The Maryland Native Plant Society

The Maryland Native Plant Society

Eastern Shore Chapter

Counties included: Caroline, Cecil, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Anne’s, Somerset, Talbot, Wicomico, and Worcester.

Mission & Purpose

The ES Chapter endeavors to promote improved understanding, documentation, and conservation of the plants, plant communities, and ecoregions of the Eastern Shore. Field trips will focus on less known or poorly documented sites. Emphasis will be placed on documenting plant species during each visit using iNaturalist and identifying sites in need of non-native invasive plant control. Success relies on building a community of passionate and dedicated partners invested in achieving these goals.

Note: The ES Chapter is assisting with the 2025 MNPS Annual Conference which is focused on ecosystems of the Eastern Shore and will be held in Kent County, Maryland.


Cristina Niciporciukas (Chair) & Jil Swearingen (Co-Chair),

Upcoming Events

Local Resources

Please see Environmental Concern for plant sales and classes.

Adkins Arboretum has a full calendar of events and activities related to native plants and their habitats. Please see their website for details.

Adkins Arboretum is a 400-acre native garden and preserve in Caroline County on Maryland's Eastern Shore, dedicated to promoting the appreciation and conservation of the region's native plants. Five miles of paths along streams, through meadows and native plant gardens, and under the shade of a rich bottomland forest attract nature lovers, gardeners, students and birders. The Arboretum offers programs year-round in ecology, horticulture, and natural history for all ages. The site features over 600 species of native shrubs, trees, wildflowers, and grasses.

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