Leaders: Wes Knapp and Cris Fleming
Furnace Town, which is bordered by a portion of the Nature Conservancy Nassawango Preserve, is situated in the middle of the Pocomoke Forest. A wide diversity of flora and fauna thrive all around. A nature trail through a cypress forest leads to the restored 19th century Nassawango Iron Furnace and an early 1800’s village which illustrates how people on the lower Eastern Shore lived. The Furnacetown area is a deposit of late pleistoscene aged sands. The obvious topographic features stand out in the very flat landscape of the Eastern Shore. These sandy dunes support a forested community found only on the Delmarva Peninsula. Other highlights in the vicinity that we will explore include a Bald Cypress swamp, a botanically diverse powerline right-of-way, and a short-leaf pine dominated forest. Sturdy hiking boots are a must. Sunscreen, hat, and bug repellent are strongly recommended. These properties are owned and managed by the State of Maryland's Pocomoke State Forest and The Nature Conservancy.
Registration is restricted to the fall conference attendees. You can select this field trip when you register for the conference.
Fall Conference information
©Maryland Native Plant Society PO Box 4877, Silver Spring, MD 20914MNPS is a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization incorporated in Maryland.