MNPS Fall Field Weekend
On the 161st anniversary of the Battle of Antietam, we will walk the two-mile loop of Snavely Ford Trail along Antietam Creek in Antietam National Battlefield.
We will pass through several habitats, from cultivated fields to more mature forests typical of rich floodplains. We will see Oaks, Hickories, Maples, Black Walnuts, Spicebush, Pawpaw, Sycamores, Sumacs, Bladdernut, Jimsonweed, Honewort, Asters, Goldenrods, Lopseeds, Lobelias and Figworts, among others.
The trail is well maintained with two short gradients as we descend towards and ascend from Antietam Creek.
If you plan to stay in the area after our walk, be sure to check the Antietam National Battlefield website for some information on anniversary activities:
FYI There's a nice little winery open from noon-6 nearby:
Sponsoring Organization: Maryland Native Plant Society
Registration through September 10 for members only.
Leaders: Claudine LeBeau and Kathy Bilton
Bring: Field guides, sun and/or rain protection, binoculars, hand lens, insect repellent, hat, water, lunch or snacks, plastic bag
Cancellation Policy: Walk will proceed in drizzle but will be cancelled if strong storms or threatening weather is forecast
Contact: (for additional information; not to register) Claudine LeBeau 240-472-2803
Directions: included in registration confirmation.
The Maryland Native Plant Society has developed policies and procedures for public program operations based on state and CDC guidelines.
Please consider the safety, health, and well-being of all participants in our programs and stay home if the participant is ill. Full refunds will be given for cancellations due to health concerns.
During registration we will ask each individual, or if under 18 a parent, to complete an agreement to the policies
Please read our full policy statement
©Maryland Native Plant Society PO Box 4877, Silver Spring, MD 20914MNPS is a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization incorporated in Maryland.