The Maryland Native Plant Society


Throughout the year, programs are offered in the evening featuring speakers on topics as varied as identification, habitats, landscaping, and stewardship. Many programs include brief business meetings of the society.

    • 04/29/2025
    • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
    • Zoom Meeting

    Speaker: Mark Brownlee


    Zoom opens at 7:00PM for pre-program board update and member Q&A. Presentations begin at 7:30PM and generally run until 8:45PM. 

    Healthier Lawns for a Healthier Environment – A conversation about “wild” lawns

    Take a visual tour of native wild lawns and explore what they are, where they are, and why they exist. Learn what you need to do to get your own wild lawn, and the type of maintenance that they require.

    Mark is an engineer, an ecologist, and a botanist. He has been designing and leading restoration programs throughout the mid-Atlantic for nearly 20 years. Mark specializes in discovering why native plants and native plant communities emerge in some places but not others. His favorite ecosystem is high elevation bogs. He is married with two kids in college.

    We can accommodate the first 300 people who enter the Zoom meeting at the meeting time. After you register, you will receive a registration confirmation email with a link to the Zoom meeting. Registering does not guarantee a space in the Zoom meeting. 

    Zoom opens at 7:00PM for pre-program board update and member Q&A. Presentations begin at 7:30PM and generally run until 8:45PM. 

    The program is free and open to the public.

    This will be recorded and available on our Webinars page.

    If you enjoy MNPS programs please consider clicking here to make a donation. And don't forget to renew your membership!

    Note that if you donate through the event registration, and subsequently cancel, the donation will temporarily appear as a credit.  It will take time for the donation to be reinstituted to your account.  Donations and membership dues are non-refundable.

    • 06/24/2025
    • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
    • Zoom Meeting

    Speaker:  Jorge Bogantes Montero


    Zoom opens at 7:00PM for pre-program board update and member Q&A. Presentations begin at 7:30PM and generally run until 8:45PM. 

    The Anacostia River once had extensive tidal emergent wetlands dominated by Wild Rice (Zizania aquatica), an essential plant in this aquatic ecosystem. Centuries of habitat destruction and neglect deeply changed the riparian landscape of this river in the nation’s capital. For more than two decades, the Anacostia Watershed Society (AWS) has embarked on an ecosystem restoration journey to try to recover these amazing tidal marshlands, but in a very different River in the 21st century. Since 2020, wild rice has been thriving and even expanding in acreage as a result of our restoration efforts in what is a true restoration success story. Every summer, with the blooming of wild rice and more wildlife sightings, we grow more hopeful and treasure the recovery of a riverine ecosystem in the middle of a major city.

    Jorge Bogantes Montero is a Natural Resources Specialist at the Anacostia Watershed Society in Bladensburg, MD. He leads ecological restoration efforts on public parklands in the Anacostia River watershed (in both DC and MD), including wetland restoration, tree plantings, meadow creation, SAV propagation, mussel propagation, wildlife monitoring, and invasive plant management. Mr. Bogantes Montero has a Bachelor's degree in Natural Resource Management and Protection from the Universidad Estatal a Distancia in San Jose, Costa Rica, his native country. Before moving to the U.S., Jorge worked in his country in issues related to tropical biodiversity conservation.

    The program is free and open to the public.

    We can accommodate the first 300 people who enter the Zoom meeting at the meeting time. After you register, you will receive a registration confirmation email with a link to the Zoom meeting. Registering does not guarantee a space in the Zoom meeting. 

    This will be recorded and available on our Webinars page.

    If you enjoy MNPS programs please consider clicking here to make a donation. And don't forget to renew your membership!

    Note that if you donate through the event registration, and subsequently cancel, the donation will temporarily appear as a credit.  It will take time for the donation to be reinstituted to your account.  Donations and membership dues are non-refundable.

Past Programs

03/25/2025 MNPS Monthly Program: Charles Branch Conservation Park with Dominic Quattrocchi & Kerry Wixted
02/25/2025 MNPS Monthly Program: Rare Plants & Ecosystems of Mountain Maryland with Clara Thiel
01/28/2025 MNPS Monthly Program: Introduction to Winter Tree Identification by Bradley Simpson
11/26/2024 MNPS Monthly Program: Community Native Plant Project with Diane Beedle
10/29/2024 MNPS Monthly Program: Uncommon to Rare Apiaceae in Maryland with Rod Simmons
09/24/2024 MNPS Monthly Program: Home is Where the Grassland Is with Chris Ludwig
08/27/2024 MNPS Monthly Program: Maryland Trees Under Attack: What We Can Do with Faith Campbell
07/30/2024 MNPS Monthly Program: Implementing Climate Resilient Living Shorelines in Maryland with Wesley Gould
06/25/2024 MNPS Monthly Program: Ask A Bumble Bee! Exploring Bumble Bee Floral Preference by Jenan El-Hifnawi
05/28/2024 MNPS Monthly Program: Plants for Pollinators: Getting Reliably Safe Plants by Sharon Selvaggio
04/30/2024 MNPS Program: Trapa bispinosa (two-horned trapa, water chestnut) a New Species of Water Chestnut spreading rapidly in Virginia and Maryland
04/23/2024 MNPS Monthly Program: Using iNaturalist to Document Plant Diversity by Deborah Barber
03/30/2024 MNPS Program: Identifying Spring Ephemerals, Calvert County (Saturday)
03/26/2024 MNPS Monthly Program: Managing Microstegium by Art Gover and Luke Flory
03/09/2024 MNPS Hybrid Program and Field Trip: Into the Weeds: A Forager's Way to Garden (Saturday)
02/27/2024 MNPS Monthly Program: Tiny Forests, Big Results? by Joe Chambers and Andrew Putnam
01/30/2024 MNPS Monthly Program: Are Native Plants Warming to a Changing Climate? by Dr. Sara Tangren
11/28/2023 MNPS Monthly Program: Invader Detectives by Damien Ossi and Megan Carr
10/31/2023 MNPS Monthly Program: Lessons from an insect egg hunt by Madeline Potter
09/26/2023 MNPS Monthly Program: Research on Maryland's dying ash forests by Andrew Baldwin
08/29/2023 No August MNPS Monthly Program
07/25/2023 MNPS Monthly Program: Biological Control of Invasive Plants Using Insects by Ellen Lake
06/27/2023 MNPS Monthly Program: Ecological gardening with climate change resilience by Bethany Bradley
06/27/2023 MNPS Monthly Program: Ecological Gardening with Climate Change by Bethany Bradley
06/15/2023 Wild Ones: All About Ferns Zoom (Thursday)
05/23/2023 MNPS Monthly Program: Life Cycles, Landscape Practices & Growing Native Plants From Seed by Heather McCargo
03/18/2023 MNPS Hybrid Program and Field Trip: Foraging and Cooking with Invasive and Non-native Plants. (Saturday)
02/28/2023 MNPS Monthly Program: Creating Wildlife Habitat In Our Powerline Corridors
05/14/2022 Mountain Maryland Native Plant Festival
09/28/2021 MNPS Program: Native Grasses, Sedges and Rushes For Gardens and Landscapes
08/31/2021 MNPS Program: Non-Native Earthworms and Their Effects on Temperate Forest Soils
07/27/2021 MNPS Program: National Park Forests in the Eastern US: Ecological Value and Natural Resource Challenges
06/29/2021 MNPS Program: Human Impacts On Native Plants & Insects: Restoring Biodiversity
05/25/2021 MNPS Program: Gardening For Pollinators
05/08/2021 MT MD Native Plant Fest - Cancelled but virtual program & plants available!!!
05/04/2021 MNPS Program, Western Mountains Chapter: Super-Tough Wildflowers
04/27/2021 MNPS Program: Grasses That Bloom in the Spring
03/30/2021 MNPS Program: 50 Shades of Green--and yellow, pink, lavender, white... native spring wildflowers and foliage
02/23/2021 MNPS Program: Maryland's Fire History: Using Fire To Restore Natural Communities
02/09/2021 MNPS Program (members only): Plant ID Show and Tell
01/27/2021 MNPS Advocacy: MAGLEV Letter Writing Zoom Meeting
01/26/2021 MNPS Program: Diversity of a Serpentine Grassland at Bare Hills Barrens, Lake Roland Park: A 20 Year Study
11/12/2020 MNPS Program, Western Mountains Chapter: Making Central Appalachian Forests More Resilient: Restoring Late-successional forest structure
10/27/2020 MNPS Program (Tuesday): Flora and Fauna of Patuxent Refuge and Beltsville Agricultural Center: The Looming Threat From a MAGLEV/Federal Plan
10/08/2020 MNPS Program, Western Mountains Chapter (Thursday): Grass Identification For Dummies Like Us: How To Get Started Figuring Out Grasses
09/29/2020 MNPS Program (Tuesday): Native Grasses For Use in Home Gardens and Native Meadows
08/25/2020 MNPS Program (Tuesday): Native Planting and Other Yard Landscaping Techniques: An Insect's Point of View
07/28/2020 MNPS Program (Tuesday): History of Open Landscapes in the Mid-Atlantic Region
06/30/2020 MNPS Program (Tuesday): Native Plants: A Pollinator's Perspective
06/18/2020 Western Mountains: Program - CANCELLED
06/16/2020 MLGC: CANCELLED
05/26/2020 MNPS Program (Tuesday): Of Rice & Rails: The Delicate Ecology of Wild Rice Marshes on the Patuxent River-CANCELLED
05/19/2020 MLGC: Program
04/28/2020 MNPS Program (Tuesday): MDs Native Grasslands and Meadow, Plus City Nature Challenge ID Help-CANCELLED
03/31/2020 MNPS Program (Tuesday): Native planting and other yard landscape techniques: an insect's point of view-RESCHEDULED TO JULY 28 2020
03/17/2020 MLGC: Program
03/12/2020 Western Mountains: March Meeting & Program
02/25/2020 MNPS Program (Tuesday): An Introduction to the Year of the Grasses
02/13/2020 Western Mountains: February Meeting & Program
01/28/2020 MNPS Program (Tuesday): Discover the Full Capabilities of iNaturalist
11/26/2019 MNPS Annual Meeting and Program (Tuesday): Emerald Ash Borer Update
11/14/2019 Western Mountains: November Meeting & Program
10/29/2019 MNPS Program (Tuesday): Parasitic Plants Part 2
10/10/2019 Western Mountains: October Meeting & Program
09/24/2019 MNPS Program (Tuesday): From Mountains to Saltmarsh - Rediscovering Maryland Ornithological Society Sanctuaries
09/19/2019 Western Mountains: Workshop
08/27/2019 MNPS Program (Tuesday): "Area-wide Tick Control in Suburban Communities"
08/17/2019 Western Mountains: Outdoor Activity
07/31/2019 Western Mountains: Outdoor Activity
07/30/2019 MNPS Program (Tuesday): "Dark Secrets on the Forest Floor"
07/15/2019 Western Mountains: Outdoor Activity
06/25/2019 MNPS Program (Tuesday): "How to recognize old-growth forests, and what makes them so special"
06/25/2019 Western Mountains: Outdoor Activity
06/12/2019 Western Mountains: Outdoor Activity
05/31/2019 Serpentine Barrens of the Northern Piedmont-Nottingham, PA (Friday)
05/28/2019 MNPS Program (Tuesday): "The Mushroom Chronicles: Why Plants Need Fungi""
05/25/2019 Pomonkey Forest Native Plant Walk and Trash Cleanup (Saturday)
05/24/2019 Western Mountains: Outdoor Activity
05/06/2019 Western Mountains: Outdoor Activity
04/30/2019 MNPS Program (Tuesday): "Are the Little Things Running the World?"
04/26/2019 Western Mountains: Outdoor Activity
03/26/2019 MNPS Program (Tuesday): Emerald Ash Borer Update for Maryland
03/23/2019 Creating Biodiversity in Your Environment (Baltimore County Forestry Board workshop)
03/14/2019 Western Mountains: March Meeting & Program
02/26/2019 MNPS Program (Tuesday): Invisible Connections - Introduction to Parasitic Plants
02/14/2019 Western Mountains: February Meeting & Program
02/09/2019 Rock Creek Orchid Club program-Native Orchids
11/27/2018 MNPS Program (Tuesday): O Where Are The Pines Of Piney Branch?
11/08/2018 Western Mountains: November Meeting & Program
10/30/2018 MNPS Program (Tuesday): Insects associated with local Apocynaceae, with side trips to the Caribbean and Horn of Africa
10/11/2018 Western Mountains: October Meeting & Program
09/25/2018 MNPS Program (Tuesday): Naked Mountain, The Delights and Challenges of Owning a Virginia Natural Area Preserve
08/28/2018 MNPS Program (Tuesday): Helping Nature Help Itself
08/06/2018 Western Mountains: Outdoor Activity
07/31/2018 MNPS Program (Tuesday): Milkweeds and Their Communities
07/16/2018 Western Mountains: Outdoor Activity
06/29/2018 Western Mountains: Outdoor Activity
06/26/2018 MNPS Program (Tuesday): The Algae of Maryland: Diversity, Distribution and Environmental Importance
06/08/2018 Western Mountains: Outdoor Activity
05/29/2018 MNPS Program (Tuesday): Ferns in the Natural Landscape
05/07/2018 Western Mountains: Outdoor Activity
04/24/2018 MNPS Program (Tuesday): Spring Wildflowers
04/22/2018 Environmental Concern Celebrates Earth Day at Layton's Chance Winery
04/16/2018 Western Mountains: Outdoor Activity
04/07/2018 Fish Grow On Trees-Wildlife Considerations for Streamside Forest Buffer Plantings (Carroll County)
03/27/2018 MNPS Program (Tuesday): The Limits of Restoration
03/20/2018 Mountain Laurel Garden Club
03/13/2018 Allegany & Garrett Counties' Bird Club
03/08/2018 Western Mountains: March Meeting & Program
02/27/2018 MNPS Program (Tuesday): Dogbanes and Milkweeds
02/08/2018 Western Mountains: February Meeting & Program
01/30/2018 MNPS Program (Tuesday): Life on the Edge
12/03/2017 Water Forum (sponsored by Sierra Club)
11/28/2017 MNPS Program (Tuesday): Members Share and (Short) Annual Meeting
10/24/2017 MNPS Program (Tuesday): The Botanical Society of Washington; Partnering for Plants
09/26/2017 MNPS Program (Tuesday): The Humane Gardener: Nurturing Habitat for Wildlife with author Nancy Lawson
08/29/2017 MNPS Program (Tuesday): Peas of Maryland
08/04/2017 Western Mountains Chapter: Outdoor Activity
07/25/2017 MNPS Program (Tuesday): How Geology Affects Plants: Examples Near Great Falls, MD
06/27/2017 MNPS Program (Tuesday): Transforming the Natural Heritage Plant List
06/08/2017 Hometown Habitat: Lecture & Documentary Film
06/02/2017 Western Mountains Chapter: Outdoor Activity
05/30/2017 MNPS Program (Tuesday): Fabaceae (Pea Family) of Our Region
05/05/2017 Western Mountains Chapter: Outdoor Activity
04/25/2017 MNPS Program: Native orchids - Ecologically interesting and deserving of MNPS support for their conservation
04/23/2017 MNPS Workshop: SERC Flora Project
03/28/2017 MNPS Program: Bringing Back the Grasslands, One Lawn at a Time
02/28/2017 MNPS Program: Vulnerability of Tidal Wetlands to Sea Level Rise (Tuesday)
01/31/2017 MNPS Program: A tale of two vines (Tuesday)
11/29/2016 The Science behind Wild and Designed Plant Communities (Tuesday)
10/28/2016 Additions, Deletions and Re-deletions to the Maryland Flora (Friday)
10/25/2016 Native Medicinal Plants: Cultivation, Conservation and Ethnobotany (Tuesday)
10/18/2016 Western Mountains Chapter: October Meeting & Program
10/01/2016 MNPS Program and Field Trip: Introduction to Native Plants and Visit to Cavano's Perennials (Saturday)
09/27/2016 Documenting Maryland's Flora Through Space and Time: the Norton-Brown Herbarium and the Maryland Plant Atlas
08/30/2016 Native Plant Production Utilizing Seeds of Local Ecotype
07/26/2016 Creating Beautiful Landscapes for Pollinator and Wildlife Habitat: Smithsonian Gardens to Your Front Yard (Tuesday)
06/28/2016 Conifer Diversity in Maryland: Identification and Ecology (Tuesday)
05/31/2016 Update on Wavyleaf Basketgrass: Habitat, Dispersal, Competition and Control (Tuesday)
04/26/2016 Signs of Deer
03/29/2016 Year of the Conifer (Tuesday)
03/17/2016 Native Plants in the Landscape (Thursday)
02/23/2016 Vegetation Dynamics in Serpentine Soil (Tuesday)
01/26/2016 Year of the Conifer- CANCELED DUE TO SNOW AND ICE
11/17/2015 Holiday Social and Members Share Night
10/27/2015 Native Plants of the Mid-Atlantic: Botanical Artists for Education and the Environment
10/20/2015 Western Mts Chapter Program: An Evaluation of Pest and Disease Vulnerability of DC Urban Street Trees
10/17/2015 Western Mts Chapter Program: Ginseng Talk & Fall Foliage Walk
09/29/2015 Ecological Restoration of Invaded Urban Forests
08/25/2015 What's in a Name? Botanical Names Explored
08/18/2015 Western Mountains Chapter Program
07/28/2015 MNPS Program: NatureServe- A Network Approach to Conserving Plants
06/30/2015 MNPS Program: Native and Non-native Vines in Maryland’s Natural Areas
06/16/2015 Woodland Ecosystems Urban Design (Tuesday)
06/13/2015 Bay-Wise and Beautiful Garden Tour (Saturday)
05/26/2015 Non-native invasive insects and diseases: What do they like to eat and attack?
05/07/2015 MNPS Northeast Chapter Program
05/07/2015 Douglas Tallamy- Book Signing and Presentation
04/28/2015 Effects of Non-native Earthworms on Mid-Atlantic Forest Soils
03/31/2015 Statewide Eyes Program: A Citizen Science Contribution to Protecting Maryland Biodiversity
02/24/2015 Year of the Vines
01/27/2015 The Effects of Climate Change on Native Plants
10/28/2014 A Year in Rock Creek Park: the Wild, Wooded Heart of Washington, DC
09/30/2014 Deer Overabundance: Unintended Ecological Consequences
08/26/2014 Herbal Uses for Native Plants - and a few pioneers...
07/29/2014 The Maryland Amphibian Reptile Atlas
06/24/2014 Amelanchier (Shadbush) of the Potomac Gorge
05/27/2014 The Decline of Orchid Populations in the Catoctin Mountains
05/04/2014 Native Plant Palooza
04/29/2014 Maryland Botanical Heritage Work Group Report Highlights
03/25/2014 The Mysterious Biology of Native Orchids
02/25/2014 Maryland Biodiversity Project
01/28/2014 MNPS Monthly Program: Introduction to the Rose Family in Maryland
01/22/2014 Plant Conservation Lecture Series- United States Botanic Garden
11/26/2013 MNPS Monthly Program: Members Share and (Short) Annual Meeting
10/29/2013 MNPS Monthly Program: How Are Mountain Wildflowers and Pollinators Responding to a Changing Climate?
10/22/2013 MNPS Program: Learn about Lupines and Invasive Plants
09/24/2013 MNPS Monthly Program: Challenges of Native Prairie Coastal Restoration
08/27/2013 MNPS Monthly Program: Geology and Natural History of Maryland
07/30/2013 MNPS Monthly Program: Let’s Do Lunch-The Uneasy Relationship Between Ungulates and the Landscapes They Inhabit
06/25/2013 MNPS Monthly Program: From Mountains to Sea: Maryland’s Natural Areas
05/28/2013 MNPS Monthly Program: The Path from Heath to Gardens
05/15/2013 MNPS Program: Native Plant Garden Tour
05/14/2013 Movie Night and "Early-Bird" Walk
04/30/2013 MNPS Monthly Program: Heath Diversity in Maryland
03/26/2013 MNPS Monthly Program: The Ecology of Wavyleaf Basketgrass
02/26/2013 MNPS Monthly Program: Introduction to Maryland's Heaths
01/29/2013 MNPS Monthly Program: Oak Hybrids of Our Region
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