Join us for a citizen science and plant ID walk on the Cabin Branch trail at Black Hill Regional Park, in the Germantown quad of the MD Plant Atlas. This quad has relatively few iNaturalist entries for fairly common plants. We will add to the Atlas while practicing our ID skills on trees as well as herbaceous plants in flower.
For those who are unfamiliar - the MD Plant Atlas endeavors to provide authoritative distribution maps for all the native and naturalized plants of Maryland based on the best available data; to provide accurate and up-to-date information on the flora to the public; and to promote conservation and research by increasing awareness and appreciation for wild plants.
iNaturalist observations will automatically be uploaded to the Atlas.
List of plants to find
Sponsoring Organization: Maryland Native Plant Society
Location: northern Montgomery County
Leader: Sujata Roy
Notes: We will walk on natural surface trails, some of which may be narrow and steep in sections. Expected distance is 2 miles out and back. Porta-potty near the trailhead.
Bring: water, snack, field guides for trees or flowers (or both!)
Cancellation Policy: Walk will proceed in drizzle but would be cancelled for heavy rains or thunderstorms
Contact: (for additional information; not to register) Sujata Roy
Directions: included in registration confirmation.
Please consider the safety, health, and well-being of all participants in our programs and stay home if the participant is ill. Full refunds will be given for cancellations due to health concerns.
©Maryland Native Plant Society PO Box 4877, Silver Spring, MD 20914MNPS is a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization incorporated in Maryland.