Leaders: Rod Simmons and Jim Long Sponsors: MNPS, VNPS Potowmack Chapter, Mattawoman Watershed Society, Botanical Society of Washington Celebrate the winter season in Chapman Forest with its spectacular scenery and remarkable diversity of native trees. We will mainly walk the highland areas above the deep ravines and bluffs along the Potomac River from the section near Glymont to historic Mount Aventine. This is a regionally unique meeting ground for plants with a primary range in the inner piedmont and mountains and those of the coastal plain. Anticipating the MNPS Year of the Oak in 2012, we will see as many as 18 species of oaks, including ancient pagoda, chinquapin, and northern red oaks, plus ancient beech, 3 hickory species, 2 hackberry species, the National Champion basswood, slippery elm, white ash, ancient sassafras, Virginia hop-hornbeam, bladdernut, and many others. Also a variety of birds such as red-headed woodpecker, yellow-bellied sapsucker, hermit thrush, wood duck, and bald eagle. Cancelled for heavy-steady snow, sleet, or pouring rain, but not for snow flurries or drizzling rain.
Registration is not required. Bring: Wear sturdy shoes and bring lunch or snacks and water. Most of the walk traverses rolling, fairly open forest along trails, though some steep grades will occasionally be encountered. Directions: Take Indian Head Highway (Rt. 210) south from Capital Beltway (495). Proceed south on Rt. 210 for app. 15 miles. Continue on Rt. 210 past the Rt. 227 intersection at Bryans Road (McDonald's, Burger King, and shopping center on right and a builders supply will be on left) and start looking for Chapman Landing Road on right. Take half right on Chapman Landing Road and proceed a couple of miles to entrance to Mount Aventine on right. Park and meet in parking lot at entrance gate.
©Maryland Native Plant Society PO Box 4877, Silver Spring, MD 20914MNPS is a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization incorporated in Maryland.