteers have accomplished! View before and after photos.
Our day will include natural history and special features of the park, methods and reasons for the project to control the spread of invasives. Native flowers and other plants will be identified as we work to rescue them. There will be a sign-in and safety orientation with handouts. Gloves and tools will be provided. Our objective is to remove the invasives to allow natives to grow back.
We will continue the wonderful progress accomplished the last three years by the Americorps workers, General Electric Volunteers, Robert Goddard French Immersion and Montesori Elementary School, Washington Quaker Work Camps, and World Bank volunteers at Little Paint Branch Community Park.
There are full indoor toilet facilities and a large seating area for lunch.
Directions: Meet at the Beltsville Community Center parking lot. Take U.S. 1 north from the Beltway. Go about 1 mile, passing the National Agricultural Research Center, and turn left at the light on Montgomery Rd. Go 3 blocks and turn left on Sellman Road. Go about 5 blocks and turn right into Little Paint Branch Park at the bottom of the hill.
Contact: Marc Imlay, PhD, Conservation biologist, Anacostia Watershed Society, 301-699-6204, 301-283-0808, or, for dates and times. Visit
©Maryland Native Plant Society PO Box 4877, Silver Spring, MD 20914MNPS is a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization incorporated in Maryland.