Directions: Cecil College Web Page
Check the Conference Page for other details.
Online Registration will close September 14. Walk-in registrations will be accepted.
Registration Fees After August 1, 2014: Members $75; Nonmembers: $85
Download the Field Trip Descriptions to make registration easier
Saturday afternoon and Sunday Field Trips will be important venues to expand on the theme. Field trip registration is available when you register for the Conference. Due to size limits on some trips, you are not guaranteed a spot in your first or second choice trips. You will receive a confirmation before the conference for which trip you are registered.
$30 per person 5pm-9pm Dress is "field botany casual."
Go to and log in (Group password is MNPScarpool) and enter your request. This service is strictly based on member input--MNPS will not add an individual to this site. Also see..Carpooling
Undergraduates and graduates studying plant taxonomy, plant ecology, landscaping with native plants, and restoration ecology are invited to submit a poster proposal.
©Maryland Native Plant Society PO Box 4877, Silver Spring, MD 20914MNPS is a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization incorporated in Maryland.