Leader: Bradley Simpson and Judy Fulton
Location: Woodend Nature Sanctuary, 8940 Jones Mill Road Chevy Chase, MD 20815
Come to Woodend Nature Sanctuary to meander through a restored stream with ample wetland vegetation such pickerelweed, American water-lily, swamp rose mallow, arrow arum, and much more! Join Nature Forward Habitat Manager and MNPS Board member, Bradley Simpson, for an exploration of plant diversity and the role restoration plays in supporting native plants.
Easy. About 1 mile, primarily on a paved permeable trail. Wheelchair accessible.
For additional information: Bradley Simpson or Phone: 443-433-8819
ONLINE REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. Limited to 15 people. Registration through July 19, 2024 for members only. Directions will be included in registration confirmation.
Bring Sunscreen and insect repellant. Water bottles. Sunhat recommended. Mosquitos will be present. Sturdy shoes are always a good idea.
Bradley Simpson, MNPS Board Member and Habitat Manager at Nature Forward is graduate from the University of Maryland, College Park (UMD) where he earned a B.S. in Environmental Science and Policy concentrating in Wildlife Ecology and Management. His work in the plant field has included research as well as active management of an urban forest. He has conducted urban forest research in New York City and at Woodend Nature Sanctuary, categorizing thousands of plants in the process. Currently, he manages the restoration of Woodend’s natural habitats, specifically the 29 acres of forest and shares his knowledge of plants through many education programs. He is also in the process of obtaining a master’s degree from UMD to deepen his understanding of urban forest ecology.
Note that An "Account" is not A "Membership" Our website allows non-members to have a "Contact Account" to receive emails about upcoming field trips, programs, and other events. When you login, click on your name (it should be on the top right of the page); if there are no details on membership, you are have a "Contact Account" only. Consider joining to support our programs and take advantage of members-only early registration.
©Maryland Native Plant Society PO Box 4877, Silver Spring, MD 20914MNPS is a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization incorporated in Maryland.