The Maryland Native Plant Society

2011: The Year of the Fern

" — the ferns of various species and in various stages, some now in their most perfect and beautiful condition, completely unfolded, tender and delicate, but perfect in all their details, far more than any lace work — the most elaborate leaf we have." From the Journal of Henry David Thoreau, 1853, quoted in Thoreau's Garden by Peter Loewer, StellaRosaBooks 1996.

Maidenhair Fern, Adiantum pedatum

Maidenhair Fern, Adiantum pedatum

In 2011, between the unfurling of the first fiddlehead and the time the snow flies, we  challenged ourselves to learn the ferns of Maryland. We had some fun and educational field trips and programs planned to help us all increase our knowledge and appreciation of the native ferns of Maryland, their habits and their habitats.

Here are some plant lists from trips taken during "Year of the Fern." The Plant Lists Page has many more lists from MNPS field trips.
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