The Maryland Native Plant Society

The Maryland Native Plant Society
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  • Spring Wild Flower Symposium

Spring Wild Flower Symposium

  • 05/13/2011
  • 05/15/2011
  • Wintergreen Resort, Wintergreen, VA

Sponsoring Organization: The Wintergreen Nature Foundation

A spectacular location in the Blue Ridge mountains provides the setting for this interesting and enjoyable learning experience. The focus is on native wildflowers and related topics such as ferns, native birds as well as their supporting eco-systems. Sessions of 1 - 2 hours include walks, lectures or workshops that are led by instructors who are experts in their field. Participants can pick and choose from a wide variety of sessions allowing them to highly customize the event to suit their needs.

Location: The Wintergreen Nature Foundation, Wintergreen Resort, Virginia

Cost and RSVP: $120. Reservations are required for the symposium.

Accommodations: Accommodations are available at Wintergreen Resort (

Further Information: 434.325.8169. Web Page: E-mail:

Mailing Address: Wintergreen Nature Foundation, Rt 1 Box 770, Roseland, Virginia 22967

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