featuring Governor Parris Glendening Ed McMahon of the Urban Land Institute
Better land use is key to saving Mattawoman Creek and our great outdoors. Learn how Charles County can grow smarter for a strong economy and a healthy environment. Two exciting speakers will present opportunities and options for our future.
As Governor of Maryland, Parris Glendening spearheaded the state’s pioneering and widely respected Smart Growth initiative. Today Governor Glendening works with leaders throughout the country to help them apply smart growth principles to rebuild state and local economies. Ed McMahon is nationally recognized as an inspiring speaker and a leading authority on sustainable development, land conservation, and smart growth. During the past 25 years, McMahon has assisted communities in all 50 states on a wide variety of community planning and economic development issues.
Location: College of Southern Maryland Center for Business and Industry, Room 113 La Plata, MD
All are welcome. Light refreshments will be served.
Contact: RSVPs are welcome: or 410.385.2910
©Maryland Native Plant Society PO Box 4877, Silver Spring, MD 20914MNPS is a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization incorporated in Maryland.