Sponsoring Organization: Audubon Society of Central Maryland
Audubon’s thirteenth annual Native Plant Sale is the place to find a wide variety of native plants and the expert advice to help you incorporate them into your home landscape. There will be a great selection of trees, shrubs and perennials for wet or dry conditions and full sun to shade. Master Gardeners and knowledgeable Audubon members will be available to answer questions about the wildlife value of the various plants, and to help you choose the right plants for your site conditions. There will be several species of native azaleas and viburnums, ferns, grasses, woodland wildflowers, some butterfly favorites, and much more. Come early for the best selection! Plan to spend some time visiting the Sanctuary after you make your purchases. Streams, a pond, wetlands and many wildflowers provide habitat for many birds, butterflies and other wildlife. All proceeds benefit the Sanctuary for habitat management, maintenance, and schoolyard grants.
Directions: From I-70, take exit 62 and turn right on Route 75 North. Proceed 4 miles and turn right on Old Annapolis Road. Travel 3 miles, and after passing Detrick Road on the right, the Sanctuary will be on your left
Note: Rain or shine!
Contact: Bill Becraft, Sanctuary Manager, 410-795-6546 or Robin Kummer, Master Gardener, 410-833-5155.
©Maryland Native Plant Society PO Box 4877, Silver Spring, MD 20914MNPS is a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization incorporated in Maryland.