Wednesday, May 29, 2019 9 AM-11 AM
We will explore a unique urban ecological restoration project that was completed in 2017. Sand and gravel pathways, which also filter runoff during storm events and create seepage areas, will guide us along restored wetland, stream, sand seepage bog, shoreline and woodland habitat. Habitat was restored to support an array of native plant species including Chamaecyparis thyoides (Atlantic white cedar), Magnolia virginiana (Sweetbay magnolia), Vaccinium macrocarpon (American cranberry), Kalmia latifolia (Mountain laurel), Iris virginica, sphagnum moss, ferns, asters, water lilies, skunk cabbage, spring ephemerals, rushes, sedges, and much more.
Leader: Ellie Chetalat
REGISTRATION IS NOT REQUIRED, but please RSVP to Ellie Chetalat,
Bring: Hand lens, hiking boots, insect repellant.
Notes: Easy to moderate walk.
Cancellation Policy: Trip will go in light rain but not heavy storms.
Contact: (for additional information; not to register): Ellie Chetalat,
Directions: Meet at the St. Luke's Church parking lot 1101 Bay Ridge Avenue, Annapolis, MD 21401. Parking on Monroe Street and in the church parking lot.
©Maryland Native Plant Society PO Box 4877, Silver Spring, MD 20914MNPS is a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization incorporated in Maryland.