RECORDED PROGRAMS and WEBINARS are on the MNPS YouTube channel (under Videos) and on the MNPS Facebook Page (under Videos)

The Maryland Native Plant Society

MNPS Online Programs


Welcome to MNPS virtual programs via Zoom! You can join our virtual events by computer, smartphone, or tablet with a high-speed internet connection. If you are driving or otherwise unable to connect via internet, you can alternatively call in by phone to listen and participate by audio only. Please prepare in advance by downloading the Zoom app to your device.

Logging into this web site does not log you into Zoom. After you register for an event, look for the confirmation email with the Zoom link. 

Download the Zoom app

  1. Download and install the free app either directly from Zoom (select “Zoom Client for Meetings”) or through your device’s app store (select “Zoom Cloud Meetings”).
  2. If you like, open the Zoom app and create an account (recommended if you will be joining future meetings), but it is not necessary for participating in a meeting.

By Phone

  1. In your email containing the meeting invitation, you will have received various phone numbers for joining by phone audio only.* Choose the location nearest you, dial in, and follow any recorded instructions.
  2. You will be prompted to enter the meeting ID, which is the 9, 10, or 11 digit ID you received in the email.
  3. You will be prompted to enter your unique participant ID (only recommended if you are viewing the meeting video via desktop or mobile; not needed if you are participating by phone only—press # to skip)*.
  4. You can find more details in the Zoom help documentation.

*If you are joining the meeting to view it on desktop or mobile, you will be presented with the option to join by computer audio or phone call. Selecting “Phone Call” will provide you the list of dial-in numbers as well as Meeting ID and Participant ID.

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