This will be a nature walk along the Gunpowder near Masemore Rd. We should find a good variety of ferns and wildflowers.
Note: If you need a place to pick up a sandwich, Graul’s Supermarket is located in the shopping center on Mt. Carmel Rd at the I-83 exit. You will want to ask to have them pack it in a bag instead of their usual plastic box.
Location: From the Baltimore Beltway go north on I-83 for 12 miles and take exit 27 onto Mount Carmel Rd. Proceed west for 0.7 miles and make a right at Masemore Rd and proceed for another 1.5 miles to parking area. The speed limit is posted at 10 miles at the bottom of Masemore Rd. Believe it. There is a very sharp narrow turn at the mill.
Bring: Lunch or snack and water. Binoculars might be handy.
Note: Light Rain or Shine. Contact:
©Maryland Native Plant Society PO Box 4877, Silver Spring, MD 20914MNPS is a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization incorporated in Maryland.