Title: MNPS Field Trip: Loch Raven Reservoir Watershed
Leaders: Dwight and Kirsten Johnson and Geoffrey Hoesch
This large reservoir watershed in Baltimore County has quality deciduous forest and has been home to diverse plant communities including umbrella magnolia. We will explore an area west of Warren Rd. This is an exploratory trip to see what herbaceous and woody plants we can find.
Directions: Parking is limited at the site. We will carpool from the Warren Rd Light Rail parking lot. From Baltimore on I-83 North, exit at Warren Rd, get into the left lane, and follow Warren Rd east for very short distance. The light rail station is on the left just before Beaver Dam Rd. Park in the lot to the right. On a Sunday morning we should have no trouble finding each other, but if in doubt, call. NOTE: there is no exit onto Warren Rd coming from the north on I-83 South.
Contact: dwightmjohnson at, 551-486-8518 (Dwight cell phone)
Bring: Water. Field guides and hand lenses if you have them. Lunch or snacks if you wish. Dress appropriately. We may go off trail, and we could encounter poison ivy, brambles and ticks.
Registration: Required. Limited to 15.
©Maryland Native Plant Society PO Box 4877, Silver Spring, MD 20914MNPS is a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization incorporated in Maryland.