Sponsoring Organizations: Howard County Recreation & Parks and Howard County Master Gardeners
Minimizing Mile-a-Minute
Non-native, invasive plants are a real threat to our habitat restoration efforts. Mile-a-minute vine, among several other invasive species, is the worst offender of the trails and meadows in the Woodcock Habitat Management Area. Come out and assist us in removing vines from various places within our meadow areas! A short discussion of Biological Control methods will take place whilst we visit a Mile-a-minute weevil bio-control test plot.
The Conservation Stewardship Project, a joint program of the Howard County Recreation & Parks and the Howard County Master Gardeners, targets the problem of controlling invasive, exotic species in the Middle Patuxent Environmental Area. Volunteer work dates occur monthly from March through November, skipping July & August. Each date includes an educational component concerning the target invasive species or target work area for the day.
The Middle Patuxent Environmental Area (MPEA), established in 1996, encompasses 1,021 acres and contains a diversity of habitat types. There are upland and bottomland hardwood forest, fields, wetlands, ponds, and riparian habitats. The primary components of the MPEA's mission are natural resources management, education, research, and recreation.
For more information, contact Master Gardeners: Aylene Gard at (410) 992-9889; Carol Filipczak at; or Jeff Claffy, Assistant Natural Resources Manager, MPEA at (410) 313-6209 or
Driving Directions to Trotter Road entrance to MPEAt:
©Maryland Native Plant Society PO Box 4877, Silver Spring, MD 20914MNPS is a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization incorporated in Maryland.