The National Aquarium has been hosting a volunteer tree planting in partnership with The Nature Conservancy for 10 years to restore an Atlantic white cedar swamp at Nassawango Creek Preserve.
The area was historically an Atlantic white cedar swamp, however it was planted with loblolly pines to be logged. The Nature Conservancy has been working to thin out these loblolly pines, and restore the historic properties of the swamp. The Nature Conservancy has worked since 1978 in this area, protecting more than 15 square miles of majestic bald cypress swamps and upland forest along Nassawango Creek. Alongside local volunteers, our team will be planting Atlantic white cedar seedlings to help restore the area.
Pre-registration is required for the event:
or to learn more at
Any additional questions can be sent to It is a unique educational opportunity for volunteers to participate in restoration work in the field alongside experts from National Aquarium and The Nature Conservancy.
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©Maryland Native Plant Society PO Box 4877, Silver Spring, MD 20914MNPS is a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization incorporated in Maryland.