The Maryland Native Plant Society

The Maryland Native Plant Society

Year of the Oak Photos

Throughout 2012, MNPS encourages our members and friends to learn about the diversity of oaks found in Maryland, Wasington, DC, Virginia, and across the region.

If you have photos of our native oaks, including leaves, acorns, bark, and flowers, please share them with us. 

See MNPS members photo albums of Oaks...

Here are a few requirements for photos:

  • We prefer if members upload the photos as an Album on their profile page. The images can be larger size (although if you upload many photos, you may run out of server space!) Instructions are coming soon.
  • Email when the album is done, and we'll create a link on the Members Photo page.
  • Identify by scientific name (we use the USDA Plants Database nomenclature)
  • Include the following: your name, the photographer’s name, the date taken, the location taken.
  • Provide a a caption that includes other relevant information such as location, time of year, interesting facts.
  • As a last resort, e-mail the photo and information to info @; Must be in JPEG (.jpg) format and file size should be < 200 KB;

Photos with people: get permission from the individuals in the photo to use the photo on the web site; include that with your photo. If there are any children in the photo, provide the parent's permission to use the photo. Many people don’t like to unexpectedly find themselves in pictures on web sites.


<< All album photos 10/11 photos
Blackjack Oak, Q. marilandica, Pointed-lobed form of leaves on tree at Travilah Serpentine Barrens, Montgomery County, Maryland. Photo by R.H. Simmons.
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