Co-Sponsoring Organizations: MNPS, Anne Arundel County Department of Recreation and Parks; Sierra Club of Anne Arundel
A small army is being recruited to deal with invasive species in Quiet Waters Park (and soon to other parks.) This initiative is organized by the Sierra Club of Anne Arundel County, Quiet Waters Park, the Department of Recreation and Parks and hopefully involving YOU!
Our goal is to have a group of 12-20 people who can make themselves available once a month to begin to deal with this enormous problem in the park. Some of the invasive species are pulling trees down, depriving them of water and taking over where native plants are needed.
Karyn Molines will orient us to the problem and identify invasive plants for us to find. We will learn all this, and take a field trip to an area of prime importance for our beginning efforts. We will work with Karyn to identify our goals, both long term and short term.
There will be room for many kinds of assistance. Removing invasives is of course, primary. We will also need people who are willing to make calls, create a scrapbook of invasives in the park, work on mapping them and creating new releases and articles about this work. It will be possible to set up a time during the work week for those folks available then to work with Joyce Riley-Greene. Suggestions are most welcome.
Bring the following: long pants long sleeve shirt hat work gloves water sunscreen bag lunch
You may also want a notebook and/or camera. Bring hand clippers, pruners or small saws if you have them. Some tools will be available.
Note: Park Entrance Fee will be waived for pre-registarted participants. Trained volunteers may request projects in other County parks.
Contact: RSVP by June 15th by emailing or calling Liz Vander Heuval at or 410-267-9009.
Directions to Quiet Waters Park:600 Quiet Waters Park Road, Annapolis, MD 21401
From US-50 near Annapolis: Take Exit 22 Rt. 665 (Aris T. Allen Blvd). Stay on Rt. 665 until it ends and merges with Forest Drive. Follow Forrest Drive for 2 miles. Turn right at the Exxon Station onto Hillsmere Drive. (There is a sign in front of Exxon saying “Quiet Waters Park-Next Right”). The park entrance is 100 yards on the right hand side. Park website Google Map
©Maryland Native Plant Society PO Box 4877, Silver Spring, MD 20914MNPS is a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization incorporated in Maryland.