The Maryland Native Plant Society

The Maryland Native Plant Society

News and Action

  • 02/22/2022 8:31 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Mitigation banks create or restore stream or wetland habitat, allowing developers to buy “credits” to offset environmental damage done as part of projects elsewhere. These “stream restorations” don’t actually restore streams but are engineering projects that use heavy machinery to convert natural forested streams into man-made channels, compacting the soil and killing trees and wildlife. Davey Resource Group is proposing to develop an Umbrella Mitigation Banking Instrument for mitigation for projects in Maryland, with the Lake Elkhorn Project at the first site in this bank. These projects will destroy valuable habitat without addressing the actual cause of excess runoff that degrades streams and wetlands. The Maryland Native Plant Society supports the Sierra Club’s Campaign to recommend denial of the permits for the Lake Elkhorn Project and the proposed statewide Umbrella Mitigation Bank Instrument.

    Please take a moment to protect Maryland native plant habitat by clicking on this link to a Sierra Club campaign to stop destruction of riparian forests - just a few clicks are required. The deadline is February 23.

    Go to "Protect Our Streams And Forested Valleys In Maryland" at

    For more information, see the resources linked here:

  • 05/04/2018 1:46 PM | Anonymous member

    We can help DNR track "watchlist" species - ranked S3. Here are some that bloom in the spring and are easy to ID: Cypripedium parviflorum (Yellow Lady's-slipper), Delphinium tricorne (Dwarf Larkspur), Hybanthus concolor (Green Violet), Kalmia angustifolia (Sheep Laurel), Myosotis verna (Spring Forget-me-not), Primula media (Eastern Shooting star).

    If you see any of these - or any other S3 plant - please note the exact location and try to take a photo. Then either contribute the record to the Maryland Biodiversity Project,, or send an email to We'll take it from there. Locations of species likely to be poached will not be shared publicly.

    Click here to find a list of Maryland's Rare, Threatened and Endangered Plants. 

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