Sponsoring Organization: Maryland Native Plant Society
Description: Steve Dryden's Rock Creek Songbirds project has focused on restoring habitat for migratory birds in Rock Creek's Piney Branch stream valley for the past five years. His walk will highlight the sites, some wet, some dry, where new trees and wildflowers/grasses have been planted, and spots of native diversity that have been protected, allowing a natural "re-greening" of the area. Steve will also speak about the Songbird outreach initiative aimed at the Latino community in the neighborhoods close to Piney Branch.
Leader: Steve Dryden
ONLINE REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. Limited to 20 people. MNPS members only through 10/5/2018
Bring: Sturdy waterproof shoes and perhaps a walking stick.
Cancellation Policy: Trip will be cancelled in case of hard rain.
Contact: (for information, not to register): Steve Dryden,
Notes: For background, see Steve's article in the Spring issue of Marilandica:
Directions: included in registration confirmation.
©Maryland Native Plant Society PO Box 4877, Silver Spring, MD 20914MNPS is a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization incorporated in Maryland.