MNPS Field Trip: Middle Patuxent Environmental Area
Join Heidi Pringle and Karyn Molines to see and discuss the Botrychium dissectum and other native plants growing among the invasives. The trail may be muddy and has one hill, but is mostly flat. Leaders: Heidi Pringle and Karyn Molines
Directions: We will meet at Clarksville Elementary School and carpool to the park. Take I-95 or Rte. 29 to Rte. 32 West. Exit onto Rte. 108 North or East. Go one mile, and Clarksville Elementary School is on the right side of Rte. 108 by a traffic light. Bring: Water and snack. No restroom or water available.
Read a detailed account of Botrychium dissectum compiled by Heidi.
Contact: Heidi Pringle
On-line registration will close on Sept. 26 or when all slots are taken.
©Maryland Native Plant Society PO Box 4877, Silver Spring, MD 20914MNPS is a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization incorporated in Maryland.