The Maryland Native Plant Society

The Maryland Native Plant Society
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  • Glen Heights Forest and Bear Swamp (Fall Conference)

Glen Heights Forest and Bear Swamp (Fall Conference)

  • 09/19/2015
  • 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
  • Maryland
  • 1


  • Field Trips are open to Conference participants only.

Leader: Joan Maloof

This small gem of a forest (14 acres) is owned by a developer who plans to destroy it and build 92 housing units. It is one of the few forests in the city limits of Salisbury that has never been clear-cut or cleared for agriculture or development. The forest retains the tree species diversity and structure exhibited by our original native forests. Some of the trees are exceptionally large, including Red Oaks, White Oaks, Black Oaks, Sycamores, and Pines, all over 9 feet in circumference! One ancient pond pine (Pinus serotina) appears to be the new state champion (92’ ht + 112” circ. + 47 acw = 216 points), although it has not been registered yet because landowner permission is required. Other tree species include Holly, Tulip Poplar, Sweetbay Magnolia, Virginia Pine, Dogwood, Red Maple, and Hickory. Unusual tree species include Horse-Sugar (Symplocus tinctoria) and Atlantic White Cedar. One Atlantic White Cedar is 4 feet in circumference. Not much walking, fairly easy terrain, but no developed trails, which may be muddy in places.

Registration is restricted to the fall conference attendees. You can select this field trip when you register for the conference.

Fall Conference information

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