The Maryland Native Plant Society

The Maryland Native Plant Society
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  • MNPS Monthly Program: Maryland Trees Under Attack: What We Can Do with Faith Campbell

MNPS Monthly Program: Maryland Trees Under Attack: What We Can Do with Faith Campbell

  • 08/27/2024
  • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • Zoom Meeting


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Maryland's largest native plants--ash, beech, hemlock, and American chestnut*--are under attack from non-native insects and diseases! Which have been most heavily affected? What are the impacts on plant communities more broadly? What strategies can citizens support through volunteer actions and advocacy?

Speaker:  Faith Campbell

Faith Campbell earned a Ph.D. in politics from Princeton University in 1975. Since then she has worked primarily as an advocate for biological conservation for a series of environmental advocacy organizations including Natural Resources Defense Council, National Association of Exotic Pest Plant Councils, American Lands Alliance, The Nature Conservancy, and more recently, Center for Invasive Species Prevention. After an initial focus on invasive plants, in the early 1990s Dr. Campbell began concentrating on policy aspects of countering non-native species of insects and pathogens that attack native tree species, especially in North America. Faith is currently president of the Center for Invasive Species Prevention. In addition to several in-house reports, especially the three “Fading Forest” reports co-authored by Scott Schlarbaum Faith has published peer-reviewed articles in Bioscience, Ecological Applications, and other scientific journals.

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We can accommodate the first 300 people who enter the Zoom meeting at the meeting time. After you register, you will receive a registration confirmation email with a link to the Zoom meeting. Registering does not guarantee a space in the Zoom meeting. 

Zoom opens at 7:00PM for pre-program board update and member Q&A. Presentations begin at 7:30PM and generally run until 8:45PM. 

The program is free and open to the public.

This will be recorded and available on our Webinars page.

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