2020 and 2021 are the years of the grasses.
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, we could not hold our normal field trips and programs. Fortunately, we have been able to hold a series of webinars that focus on grasses.
2021 will be the year of the Graminoids which includes grasses (family Poaceae), sedges (Cyperaceae) and rushes (Juncaceae). Grasses were the featured plant group for 2020 but the corona virus made it difficult to give them the attention they deserve. There were no society-sponsored field trips to study grasses up close and personal. Excellent monthly webinars helped with presentations on grass identification, wild rice marshes, serpentine barrens, and native grasses for home gardens, and an overview of Maryland's grasslands by the Director of the Southeast Grasslands Initiative, for the annual conference.
ResourcesGrasses, Sedges, Rushes; Lauren Brown and Ted Elliman; 2020; Yale University Press. https://g.co/kgs/3TyoPz Grasses of Washington, D.C.; Kamal M. Ibrahim, Paul M. Peterson; 2014; Smithsonian Contributions to Botany No. 99, Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press; 139 pgs.; ISSN: 0081-024X (print); 1938-2812 (online). Online version available through: http://opensi.si.edu/index.php/smithsonian/catalog/book/66. Maryland Grasses. Norton, J. B. S. 1930. The University of Maryland Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 323. September 1930.https://www.alexandriava.gov/uploadedFiles/recreation/parks/Norton193MarylandGrasses.pdf Agnes Chases' First Book of Grasses Field Guide to Grasses of the Mid-Atlantic Region. Sarah Chamberlain; 2018; Keystone Books, Penn State Univ. Press. 184 pp; ISBN: 978-0-271-07869-4. In Defense of Plants Podcast. Episode 288 "Doin' Good by Grasses" https://www.indefenseofplants.com/podcast/2020/10/25/ep-288-doin-good-by-grasses | Grass Identification For Dummies Like Us with Kevin Dodge |
Native Grasses for Use in Home Gardens with Sara TangrenHistory of Open Lands | From Marshes to MeadowsRestoring Wild Rice Marshes, the Anacostia River's Filters |