Topic: Wild Bee Diversity Comes from Native Plant Diversity: You Can Help Wild Bees by Planting Bee Food
Native plants aren't just politically correct members of our household landscapes, but are keystone species for the many native insects who are often completely dependent on a single genus or species of native plant. About 25% of our wild bees are plant specialists and unlike restoring Maryland's past herds of Buffalo or flocks of Cerulean Warblers, you can do something about restoring wild bees simply by planting a spectrum of native plants in your backyard or encouraging native flowering plants in community rights-of-way. Lots of examples (and hand-outs) will be available that demonstrate the beauty and co-dependence of these bees and their plants. This free program will begin promptly following some brief chapter announcements.
Location: Frostburg State University, Compton Science Center, Room 327
The program is open to non-members. Registration is not required.
©Maryland Native Plant Society PO Box 4877, Silver Spring, MD 20914MNPS is a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization incorporated in Maryland.