The Maryland Native Plant Society

The Maryland Native Plant Society
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  • MNPS Monthly Program: Managing Microstegium by Art Gover and Luke Flory

MNPS Monthly Program: Managing Microstegium by Art Gover and Luke Flory

  • 03/26/2024
  • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • Zoom Meeting


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Trying to put the "B" back in BMP (Best Management Practices): Common Practices for Managing Stiltgrass. By Art Gover

How invader removal method affects native plant response. By Luke Flory


We can accommodate the first 300 people who enter the Zoom meeting at the meeting time. After you register, you will receive a registration confirmation email with a link to the Zoom meeting. Registering does not guarantee a space in the Zoom meeting. 

GOVER: Art will apply his decades of research and operational experiences managing invasive plants to stiltgrass and provide recommendations on methods that work best in various situations. FLORY: Luke will discuss his research on the effects of various invasive plant removal methods on native plant restoration.

GOVER: Art conducted vegetation management research and outreach at Penn State for 35 years in row crop, roadside and utility, turfgrass, and natural area settings. This included 15 years working the PA State Park system to develop a statewide planning template, and park-level plans and implementation. He started a part-time commercial operation in 2008 specializing in invasive species planning and management, and in retirement does this full-ish time (foolish time?). FLORY: Luke’s research focuses on the mechanisms and impacts of non-native plant invasions with the goal of understanding long-term consequences of interactions between invasive species and other potential global change drivers such as climate change, fire, and emerging pathogens. The Flory Lab explores both basic and applied questions in systems such as the highlands of Galápagos, coffee agroecosystems in Costa Rica, eastern deciduous forests in the US, and pine forests and managed systems in Florida.

Zoom opens at 7:00PM for pre-program board update and member Q&A. Presentations begin at 7:30PM and generally run until 8:45PM. 

The program is free and open to the public.

This will be recorded and available on our Webinars page.

The program is free and open to the public.

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