The Maryland Native Plant Society

The Maryland Native Plant Society

Effects of Non-native Earthworms on Mid-Atlantic Forest Soils

Effects of Non-native Earthworms on Mid-Atlantic Forest Soils
04/28/2015 7:30 PM
Location: White Oak Library, Silver Spring MD

Registered attendees (12)

Date Name
04/21/2015 Michels, Kathleen
04/19/2015 Rhodehamel, Chick
03/31/2015 Anonymous user
03/30/2015 Anonymous user - plus 1 guest
03/30/2015 Hopkins, Stan
03/30/2015 Allgeier, Steve
03/27/2015 - plus 1 guest
03/27/2015 Thome, Julia
03/25/2015 Swearingen, Jil - plus 1 guest
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