The Maryland Native Plant Society

Upcoming events

    • 03/11/2025
    • 04/27/2025
    • Rockville MD (Montgomery County)

    Online Ordering Until April 11

    Cub Scout Pack 493 is back for a 3rd year doing our native plant fundraiser!

    Order by April 11 and make a difference in your community. Support local wildlife conservation efforts and help empower local Scouting programs.

    Online Sale runs from March 6-April 11 — Order at

    Plant Pickups April 26 & 27: Our friendly Scouts will offer two pickup dates/locations this year in Rockville, MD for your convenience:

    Saturday April 26, 2025, 9am–noon
    Rock Creek Valley Elementary School
    5121 Russett Road, Rockville MD 20853

    Sunday April 27, 2025, 11:30am–1:30pm
    Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Rockville
    100 Welsh Park Drive, Rockville MD 20850

    NOTE: If you (or a friend) cannot pick up your plants during these dates/times, please contact prior to ordering to make alternative pickup arrangements. Custom pickups will be located in Rockville.

    • 03/21/2025
    • 8:00 AM
    • 04/30/2025
    • 11:59 PM
    • Snow Hill, Worcester County

    Online orders accepted from now until April 30.

    Plant selection:

    Pick Date and Location: All orders are available for pick up at the Lower Shore Land Trust's office on May 2 and May 3. Address: 100 River Street, Snow Hill, MD 21863.

    For additional information: 443-234-5587

    • 03/30/2025
    • 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
    • Gwynns Falls/Leakin Park, Baltimore
    • 0
    Registration is closed

    Co-sponsoring Organization: Co-sponsors Friends of Gwynns Falls/Leakin Park

    Leader: Thayer Young, co-host Judy Fulton

    Location: Gwynns Falls/Leakin Park, Baltimore

    This 1,000 acre piedmont stream valley park contains 842 acres of forest in the midst of the Baltimore Mafic Complex. The walk will explore the stream valley, an island with a more isolated character, rock outcrops, some seeps and a hillside area beginning its second growing season recovering from a brush fire.

    Plant lists for GFLP, Thayer Young and Charlie Davis: 

    Thayer Young is a volunteer with the Friends of Gwynns Falls/Leakin Park, and tries to walk each trail in the park in each season. He recently worked with FOGFLP to update and redo the trail map brochure that is available at the main entrances to the park and can also be downloaded. His day job is making maps and databases for small nonprofits, but he also loves to identify plants and is working with Charlie Davis on a plant list for the park. The list includes 200+ species so far.

    Notes: This is about 1 mile trail, moderate with some hills

    For additional information: 

    ONLINE REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. Limited to 15 people. Directions will be included in registration confirmation.
    • 04/05/2025
    • 1:00 PM
    • Mineral County Technical Center, Keyser, WV

    WV - TACF Spring Meeting

    The American chestnut was once an ecologically and economically important tree of the Appalachian forests here where we live.  In the early 1900’s, an imported blight fungus spread rapidly and killed most of the trees, but some survive and provide hope for the future.

    Come to the spring meeting of the West Virginia chapter of The American Chestnut Foundation and learn about the story of the American chestnut and our efforts to restore this iconic tree to our forests.

    The meeting is at the Mineral County Technical Center located at 981 Harley O Staggers Drive in Keyser, West Virginia.  Registration is not required.  For more information email Bernie Coyle at

    • 04/05/2025
    • 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
    • ACLT South Side Trails, Calvert County
    • 0
    Registration is closed

    Leader: Kathy Daniel and David Braun

    Location: American Chestnut Land Trust, South Side, Calvert County

    • 1pm Slide show at Scientists’ Cliffs Association (SCA) Community House
    • 2pm Walk on a nearby ACLT trail to identify ephemeral spring wildflowers

    Please join us for a Spring Wildflower Show and Tell followed by a walk in the American Chestnut Land Trust (ACLT). It will be a great time to review the wildflowers in our area and hopefully identify some not so common native species. Several knowledgeable “botanizers” will be present to help answer questions and identify our ephemeral (fleeting) wildflowers during the walk.

    We will meet at the Scientists’ Cliffs Community House for the slide show, then walk to ACLT. Wear sensible walking shoes and garments to fit the weather. ACLT has miles of trails, but we normally only walk about a half mile as the plant identification tends to slow us down greatly.

    Kathy Daniel & David Braun are Maryland Master Naturalists and members of the Maryland Native Plant Society and Wild Ones Chesapeake Bay chapter.

    For additional information: David Braun,, 703-258-4998

    If it is raining heavily, we will have the slide show on April 5 at 1 pm and the walk on April 6 at 2 pm, providing the weather cooperates.

    ONLINE REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. Limited to 20 people.  Directions will be included in registration confirmation.

    Bring: tick repellant/clothes, water & snacks, field guides. There is usually a restroom (port-a-potty).


    Note that An "Account" is not A "Membership" Our website allows non-members to have a "Contact Account" to receive emails about upcoming field trips, programs, and other events. When you login, click on your name (it should be on the top right of the page); if there are no details on membership, you are have a "Contact Account" only.

    • 04/13/2025
    • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
    • C&O Canal Ferry Hill Plantation, Sharpsburg (Washington County)
    • 0
    Registration is closed

    Co-sponsoring Organization: C&O Canal National Historical Park

    Leader: Rachael Renzi & Bradley Simpson

    Location: Spring Ephemeral Walk at Ferry Hill Plantation, C&O Canal NHP

    Ferry Hill boasts fantastic limestone outcroppings and rich forests that are home to a diverse array of ephemeral wildflowers. Come admire the Dutchman’s breeches, spring beauties, anemone, trout lilies, dwarf larkspur, and many more!

    Rachael is a plant enthusiast who works at C&O Canal National Historical Park. Bradley is a MNPS Board Member and Habitat Manager at Nature Forward

    For additional information:  Bradley Simpson,, 443-433-8819

    ONLINE REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. Limited to 10 people. Registration through March 13 for members only.  Directions will be included in registration confirmation.

    Bring: Please bring whatever you need for a walk in the woods! This means good shoes, water, lunch, and snacks. Bring a hand lens if you have one, as well as your favorite identification resources.


    Note that An "Account" is not A "Membership" Our website allows non-members to have a "Contact Account" to receive emails about upcoming field trips, programs, and other events. When you login, click on your name (it should be on the top right of the page); if there are no details on membership, you are have a "Contact Account" only. Consider joining to support our programs and take advantage of members-only early registration.

    • 04/15/2025
    • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
    • Savage River State Forest, Garrett County, MD

    Invasive Species Removal Work 

    Action Alert! MD Senate & House bills currently under consideration threaten Bear Pen Run and other State designated Wildlands with the construction of overhead transmission lines. For more details & how to take action visit Engage Mountain Maryland.

    Adult volunteers are needed to continue control efforts of Japanese Spiraea and Garlic Mustard in the Bear Pen Run Wildland area of Savage River State Forest. These control efforts help preserve rare plants and animals such as Eastern Leatherwood and West Virginia White Butterfly. Bear Pen Run is designated as a  "Type I Wildland" [a primitive area which by its size and location is in effect untouched by urban civilization and can offer the experience of solitude and self-reliance. Type I wildlands are usually lands located at higher elevations that protect watersheds and are ecologically vulnerable to human interferences].  

    Savage River State Forest is providing logistical support. The Western Mountains Chapter of the Maryland Native Plant Society will provide snacks. Volunteers should bring their own water and tick spray, as well as wear water-proof trail shoes/boots since there are several stream crossings with rough terrain. There will be a limited number of work gloves available, if needed. Sorry, but no pets are allowed and no rest rooms are available. 

    For more information or to volunteer, please contact Ron Boyer by email at  Volunteers will be asked to provide a phone # and/or email address that can be used in case of a last minute cancellation due to severe weather or unforeseen circumstances. The rain/snow date is Thursday April 17.

    • 04/18/2025
    • 11:00 AM
    • 04/19/2025
    • 3:00 PM
    • Cranesville Swamp Preserve, Garrett County

    Join the MD/DC Chapter of The Nature Conservancy for this annual tradition!

    This year TNC will be planting at the intersection of Muddy Creek and Cranesville Roads. You may volunteer for one or both days, and stay for whatever portion of the planting hours is convenient for you. Planting will take place on Friday from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm and on Saturday from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. For more information about this important work or to register as a volunteer, please follow this link:

    • 04/21/2025
    • 09/25/2025
    • 12 sessions
    • New Germany State Park, Garrett County

    An Outdoor Volunteer & Learning Activity

    Leaders: Christine Campe-Price, Friends of New Germany State Park & Liz McDowell, MNPS

    Want to help preserve our regional biodiversity? Then bring your work gloves, kneeling pads, favorite weeding tools, & some elbow grease to remove unwanted plants from the native plant garden. As you work, you’ll learn how to identify common weeds and why protecting native plants is so critical for wildlife. Meet at the native plant garden near the dam. Please bring your own water bottle, insect spray, & sunscreen. In case of rain this activity will be cancelled.

    Directions: From I-68 take exit 22 and follow signs for New Germany State Park. Turn left into the park onto McAndrews Hill Road. The program will be held in the native plant garden near parking lot #5.

    No registration.

    • 04/27/2025
    • 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
    • Assateague State Boat Ramp, Worcester County

    Co-sponsoring Organizations: 

    • Wild Ones Delmarva
    • Maryland DNR
    • Maryland Park Service

    Location:  Assateague State Park Boat Ramp.  Address: Near 7200 Stephen Decatur Hwy, Berlin, MD (left ride of Rt 611 just before crossing the bridge to Assateague Island) 

    Description:  Join the Eastern Shore Chapter as we welcome spring at this free family event. Learn about pollinators, pick up fun free gifts, and enter a raffle for a chance to enter gift cards, merchandise, and more!  This event is open to the public.  This is also a chance to meet the Eastern Shore Chapter Chair Cristina Niciporciukas. 

    Notes: For more information, please contact:
    Cristina Niciporciukas or Ava Fries


    Bring:  Hats, water bottle and your best smile!

    • 04/29/2025
    • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
    • Zoom Meeting

    Speaker: Mark Brownlee


    Zoom opens at 7:00PM for pre-program board update and member Q&A. Presentations begin at 7:30PM and generally run until 8:45PM. 

    Healthier Lawns for a Healthier Environment – A conversation about “wild” lawns

    Take a visual tour of native wild lawns and explore what they are, where they are, and why they exist. Learn what you need to do to get your own wild lawn, and the type of maintenance that they require.

    Mark is an engineer, an ecologist, and a botanist. He has been designing and leading restoration programs throughout the mid-Atlantic for nearly 20 years. Mark specializes in discovering why native plants and native plant communities emerge in some places but not others. His favorite ecosystem is high elevation bogs. He is married with two kids in college.

    We can accommodate the first 300 people who enter the Zoom meeting at the meeting time. After you register, you will receive a registration confirmation email with a link to the Zoom meeting. Registering does not guarantee a space in the Zoom meeting. 

    Zoom opens at 7:00PM for pre-program board update and member Q&A. Presentations begin at 7:30PM and generally run until 8:45PM. 

    The program is free and open to the public.

    This will be recorded and available on our Webinars page.

    If you enjoy MNPS programs please consider clicking here to make a donation. And don't forget to renew your membership!

    Note that if you donate through the event registration, and subsequently cancel, the donation will temporarily appear as a credit.  It will take time for the donation to be reinstituted to your account.  Donations and membership dues are non-refundable.

    • 05/03/2025
    • 9:00 AM
    • 05/05/2025
    • 5:00 PM
    • Boyds, Maryland
    Sponsored by Friends of Black Hill

    MEMBERS ONLY:  MAY 3, 2025, 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM


    • MAY 3, 2025, 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM
    • MAY 4, 2025, 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM

    Location Black Hill Regional Park
    Boyds, MD
    Black Hill Regional Park
    Discovery Center (formerly Visitor Center)
    20926 Lake Ridge Dr.
    Boyds, MD 20841

    For more information and list of plants available visit:

    For information contact
    Anita Pustelnik 
    FOBHNP Plant Sale Coordinator

    • 05/04/2025
    • 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
    • Millington, Kent County
    • 4

    Sponsor: Eastern Shore Chapter
    o-Sponsor: Maryland Biodiversity Project

    Leader:  Jim Brighton (Maryland Biodiversity Project, co-founder)

    Location: Park-n-Ride in Millington. Directions will be sent to all who register.

    Description:  Come and explore Kent County’s exciting natural areas. We will explore meadows, forested bottomlands, and Delmarva Bays; seasonal freshwater wetlands that hold interesting flora and fauna.  After meeting at Park-n-Ride, our first stop will be at Millington WMA along Black Bottom Road. From here we will drive to another section of Millington WMA where we will walk to a couple Delmarva Bays. Our next stop will be at Cypress Branch. This area is largely unexplored.  There are a couple large millponds and the forested bottomlands of Edmund’s Creek.  From here we will drive to Brown’s Branch WMA. This is also fairly unexplored.  The highlight here is the bottomlands of Browns Branch which hold interesting flora.  This is an all-day field trip, but one can stop at any time. 

    Notes: Most of the areas that we will be exploring lack well-developed trails. Much of our time will be walking through woods and meadows and the ground may be uneven, and conditions may be muddy depending on the weather.  Bring your camera and/or phone - we will document all living things we find on our way!

    For additional information:  Contact Cristina Niciporciukas

    ONLINE REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED.  Limited to 16 people.  Registration through May 1 for members only.  Directions will be included in registration confirmation.

    Bring:  Please bring food and beverage for lunch. Restroom facilities are non-existent. We will make a restroom stop at the Food Lion in Millington before visiting Cypress Branch SP.  While still early in the season, ticks and chiggers are always present, so please practice precautionary measures.  Wear hat and weather appropriate clothing. 


    Note that An "Account" is not A "Membership" Our website allows non-members to have a "Contact Account" to receive emails about upcoming field trips, programs, and other events. When you login, click on your name (it should be on the top right of the page); if there are no details on membership, you are have a "Contact Account" only. Consider joining to support our programs and take advantage of members-only early registration.

    • 05/10/2025
    • 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
    • New Germany State Park, Garrett County, MD

    Discover the important connection between native plants, people, & wildlife! (download event flyer)

    • Plants native to the Mid-Atlantic region! (Some nurseries accept preorders for pickup at the event; contact each nursery directly to arrange) 

    Backyard Forest- Bellefonte, PA 

    Evergreen Heritage Center - Mount Savage, MD 

    Native Roots, Inc. - Mineral Wells, WV

    Wild Indigo Native Nursery - Grantsville, MD 

    Wood Thrush Native Plant Nursery - Floyd, VA

    • Nature-themed artisan items!(Be prepared to make purchases using cash or check; due to limited cell service at the park credit cards may not be accepted)

    Appalachian Wax Works - Oakland, Maryland (quality goods from the bee hive) 

    Keen and Bright - Swanton, MD (glass creations) 

    Marta Fiscus Photography - Cumberland, MD (award winning macro photos)

    Peggy Nixon Designs - Salisbury, PA (hand-painted slates & note cards)

    • Special guest speakers!

    11:30 AM - Attracting Pollinators To Your Garden - Candy DeBerry,  Washington & Jefferson College 

    As much as one third of the food we eat – from apples to zucchini – is dependent upon pollination of crop plants by bees, wasps, butterflies, moths, beetles, flies, hummingbirds or bats.  Learn how to attract pollinators to your garden by using native plants to provide nectar, pollen, and nesting and overwintering sites.

    Dr. DeBerry gardens on 1/3 acre on the edge of the small city of Washington in southwestern Pennsylvania. She is most passionate about growing native plants to support biodiversity, harvesting blue ribbons from the county fair for her garlic, tomatoes, and peppers, and collecting eggs from her three backyard chickens. To support her gardening habit, she is also Professor of Biology and Director of the Biochemistry program at Washington & Jefferson College, where she teaches Cell Biology, Biochemistry, and a senior seminar on cancer.

    1:00 PM - Plastics in the Environment - Raymond Najjar, Penn State University

    Plastics are remarkable materials that have transformed our lives in a relatively short time. The strength, durability, flexibility, and low density of plastics make them extremely useful but at the same time a menacing environmental and human health threat. Microplastics have found their way to nearly every corner of the globe and every part of the human body. This presentation will cover the rapid growth of plastics production, the fate of plastics in the environment, the impacts of plastics on ecology and human health, and potential solutions to what may be viewed as a crisis comparable to global warming and biodiversity loss. 

    Dr. Najjar is a Professor of Oceanography at Penn State University, where he has been teaching since 1993. He conducts research on topics in oceanography and climate science, focusing on how climate change and human activity influence coastal waters, such as the Chesapeake Bay. Plastics pollution is a current research interest of his, particularly the role that estuaries play in trapping river-borne plastics. He also recently developed a general education course at Penn State on plastics in the environment. 

    • Guided walks and family friendly activities!

    10:30 AM - Tree IDLearning to identify trees without leaves is a challenge. Discover other tree features that help with identification on this easy walk with a Park Ranger!

    2:15 PM - Native Plant Garden Tour - Visiting New Germany's demonstration garden is always a joy.  Learn about the 70+ plants native to our region from a Friends of NGSP gardener.

    All day - MMNPF Bingo - Explore the entire festival and win a prize!

    All day - Nature Center Open - Investigate the cool animals found at the Park! 

      • Conservation education displays! Get answers to your questions on native plants and other conservation topics from:

      American Forest Foundation

      Evergreen Heritage Center

      Friends of New Germany State Park

      Garrett County Forestry Board

      Garrett County Solid Waste & Recycling 

      Garrett Trails

      Maryland Conservation Corps

      Maryland Master Naturalist Program

      Maryland Native Plant Society

      Mountain Laurel Garden Club

      University of Maryland Extension - Garrett County Master Gardeners

      West Virginia Chapter of The American Chestnut Foundation

      The Maryland Native Plant Society is partnering with both New Germany State Park and the Friends of New Germany State Park to sponsor this FREE event! The public is welcome to attend (no registration required) but your support of the vendors & organizations through your purchases is deeply appreciated! Snacks and drinks will be available at the Lake House. There’s a possibility that there will also be a food truck selling sandwiches, so stay tuned for updates! 

      Driving Directions:

      From Baltimore: West on I-70 to Hancock. Pick up I-68 and travel through Cumberland, MD. Continue west to Exit 22. Enter the roundabout and take the fourth exit onto Chestnut Ridge Road. Pass the Comfort Inn and follow Chestnut Ridge Road for three miles to New Germany Road. Turn left and travel two miles to the New Germany State Park entrance on left. Travel time ~ three hours. Signs will direct you to parking for this special event. 

      From Washington, D.C.: Take 270 north to Frederick, MD. Pickup I-70 west and follow directions above for Baltimore. Travel time ~ 3.5 hours.

      From Pittsburgh, PA/Morgantown, WV: Take I-79 to I-68 east into Maryland to Exit 22 toward the Comfort Inn. Enter the roundabout and take the first exit onto Chestnut Ridge Road. Travel about three miles to New Germany Road. Turn left and travel to the New Germany State Park entrance on left. Travel time ~ one hour from Morgantown and 2 hours from Pittsburgh. Signs will direct you to parking for this special event. 

      Additional information to follow as details become available. Questions? Phone the park office at 301-895-5453 or email Liz McDowell at

      • 05/31/2025
      • 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
      • Carderock Recreation Area , Bethesda (Montgomery County)
      • 0
      Registration is closed

      Co-sponsoring Organization: C&O Canal National Historical Park

      Leader: Rachael Renzi & Bradley Simpson

      Location:  Carderock Recreation Area / Billy Goat Trail Section C Trailhead

      Explore the unique habitats and flora of Billy Goat C at C&O Canal. Expect to spend some time keying out plants of interest.

      Rachael is a plant enthusiast who works at C&O Canal National Historical Park. Bradley is a MNPS Board Member and Habitat Manager at Nature Forward

      For additional information:  Bradley Simpson,, 443-433-8819

      ONLINE REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. Limited to 10 people. Registration through April 30 for members only.  Directions will be included in registration confirmation.

      Bring: Please bring whatever you need for a walk in the woods! This means good shoes, water, lunch, and snacks. Bring a hand lens if you have one, as well as your favorite identification resources.


      Note that An "Account" is not A "Membership" Our website allows non-members to have a "Contact Account" to receive emails about upcoming field trips, programs, and other events. When you login, click on your name (it should be on the top right of the page); if there are no details on membership, you are have a "Contact Account" only. Consider joining to support our programs and take advantage of members-only early registration.

      • 06/24/2025
      • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
      • Zoom Meeting

      Speaker:  Jorge Bogantes Montero


      Zoom opens at 7:00PM for pre-program board update and member Q&A. Presentations begin at 7:30PM and generally run until 8:45PM. 

      The Anacostia River once had extensive tidal emergent wetlands dominated by Wild Rice (Zizania aquatica), an essential plant in this aquatic ecosystem. Centuries of habitat destruction and neglect deeply changed the riparian landscape of this river in the nation’s capital. For more than two decades, the Anacostia Watershed Society (AWS) has embarked on an ecosystem restoration journey to try to recover these amazing tidal marshlands, but in a very different River in the 21st century. Since 2020, wild rice has been thriving and even expanding in acreage as a result of our restoration efforts in what is a true restoration success story. Every summer, with the blooming of wild rice and more wildlife sightings, we grow more hopeful and treasure the recovery of a riverine ecosystem in the middle of a major city.

      Jorge Bogantes Montero is a Natural Resources Specialist at the Anacostia Watershed Society in Bladensburg, MD. He leads ecological restoration efforts on public parklands in the Anacostia River watershed (in both DC and MD), including wetland restoration, tree plantings, meadow creation, SAV propagation, mussel propagation, wildlife monitoring, and invasive plant management. Mr. Bogantes Montero has a Bachelor's degree in Natural Resource Management and Protection from the Universidad Estatal a Distancia in San Jose, Costa Rica, his native country. Before moving to the U.S., Jorge worked in his country in issues related to tropical biodiversity conservation.

      The program is free and open to the public.

      We can accommodate the first 300 people who enter the Zoom meeting at the meeting time. After you register, you will receive a registration confirmation email with a link to the Zoom meeting. Registering does not guarantee a space in the Zoom meeting. 

      This will be recorded and available on our Webinars page.

      If you enjoy MNPS programs please consider clicking here to make a donation. And don't forget to renew your membership!

      Note that if you donate through the event registration, and subsequently cancel, the donation will temporarily appear as a credit.  It will take time for the donation to be reinstituted to your account.  Donations and membership dues are non-refundable.

      • 07/17/2025
      • 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
      • New Germany State Park, Garrett County

      An Outdoor Learning Activity

      Leaders: Ashley Bachtel-Bodkins, UME, and Liz McDowell, MNPS

      Join University of Maryland Extension and Maryland Native Plant Society for an introduction to the basic skills and information needed for pruning in your home landscape. Learn why, when, and how to complete simple pruning to encourage plant health and prevent disease during a digital presentation. This will be followed by a live-demonstration of how to make clean cuts using sharp pruning equipment. After a short break, participants will move outside to take a closer look at a variety of native shrubs and trees; identify exactly where to prune them; and discover why native woodies are so important for regional biodiversity.

      This program is free and open to the public (no registration). Participants should bring a water bottle, insect/tick spray, and sunscreen. This activity will be held rain or shine. 

      Directions: From I-68 take exit 22 and follow signs for New Germany State Park. Turn left into the park onto McAndrews Hill Road. The program will be begin at the Tall Oaks Pavilion (first structure on the left after entering the park). There is parking in a lot off of McAndrews Hill Road (2nd left after entering the park) as well as diagonal parking along McAndrews Hill Road. 

      No registration.

    Past events

    03/25/2025 MNPS Monthly Program: Charles Branch Conservation Park with Dominic Quattrocchi & Kerry Wixted
    03/20/2025 MNPS Field Trip: Equinox Hike at Little Bennett Regional Park (Thursday)
    03/08/2025 TNC Finzel Swamp Volunteer Preserve Stewards Program
    03/02/2025 Maryland Biodiversity Quad-busting Trip
    03/01/2025 Adkins Arboretum 30th Spring Native Plant Sale - LAST DAYS!
    02/25/2025 MNPS Monthly Program: Rare Plants & Ecosystems of Mountain Maryland with Clara Thiel
    02/22/2025 MNPS Field Trip: Winter Woods Tree ID (Saturday)
    02/01/2025 MNPS Field Trip: Winter Tree Id (Saturday)
    01/28/2025 MNPS Monthly Program: Introduction to Winter Tree Identification by Bradley Simpson
    01/25/2025 MNPS Field Trip: Winter Greens (Saturday)
    01/18/2025 MNPS Field Trip: Meeting the trees at Carderock (Saturday)
    12/22/2024 25th Annual Winter Solstice Field Trip and Hooley at Chapman Forest (Sunday)
    12/18/2024 MNPS Field Trip: Riley’s Lock – Tree ID, Geology, History and More (Wednesday)
    11/26/2024 MNPS Monthly Program: Community Native Plant Project with Diane Beedle
    10/29/2024 MNPS Monthly Program: Uncommon to Rare Apiaceae in Maryland with Rod Simmons
    10/26/2024 Seed Swap: Frederick County
    10/20/2024 Native Plant and Seed Share: Montgomery County
    10/19/2024 Native Plant and Seed Share: Wild Ones Greater Baltimore
    10/12/2024 Native Plant Sale: MAGEC Howard County
    10/11/2024 MNPS Field Trip: Fall on Finzel Swamp (Friday)
    10/05/2024 Native Plant/Seed Share: MAGEC Baltimore City
    10/05/2024 MNPS Field Trip: Wetland Meadow Exploration (Saturday)
    09/29/2024 Native Plant Sale: Robinson Nature Center (Howard County)
    09/28/2024 Native Plant Sale (Virginia)
    09/28/2024 Monarchs & Milkweed 2024
    09/24/2024 MNPS Monthly Program: Home is Where the Grassland Is with Chris Ludwig
    09/21/2024 Native Plant Sale: Potomac Valley Audubon Society and The Monarch Alliance (Washington County)
    09/21/2024 Native Plant Sale: Cape Conservation Corps (Anne Arundel County)
    09/14/2024 MNPS Field Trip: Exploring Plants and Pollinators (Saturday)
    09/07/2024 Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy's Fall Native Plant Sale
    08/27/2024 MNPS Monthly Program: Maryland Trees Under Attack: What We Can Do with Faith Campbell
    08/26/2024 Native Plant Sale: Montgomery Parks
    08/23/2024 Plant Sale: Fountain Rock Nature Center (Frederick County)
    08/04/2024 MNPS Field Trip: Wetlands at Wildlife Management Areas – McKee Beshers WMA (Sunday)
    08/03/2024 Native Plant Sale: Mountain Laurel Garden Club, Garrett County
    08/03/2024 August 2024 Meadow Tour
    07/30/2024 MNPS Monthly Program: Implementing Climate Resilient Living Shorelines in Maryland with Wesley Gould
    07/26/2024 MNPS Field Trip: Woodend’s Wetlands Wildflowers and More! (Friday)
    07/21/2024 MNPS Field Trip: Wetland Wildflower Walk at Jug Bay Natural Area (Sunday)
    07/13/2024 UP Meadow Day (Prince George's County)
    06/25/2024 MNPS Monthly Program: Ask A Bumble Bee! Exploring Bumble Bee Floral Preference by Jenan El-Hifnawi
    06/08/2024 Native Plant Swap: Private residence (Baltimore County)
    06/01/2024 Native Plant Share: Native Plant & Seed Swap (Calvert County)
    05/31/2024 Spring Plant Blitz: Cheverly Nature Park Field Trip (Friday)
    05/30/2024 Spring Plant Blitz - Little Bennett Regional Park (Thursday)
    05/28/2024 MNPS Monthly Program: Plants for Pollinators: Getting Reliably Safe Plants by Sharon Selvaggio
    05/25/2024 MNPS Field Trip: Spring Plant Hike at Hoyle's Mill Conservation Park (Saturday)
    05/20/2024 Spring Plant Blitz - Black Hill Regional Park (Monday)
    05/12/2024 Spring Plant Blitz: New Germany State Park (Sunday)
    05/11/2024 Spring Plant Blitz: Taylor’s Island, Dorchester County (Saturday)
    05/11/2024 9th Annual Mountain Maryland Native Plant Festival
    05/11/2024 Native Plant Sale: Cheverly Garden Club (Prince Georges County)
    05/10/2024 Native Plant Sale: Providence Mother’s Day Spring Plant Sale (Anne Arundel)
    05/06/2024 Spring Plant Blitz: Woodworth Trail Hike (Monday)
    05/05/2024 Spring Plant Blitz - Point of Rocks (Sunday)
    05/05/2024 Native Plant Sale: Black Hill Regional Park Discovery Center (Montgomery County)
    05/04/2024 Native Plant Swap: Howard County Conservancy (Howard County)
    05/04/2024 Spring Plant Blitz: Garden Walk (Saturday)
    05/04/2024 Native Plant Sale: Grow Wild - Spring Fling (Harford County)
    05/04/2024 Native Plant Sale: Croydon Creek Nature Center (Montgomery County)
    05/03/2024 Native Plant Sale: Whipps Garden Cemetery (Howard County)
    05/01/2024 Spring Plant Blitz: Wildflowers (and Trees and Shrubs) at Carderock (Wednesday)
    05/01/2024 Native Plant Sale: Locust Grove Nature Center (Montgomery County)
    04/30/2024 MNPS Program: Trapa bispinosa (two-horned trapa, water chestnut) a New Species of Water Chestnut spreading rapidly in Virginia and Maryland
    04/27/2024 Native Plant and Seed Share (Montgomery County)
    04/26/2024 TNC Red Spruce Tree Planting
    04/23/2024 MNPS Monthly Program: Using iNaturalist to Document Plant Diversity by Deborah Barber
    04/21/2024 Native Plant Sale: Mount Savage (Allegany County)
    04/21/2024 MNPS Field Trip: Garden Walk (Sunday)
    04/21/2024 Native Plant Sale: Bloom Wild Nursery (Montgomery County)
    04/20/2024 MNPS Spring Plant Blitz: iNaturalist Training & Plant Explorations (Saturday)
    04/20/2024 Native Plant Sale: Brookside Gardens ( Montgomery County)
    04/20/2024 Native Plant Share: Yards Alive (Howard County)
    04/19/2024 Native Plant Sale: Butterfly Alley (Saint Mary's County)
    04/15/2024 Battling Botanical Bullies at Bear Pen
    04/13/2024 Native Trees in Your Yard at Home (Saturday)
    04/13/2024 Native Plant Sale: Bloom Wild Nursery (Prince George's County)
    04/13/2024 Native Plant Sale: Church of the Redeemer (Baltimore City)
    04/13/2024 Native Plant Sale: Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy (Loudoun County, VA)
    04/13/2024 Native Plant Sale: Greenfest (Howard County)
    04/11/2024 The Power of Native Plants!
    04/08/2024 Native Plant Sale: Maydale Nature Classroom (Montgomery County)
    04/06/2024 MNPS Field Trip: Spring Ephemerals Hike, Calvert County (Saturday)
    04/06/2024 MNPS Field Trip: Spring Ephemerals Along the Potomac at Sharpsburg, Washington County (Saturday)
    03/30/2024 MNPS Program: Identifying Spring Ephemerals, Calvert County (Saturday)
    03/30/2024 Native Plant Sale: Beloved Gardens Plant Sale (Frederick County)
    03/26/2024 MNPS Monthly Program: Managing Microstegium by Art Gover and Luke Flory
    03/17/2024 Native Plant Sale: Muddy Branch Alliance (Montgomery County)
    03/09/2024 MNPS Hybrid Program and Field Trip: Into the Weeds: A Forager's Way to Garden (Saturday)
    02/27/2024 MNPS Monthly Program: Tiny Forests, Big Results? by Joe Chambers and Andrew Putnam
    01/30/2024 MNPS Monthly Program: Are Native Plants Warming to a Changing Climate? by Dr. Sara Tangren
    12/09/2023 MNPS Field Trip: Novel Non-Natives of Druid Hill Park (Saturday)
    11/28/2023 MNPS Monthly Program: Invader Detectives by Damien Ossi and Megan Carr
    10/31/2023 MNPS Monthly Program: Lessons from an insect egg hunt by Madeline Potter
    10/08/2023 MNPS Field Trip: Patuxent Research Refuge North Tract (Sunday)
    09/29/2023 Autumn in the Arboretum
    09/26/2023 MNPS Monthly Program: Research on Maryland's dying ash forests by Andrew Baldwin
    09/24/2023 CANCELLED MNPS Field Trip: Patuxent Research Refuge North Tract (Sunday)
    09/23/2023 Native Plant Sale: Frederick County
    09/17/2023 MNPS Fall Field Weekend: Pawpaws at the Monocacy Aqueduct (Sunday)
    09/17/2023 MNPS Fall Field Weekend: iNaturalist Training & Plant Explorations (Sunday)
    09/17/2023 MNPS Fall Field Weekend: Snavely Ford (Sunday)
    09/17/2023 MNPS Fall Field Weekend: Early Autumn at Little Bennett Regional Park (Sunday)
    09/16/2023 MNPS Fall Field Weekend: Workshop on Invasive Plants (Saturday)
    09/16/2023 MNPS Fall Field Weekend: Hyattstown Mill Trails at Little Bennett (Saturday)
    09/16/2023 MNPS Fall Field Weekend: American Chestnut Land Trust Hike (Saturday)
    09/16/2023 MNPS Fall Field Weekend: Fall Wildflowers for Beginners (Saturday)
    09/16/2023 MNPS Fall Field Weekend: Violette's Lock (Saturday)
    09/16/2023 MNPS Fall Field Weekend: Weed Warrior Success Sites Tour (Saturday)
    09/09/2023 Native Plant Sale: Loudoun County, VA
    09/02/2023 Native Plant Sale: Mountain Laurel Garden Club, Garrett County
    08/29/2023 MNPS Board Meeting
    08/29/2023 No August MNPS Monthly Program
    07/25/2023 MNPS Monthly Program: Biological Control of Invasive Plants Using Insects by Ellen Lake
    06/27/2023 MNPS Annual Meeting
    06/27/2023 MNPS Monthly Program: Ecological Gardening with Climate Change by Bethany Bradley
    06/27/2023 MNPS Monthly Program: Ecological gardening with climate change resilience by Bethany Bradley
    06/15/2023 Wild Ones: All About Ferns Zoom (Thursday)
    06/03/2023 Native Plant Sale: Potomac Valley Audubon Society, Washington
    05/23/2023 MNPS Monthly Program: Life Cycles, Landscape Practices & Growing Native Plants From Seed by Heather McCargo
    05/20/2023 Native Plant Sale: Irvine Nature Center, Baltimore County
    05/13/2023 Mountain Maryland Native Plant Festival
    05/07/2023 Native Plant Sale: Robinson Nature Center, Howard County
    05/07/2023 Native Plant Sale: Black Hill Regional Park, Montgomery County
    05/06/2023 Native Plant Sale: Croydon Creek Nature Center, Montgomery County
    05/06/2023 Native Plant Sale: Calvert County Master Gardeners
    04/22/2023 Assateague State Park Pollinator Festival
    04/22/2023 Native Plant Sale: Loudoun County, VA
    04/15/2023 Native Plant Sale: Baltimore City
    04/11/2023 Battling Botanical Bullies at Bear Pen
    03/25/2023 Lahr Symposium and Native Plant Sale (Saturday)
    03/18/2023 MNPS Hybrid Program and Field Trip: Foraging and Cooking with Invasive and Non-native Plants. (Saturday)
    02/28/2023 MNPS Monthly Program: Creating Wildlife Habitat In Our Powerline Corridors
    02/24/2023 Tree Detective Walk
    02/17/2023 GreenScapes Symposium
    02/16/2023 Wildflowers in Winter
    01/17/2023 MNPS 2023 Board Meeting
    12/20/2022 MNPS 2022 Annual Meeting
    12/18/2022 MNPS Field Trip: Annual Winter Solstice and Hooley- Travilah Serpentine Barrens (Sunday)
    11/29/2022 MNPS Monthly Program: Biological control of invasive weeds
    10/30/2022 Norwood Park Natural History Day
    10/22/2022 Anacostia River Bioblitz
    09/24/2022 Fall Native Plant Sale (Frederick County)
    09/24/2022 Monarchs & Milkweeds Merkle 2022 (Prince Georges County, MD)
    09/24/2022 Pollinator Festival (Prince Georges County, MD)
    09/18/2022 MNPS Field Weekend: Fall Wildflowers for Beginners (Sunday)
    09/18/2022 MNPS Fall Field Weekend: Gathland State Park (Sunday)
    09/18/2022 MNPS Fall Field Weekend: Goldenrods at Audrey Carroll Preserve (Sunday)
    09/17/2022 MNPS Fall Field Weekend: iNaturalist Training & Plant Explorations (Saturday)
    09/17/2022 MNPS Fall Field Weekend: Riley's Lock (Saturday)
    09/17/2022 MNPS Fall Field Weekend: Izaak Walton League (Saturday)
    09/17/2022 MNPS Fall Field Weekend: From Salt Marsh to Sand Dunes - Exploring the Special Habitats of Dorchester County (Saturday)
    09/17/2022 MNPS Fall Field Weekend: Autumn at Little Bennett Regional Park (Saturday)
    09/17/2022 MNPS Fall Field Weekend: Tree ID For Beginners-Black Hill Regional Park (Saturday)
    09/10/2022 Native Plant Sale (Loudoun County, VA)
    09/07/2022 Weed or Wildflower?
    09/06/2022 Walk in the Woods, Second Session (Tuesday)
    09/04/2022 Native Plant Sale (Clarksburg, MD)
    08/30/2022 Walk in the Woods, Rock Creek Regional Park at Meadowside Nature Center (Tuesday)
    08/26/2022 Western Mountains Chapter Field Trip
    08/25/2022 Weed or Wildflower?
    08/09/2022 Weed or Wildflower?
    07/28/2022 Weed or Wildflower?
    07/13/2022 Weed or Wildflower?
    06/27/2022 Weed or Wildflower?
    06/17/2022 Weed or Wildflower?
    06/02/2022 Weed or Wildflower?
    05/31/2022 MNPS Monthly Program: In Person Beginner Plant Identification (Tuesday)
    05/21/2022 Annual Plant Sale
    05/17/2022 Weed or Wildflower?
    05/14/2022 Mountain Maryland Native Plant Festival
    05/07/2022 Native Plant Sale and Spring Festival (Montgomery County)
    05/06/2022 Native Plant Sale
    05/06/2022 Flower Mart
    05/04/2022 Weed or Wildflower?
    05/01/2022 Native Plant Palooza
    04/29/2022 Let's Pull Together!
    04/26/2022 MNPS Monthly Program: “Stream Restorations”, The Inconvenient Truth
    04/21/2022 Let's Pull Together!
    04/19/2022 Weed or Wildflower?
    04/16/2022 Native Plant Sale
    04/14/2022 Battling Botanical Bullies at Bear Pen
    04/09/2022 Baltimore Native Plant Sale
    03/29/2022 MNPS Monthly Program: Speciation in North American fringed orchids (Platanthera), a tale of fungi and hybridization
    03/27/2022 Native Plant Sale (Sunday)
    03/26/2022 Lahr Symposium: Native Plants: Forces for Conservation and Community (Saturday)
    03/26/2022 Atlantic White Cedar Planting Event
    03/23/2022 EDDMapS Summit 2022 (wednesday)
    03/19/2022 Annual Gardening Symposium (Loudoun County Extension Master Gardeners)
    02/22/2022 MNPS Monthly Program: The National Seed Strategy for Rehabilitation and Restoration
    01/25/2022 MNPS Monthly Program: Botanical Diversity in the Piney Branch Valley
    01/17/2022 MNPS Board Retreat
    12/21/2021 Endangered Pine Barrens Communities of the Beltsville Agricultural Research Center, Beltsville, MD
    12/19/2021 Winter Solstice Field Trip & Hooley
    11/30/2021 MNPS Program: Gardening with Local Ecotype Native Plants by Christopher Puttock
    11/18/2021 The New State Five Million Tree Goal: Introduction And Current Outlook
    11/09/2021 Board Meeting
    10/26/2021 Monthly Program: The Maryland Checklist of Vascular Plants
    10/12/2021 Board Meeting
    09/28/2021 MNPS Program: Native Grasses, Sedges and Rushes For Gardens and Landscapes
    09/25/2021 Rare Plants and Communities of the Baltimore-Washington Corridor
    09/21/2021 Monthly Member Meet
    09/14/2021 Board Meeting
    08/31/2021 MNPS Program: Non-Native Earthworms and Their Effects on Temperate Forest Soils
    08/24/2021 Monthly Member Meet
    08/09/2021 Board Meeting
    07/27/2021 MNPS Program: National Park Forests in the Eastern US: Ecological Value and Natural Resource Challenges
    07/20/2021 Monthly Member Meet
    06/29/2021 MNPS Program: Human Impacts On Native Plants & Insects: Restoring Biodiversity
    06/22/2021 Monthly Member Meet
    06/01/2021 Drakensberg Alpine Grasslands: An assessment of impacts to plant diversity of fire and grazing.
    05/25/2021 MNPS Program: Gardening For Pollinators
    05/22/2021 Audubon Naturalist Society Native Plants Sale
    05/18/2021 Monthly Member Meet
    05/15/2021 Clifton Institute Native Plant Sale
    05/14/2021 Plant symbiosis: The good, the bad, and the complicated
    05/13/2021 Plant symbiosis: The good, the bad, and the complicated
    05/13/2021 Cape St. Claire Garden Club Plant Sale
    05/08/2021 MT MD Native Plant Fest - Cancelled but virtual program & plants available!!!
    05/04/2021 MNPS Program, Western Mountains Chapter: Super-Tough Wildflowers
    05/02/2021 Robinson Nature Center Native Plant Palooza
    04/30/2021 Friends of Black Hill Native Plant Sale-online only
    04/27/2021 MNPS Program: Grasses That Bloom in the Spring
    04/20/2021 Monthly Member Meet
    04/12/2021 MNPS Program: MNPS Prince George's County Online Meet-and-Greet
    03/30/2021 MNPS Program: 50 Shades of Green--and yellow, pink, lavender, white... native spring wildflowers and foliage
    03/23/2021 Monthly Member Meets
    02/23/2021 MNPS Program: Maryland's Fire History: Using Fire To Restore Natural Communities
    02/09/2021 MNPS Program (members only): Plant ID Show and Tell
    01/27/2021 MNPS Advocacy: MAGLEV Letter Writing Zoom Meeting
    01/26/2021 MNPS Program: Diversity of a Serpentine Grassland at Bare Hills Barrens, Lake Roland Park: A 20 Year Study
    01/05/2021 Maglev Volunteer Coordination & Strategic Planning
    11/12/2020 MNPS Program, Western Mountains Chapter: Making Central Appalachian Forests More Resilient: Restoring Late-successional forest structure
    10/27/2020 MNPS Program (Tuesday): Flora and Fauna of Patuxent Refuge and Beltsville Agricultural Center: The Looming Threat From a MAGLEV/Federal Plan
    10/08/2020 MNPS Program, Western Mountains Chapter (Thursday): Grass Identification For Dummies Like Us: How To Get Started Figuring Out Grasses
    09/29/2020 MNPS Program (Tuesday): Native Grasses For Use in Home Gardens and Native Meadows
    09/03/2020 New Germany State Park: Volunteer Activity - CANCELLED
    08/29/2020 Conference: From Marshes to Meadows: Exploring Maryland's Grasslands
    08/25/2020 MNPS Program (Tuesday): Native Planting and Other Yard Landscaping Techniques: An Insect's Point of View
    08/19/2020 New Germany State Park: Volunteer Activity -CANCELLED
    08/15/2020 Western Mountains: Field Trip - CANCELLED
    08/11/2020 Western Mountains: Outdoor Class - CANCELLED
    08/03/2020 New Germany State Park: Volunteer Activity - CANCELLED
    07/28/2020 MNPS Program (Tuesday): History of Open Landscapes in the Mid-Atlantic Region
    07/21/2020 New Germany State Park: Volunteer Activity CANCELLED
    07/11/2020 Western Mountains: Field Trip CANCELLED
    07/08/2020 New Germany State Park: Volunteer Activity CANCELLED
    07/02/2020 Western Mountains: Outdoor Class - CANCELLED
    06/30/2020 MNPS Program (Tuesday): Native Plants: A Pollinator's Perspective
    06/26/2020 New Germany State Park: Volunteer Activity - CANCELLED
    06/19/2020 Western Mountains: Field Trip - CANCELLED
    06/18/2020 Western Mountains: Program - CANCELLED
    06/16/2020 MLGC: CANCELLED
    06/11/2020 New Germany State Park: Volunteer Activity - CANCELLED
    05/30/2020 MNPS Field Trip: Wetland Plant Field Trip and ID Workshop (Saturday)-CANCELLED
    05/27/2020 Western Mountains: Outdoor Class - CANCELLED
    05/26/2020 MNPS Program (Tuesday): Of Rice & Rails: The Delicate Ecology of Wild Rice Marshes on the Patuxent River-CANCELLED
    05/22/2020 New Germany State Park: Volunteer Activity - CANCELLED
    05/19/2020 MLGC: Program
    05/04/2020 New Germany State Park: Volunteer Activity - CANCELLED
    05/03/2020 MNPS Field Trip: MOS Sanctuary Walks-Trip 2 (Sunday)-CANCELLED
    04/29/2020 Savage River State Forest: Invasive Removal Day 2-CANCELLED
    04/28/2020 MNPS Program (Tuesday): MDs Native Grasslands and Meadow, Plus City Nature Challenge ID Help-CANCELLED
    04/28/2020 Savage River State Forest: Invasive Removal Day 1-CANCELLED
    04/24/2020 New Germany State Park: Volunteer Activity-CANCELLED
    04/19/2020 MNPS Field Trip: MOS Sanctuary Walks-Trip 1 (Sunday)-CANCELLED
    04/18/2020 The Nature Conservancy: Tree Planting Day 3-CANCELLED
    04/17/2020 The Nature Conservancy: Tree Planting Day 2-CANCELLED
    04/16/2020 The Nature Conservancy: Tree Planting Day 1-CANCELLED
    04/10/2020 MNPS Field Trip: Early Spring Walk in the Woods: Rock Creek Regional Park at Meadowside Nature Center (Friday)-CANCELLED
    04/04/2020 Howard County GreenFest Native Plant Sale-CANCELLED
    04/04/2020 MNPS Field Trip: The Unofficial Season of Alum Root (Saturday)-CANCELLED
    04/04/2020 Baltimore Native Plant Sale (Saturday) CANCELLED
    04/03/2020 MNPS Field Trip: Early Spring Wildflowers of Wincopin Trails (Friday)-CANCELLED
    03/31/2020 MNPS Program (Tuesday): Native planting and other yard landscape techniques: an insect's point of view-RESCHEDULED TO JULY 28 2020
    03/31/2020 MNPS Field Trip: Habitat Restoration at ANS' Woodend Sanctuary (Tuesday)-CANCELLED
    03/28/2020 MNPS Field Trip: Valley Mill Park/Paint Branch Stream Valley (Saturday)-CANCELLED
    03/28/2020 Lahr Symposium and Native Plant Sale (Saturday)-CANCELLED
    03/25/2020 Exploring Native Plants and their Habitats with Alan Weakley
    03/17/2020 MLGC: Program
    03/14/2020 Wild Ones Native Landscapes meeting (Saturday)
    03/12/2020 Western Mountains: March Meeting & Program
    03/07/2020 Beneficial Insects and Native Plants-Patuxent Wildlife Refuge (Saturday)
    03/01/2020 MNPS Field Trip: Wild Washington-Soapstone Valley (Sunday)
    02/25/2020 MNPS Program (Tuesday): An Introduction to the Year of the Grasses
    02/23/2020 MNPS Field Trip: Little Bennett Regional Park-Western Piedmont Trail (Sunday)
    02/16/2020 MNPS Field Trip: Cheverly Nature Park (Sunday)
    02/15/2020 MNPS Field Trip: Cheverly Woodworth Park (Saturday)
    02/13/2020 Western Mountains: February Meeting & Program
    02/08/2020 Wild Ones Native Landscapes meeting (Saturday)
    01/28/2020 MNPS Program (Tuesday): Discover the Full Capabilities of iNaturalist
    01/26/2020 MNPS Field Trip: Wild Washington-Fort Dupont Park (Sunday)
    01/11/2020 Wild Ones Native Landscapes meeting (Saturday)
    01/10/2020 MNPS Field Trip: Winter Tree ID 101 at Rock Creek Park (Friday)
    01/05/2020 MNPS Field Trip: New Year at Rachel Carson Conservation Park (Sunday)
    12/31/2019 MNPS Field Trip: Patuxent River State Park (Tuesday)
    12/15/2019 MNPS Field Trip: Civil War Fort Site-Fort DeRussy in Rock Creek Park (Sunday)
    11/30/2019 MNPS Field Trip: Tree ID For Beginners-Sligo Creek Park (Saturday)
    11/26/2019 MNPS Annual Meeting and Program (Tuesday): Emerald Ash Borer Update
    11/16/2019 MNPS Field Trip: Fall at Little Bennett-Hyattstown Mill trails (Saturday)
    11/14/2019 Western Mountains: November Meeting & Program
    11/08/2019 MNPS Field Trip: Trees at Blockhouse Point (Pettit Way entrance) (Friday)
    11/01/2019 MNPS Field Trip: The Trees of Carderock (Friday)
    10/29/2019 MNPS Program (Tuesday): Parasitic Plants Part 2
    10/26/2019 MNPS Field Trip: Kingsley Trail at Little Bennett Regional Park (Saturday)
    10/25/2019 Autumn at the Monocacy Aqueduct (Friday)
    10/19/2019 Fall Tree ID 101 Walk along the Northwest Branch of the Anacostia River, Hyattsville, MD (Saturday)
    10/18/2019 Riley's Lock (Friday)
    10/13/2019 MNPS Field Trip: Indian Springs Wildlife Management Area (Sunday)
    10/12/2019 Locust Grove Nature Center Native Plant Sale (Saturday-Sunday)
    10/11/2019 Violette's Lock (Friday)
    10/10/2019 Western Mountains: October Meeting & Program
    10/04/2019 Volunteers Needed for Tree Planting along Savage River
    10/04/2019 MNPS Field Trip: Trees of the Gold Mine Tract (Friday)
    09/29/2019 Chesapeake Natives Native Plant Sale (Sunday)
    09/24/2019 MNPS Program (Tuesday): From Mountains to Saltmarsh - Rediscovering Maryland Ornithological Society Sanctuaries
    09/22/2019 Earth Sangha Fall Open House & Native Plant Sale (Sunday)
    09/19/2019 Western Mountains: Workshop
    09/14/2019 Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy Native Plant Sale
    09/06/2019 Adkins Arboretum Plant Sale
    09/01/2019 MNPS Field Trip: Wild Washington - Roosevelt Island (Sunday)
    09/01/2019 MNPS Field Trip (Sunday): Gunpowder State Park - Hereford Area
    08/27/2019 MNPS Program (Tuesday): "Area-wide Tick Control in Suburban Communities"
    08/25/2019 Chesapeake Natives Native Plant Sale (Sunday)
    08/24/2019 2019 MNPS Fall Conference
    08/17/2019 Western Mountains: Outdoor Activity
    07/31/2019 Western Mountains: Outdoor Activity
    07/30/2019 MNPS Program (Tuesday): "Dark Secrets on the Forest Floor"
    07/29/2019 MNPS Field Trip: Howard's Branch Restoration Site - International Bog Day Tour (Monday)
    07/28/2019 Chesapeake Natives Native Plant Sale (Sunday)
    07/17/2019 MNPS Field Trip: Gwynns Falls/Leakin Park Summer Botany Walk (Wednesday)
    07/15/2019 Western Mountains: Outdoor Activity
    07/14/2019 MNPS Workshop: Wildflower and Tree ID for Beginners
    07/14/2019 MNPS Field Trip: Wetland Plant Id (Sunday)
    07/13/2019 MNPS Field Trip: Baltimore Botany By Bike: Herring Run Park (Saturday)
    07/12/2019 Western Mountains: Plant ID Workshop
    06/30/2019 Chesapeake Natives Native Plant Sale (Sunday)
    06/30/2019 MNPS Field Trip: Wild Washington - Exploring natural areas in the National Arboretum (Sunday)
    06/25/2019 MNPS Program (Tuesday): "How to recognize old-growth forests, and what makes them so special"
    06/25/2019 Western Mountains: Outdoor Activity
    06/12/2019 Western Mountains: Outdoor Activity
    06/09/2019 MNPS Field Trip (Sunday): Ferns of the Gunpowder
    06/05/2019 Invasive Species Workday at the TNC Finzel Swamp Preserve
    05/31/2019 Serpentine Barrens of the Northern Piedmont-Nottingham, PA (Friday)
    05/29/2019 MNPS Field Trip: St. Luke's Restoration of Nature (Wednesday)
    05/28/2019 MNPS Program (Tuesday): "The Mushroom Chronicles: Why Plants Need Fungi""
    05/26/2019 Chesapeake Natives Native Plant Sale (Sunday)
    05/25/2019 Pomonkey Forest Native Plant Walk and Trash Cleanup (Saturday)
    05/24/2019 Western Mountains: Outdoor Activity
    05/19/2019 MNPS Field Trip: Frederick City Watershed Forest (Sunday)
    05/19/2019 MNPS Field Trip: Wild Washington - Fort Chaplin (Sunday)
    05/18/2019 Cape St. Claire Garden Club Plant Sale (Saturday)
    05/17/2019 MNPS Field Trip: Woodland Trail and Berma Road (Friday)
    05/12/2019 MNPS Field Trip: Greenbrier Park, Greenbelt, MD
    05/11/2019 May at Lake Waterford Park, Anne Arundel County (Saturday)
    05/11/2019 Locust Grove Nature Center Native Plant Sale (Saturday-Sunday)
    05/10/2019 MNPS Field Trip: Weed Warrior Success at Meadowside Nature Center (Friday)
    05/10/2019 Parasitic Plants and May Flowers at Carderock (Friday)
    05/07/2019 MNPS Field Trip: Evening Spring Plant Walk at the Don Miller Forest (Tuesday)
    05/06/2019 Western Mountains: Outdoor Activity
    05/05/2019 Robinson Nature Center Native Plant Palooza (Sunday)
    05/05/2019 CANCELLED MNPS Field Trip (Sunday): Gunpowder State Park - Hereford Area
    05/04/2019 Merkle Wildlife Sanctuary
    05/04/2019 Delmarva Pollinator Festival and 12th Annual Native Plant Sale (Saturday)
    05/04/2019 Lake Roland Native Plant Sale (Saturday)
    04/30/2019 MNPS Program (Tuesday): "Are the Little Things Running the World?"
    04/28/2019 Chesapeake Natives Native Plant Sale (Sunday)
    04/27/2019 MNPS Field Trip: Wild Washington - Tregaron Conservancy (Saturday)
    04/26/2019 Lake Roland Park (Friday)
    04/26/2019 MNPS Field Trip: Arbor Day at Berma Road (Friday)-CANCELLED
    04/26/2019 Western Mountains: Outdoor Activity
    04/26/2019 Friends of Black Hill Native Plant Sale
    04/24/2019 Spring Walk in the Woods at Carderock (Wednesday)
    04/22/2019 Earth Day on the River Trail at Great Falls (Monday)
    04/20/2019 MNPS Field Trip: Watkins Regional Park Spring Wildflower and Nature Hike (Saturday)
    04/20/2019 April at Lake Waterford Park, Anne Arundel County (Saturday)
    04/20/2019 MNPS Field Trip: Baltimore Botany By Bike (Saturday)
    04/19/2019 Riley's Lock to Violette's Lock and Back (Friday)
    04/18/2019 Spring Walk in the Woods, Turkey Run Park
    04/15/2019 Carderock Wildflowers Galore (Monday)
    04/15/2019 Western Mountains: Invasive Species Work
    04/13/2019 Gillis Falls Trails-near Mt. Airy, Carroll County (Saturday)
    04/13/2019 Howard County GreenFest Native Plant Sale
    04/12/2019 Spring at Pennyfield Lock (Friday)
    04/12/2019 MNPS Field Trip: Spring Wildflowers at Turkey Run Park
    04/12/2019 Western Mountains: Invasive Species Work
    04/08/2019 Spring at the Monocacy Aqueduct (Monday)
    04/06/2019 Spring at Rachel Carson Conservation Park (Saturday)
    04/06/2019 Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy Native Plant Sale
    04/06/2019 Baltimore Native Plant Sale (Saturday)
    03/31/2019 Chesapeake Natives Native Plant Sale (Sunday)
    03/26/2019 MNPS Program (Tuesday): Emerald Ash Borer Update for Maryland
    03/24/2019 MNPS Field Trip: Dumbarton Oaks Forest Restoration (Sunday)
    03/23/2019 Creating Biodiversity in Your Environment (Baltimore County Forestry Board workshop)
    03/22/2019 Riley's Lock in Early Spring (Friday)
    03/15/2019 Winter Woody Plant Appreciation and ID at Pennyfield Lock (Friday)
    03/14/2019 Western Mountains: March Meeting & Program
    03/13/2019 Meadow Summit
    03/09/2019 Beginner Winter Tree ID at Druid Hill Park (Saturday)
    02/26/2019 MNPS Program (Tuesday): Invisible Connections - Introduction to Parasitic Plants
    02/17/2019 MNPS Field Trip: Cheverly Nature Park (Sunday)
    02/16/2019 MNPS Field Trip: Cheverly Woodworth Park (Saturday)
    02/14/2019 Western Mountains: February Meeting & Program
    02/09/2019 Rock Creek Orchid Club program-Native Orchids
    01/25/2019 MNPS Field Trip: Winter Greens
    01/23/2019 Riley's Lock Tree ID & More (Wednesday)
    12/30/2018 MNPS Field Trip: Wild Washington-Fort Connector between Fort Dupont and Fort Stanton (Sunday)-NOTE CORRECT DATE AND LOCATION
    12/23/2018 MNPS Field Trip (Sunday): Winter Solstice Field Trip & Hooley
    12/22/2018 MNPS Field Trip: Beginner Tree ID at Little Bennett Regional Park (Saturday)
    12/22/2018 MNPS Field Trip: Cheverly Winter Nature Hike and Bird Counts (Saturday)
    12/21/2018 Winter Tree ID (Friday)
    11/27/2018 MNPS Program (Tuesday): O Where Are The Pines Of Piney Branch?
    11/18/2018 MNPS Field Trip: Tree ID - Rock Creek Park Nature Center(Sunday)
    11/10/2018 Tree ID 101 at Magruder Park-Prince George's County, MD (Saturday)-POSTPONED UNTIL 11/10/18
    11/08/2018 Western Mountains: November Meeting & Program
    11/04/2018 MNPS Field Trip: Wild Washington-Fort Totten Civil War Fort-Commemorative Walk for Philip Blair (Sunday)
    11/03/2018 City of Alexandria Fall Native Plant Sale (Saturday)
    10/30/2018 MNPS Program (Tuesday): Insects associated with local Apocynaceae, with side trips to the Caribbean and Horn of Africa
    10/28/2018 Fall Walk at Jug Bay, Patuxent River Park (Sunday)
    10/21/2018 O Where Are The Pines of Piney Branch? (Sunday)
    10/21/2018 Western Mountains: Field Trip
    10/20/2018 MNPS Field Trip: Cheverly Nature Hike: Demonstration of Forest and Grassy Glade Restoration (Saturday)
    10/11/2018 Western Mountains: October Meeting & Program
    10/03/2018 The Trees of Carderock (Wednesday)
    09/25/2018 MNPS Program (Tuesday): Naked Mountain, The Delights and Challenges of Owning a Virginia Natural Area Preserve
    09/21/2018 Fall Wildflower ID for Beginners (Friday)
    09/16/2018 Ferns of the Gunpowder (Fall Conference Field Trip, Sunday)
    09/16/2018 Severn Run NEA (Fall Conference Field Trip, Sunday)
    09/16/2018 Lake Roland Park (Fall Conference Field Trip, Sunday)
    09/16/2018 Gywnn Falls-Leakin Park (Fall Conference Field Trip, Sunday)
    09/16/2018 Maring CWMA-Carroll Co (Fall Conference Field Trip, Sunday)
    09/15/2018 Gywnn Falls-Leakin Park (Fall Conference Field Trip, Saturday)
    09/15/2018 Patapsco Valley State Park (Fall Conference Field Trip, Saturday)
    09/15/2018 Plant ID and iNaturalist workshop on UMBC campus (Fall Conference Field Trip, Saturday)
    09/15/2018 Soldiers Delight Natural Environmental Area (Fall Conference Field Trip, Saturday)
    09/15/2018 Gunpowder State Park, Hereford Area (Fall Conference Field Trip, Saturday)
    09/15/2018 Benjamin Banneker Historical Park (Fall Conference Field Trip, Saturday)
    09/15/2018 Oregon Ridge Park (Fall Conference Field Trip, Saturday)
    09/15/2018 The Times They Are A’Changin’: Threats to Maryland’s Native Plant Communities (2018 MNPS Fall Conference)
    09/08/2018 Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy Native Plant Sale
    09/07/2018 Adkins Arboretum Open House & Plant Sale
    09/02/2018 MNPS Field Trip: Wild Washington-Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens (Sunday)
    09/01/2018 Contee Watershed Trail at Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC), Edgewater, MD
    08/28/2018 MNPS Program (Tuesday): Helping Nature Help Itself
    08/25/2018 Irvine Native Plant Seminar and Sale
    08/06/2018 Western Mountains: Outdoor Activity
    07/31/2018 MNPS Program (Tuesday): Milkweeds and Their Communities
    07/21/2018 Seneca Creek Greenway Trail (Saturday)-CANCELLED DUE TO WEATHER FORECAST FOR HEAVY RAIN
    07/21/2018 MNPS Field Trip: Meet the Aquatics! Plants of the Anacostia Wetlands - Colmar Manor, MD (Saturday)
    07/16/2018 Western Mountains: Outdoor Activity
    07/15/2018 MNPS Field Trip: Wetland Plant Id (Sunday)
    07/14/2018 MNPS Field Trip: Dorchester County Wetlands (Saturday)
    07/13/2018 Western Mountains: Plant ID Workshop
    07/08/2018 MNPS Field Trip: Wild Washington-Oxon Run Bog (Sunday)
    07/08/2018 MNPS Field Trip: Union Mills Equestrian Trails, Carroll County, MD (Sunday)
    06/29/2018 Western Mountains: Outdoor Activity
    06/28/2018 MNPS Field Trip: Early Summer at Little Bennett Regional Park (Thursday)
    06/26/2018 MNPS Program (Tuesday): The Algae of Maryland: Diversity, Distribution and Environmental Importance
    06/24/2018 Chesapeake Natives Native Plant Sale
    06/22/2018 MNPS Field Trip: Summer Meadow at Audrey Carroll Audubon Sanctuary (Friday)-CANCELLED DUE TO WEATHER FORECAST
    06/08/2018 Western Mountains: Outdoor Activity
    06/02/2018 Friends of Jug Bay Seventh Annual Plant Sale
    05/29/2018 MNPS Program (Tuesday): Ferns in the Natural Landscape
    05/27/2018 Chesapeake Natives Native Plant Sale
    05/26/2018 MNPS Field Trip: Peak Bloom--Mountain Laurels of Buck Lodge Community Park, Adelphi, Prince George's County, MD (Saturday)
    05/20/2018 Joint Field Meeting in Lancaster Co, PA
    05/20/2018 Native Plant Sale to benefit Howard County Sierra Club-Clarksville, MD
    05/19/2018 MNPS Field Trip: Greenbelt Park (US National Park Service), Greenbelt, Prince George's County, MD (Saturday)
    05/19/2018 Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy Native Plant Sale
    05/11/2018 MNPS Field Trip: Weed Warrior Success at Meadowside Nature Center (Friday)
    05/08/2018 MNPS Field Trip: Evening Spring Plant Walk at the Don Miller Forest (Tuesday)
    05/07/2018 Western Mountains: Outdoor Activity
    05/06/2018 MNPS Field Trip: Spring in Catoctin Mountain Park (Sunday)
    05/06/2018 Robinson Nature Center Native Plant Palooza (Sunday)
    05/06/2018 Earth Sangha Open House & Native Plant Sale (Sunday)
    05/06/2018 MNPS Field Trip (Sunday): Gunpowder State Park - Hereford Area
    05/05/2018 MNPS Field Trip: Snyders Landing (Saturday)
    05/05/2018 Central Pennsylvania Native Plant Festival and Sale
    05/05/2018 Lower Shore Land Trust Pollinator Festival and Native Plant Sale
    05/05/2018 MNPS Field Trip: Orchids and other flowers at Catoctin Mountain Park (Saturday)
    04/29/2018 MNPS Field Trip: Rocks State Park (Sunday)
    04/28/2018 MNPS Field Trip: Spring Wildflowers and Big (?) Trees - Taylor's Landing (Saturday)
    04/28/2018 Audubon Society of Central MD Native Plant Sale
    04/27/2018 MNPS Field Trip: The Trees of the Berma Road (Friday)
    04/27/2018 Adkins Arboretum Open House and Native Plant Sale
    04/24/2018 MNPS Program (Tuesday): Spring Wildflowers
    04/24/2018 Western Mountains: Invasive Species Work
    04/23/2018 MNPS Field Trip: Catoctin Wildflowers 101 (Monday)
    04/23/2018 Western Mountains: Invasive Species Work
    04/22/2018 Environmental Concern Celebrates Earth Day at Layton's Chance Winery
    04/22/2018 MNPS Field Trip: Earth Day at Blockhouse Point (Pettit Way entrance) (Sunday)
    04/21/2018 Howard County GreenFest Native Plant Sale
    04/21/2018 MNPS Field Trip: Watkins Regional Park Spring Wildflower and Nature Hike (Saturday)
    04/21/2018 MNPS Field Trip: Early Spring on the Cabin John Trail (Saturday)
    04/20/2018 MNPS Field Trip: River Trail at Great Falls, MD (Friday)
    04/16/2018 Western Mountains: Outdoor Activity
    04/15/2018 MNPS Field Trip: Hoyles Mill Conservation Park and Diabase Trail (Sunday)
    04/15/2018 MNPS Field Trip: Civil War Fort Site-Fort DeRussy in Rock Creek Park (Sunday)-NOTE DATE CHANGE
    04/15/2018 MNPS Field Trip: Bluebell Stream Cleanup at Southwest Branch Park (Sunday)
    04/14/2018 MNPS Field Trip: Spring Wildflowers at Governor Bridge Natural Area (Saturday)
    04/14/2018 Baltimore Native Plant Sale
    04/13/2018 MNPS Field Trip: Early Spring Walk in the Woods: Cabin John Regional Park at Locust Grove Nature Center (Friday)
    04/13/2018 MNPS Field Trip: Wildflower and Orchid Search (Friday)
    04/13/2018 MNPS Field Trip: ISO Twinleaf on the Billy Goat Trail (Friday)
    04/08/2018 MNPS Field Trip: Monocacy Aqueduct (Sunday)
    04/07/2018 Fish Grow On Trees-Wildlife Considerations for Streamside Forest Buffer Plantings (Carroll County)
    04/06/2018 MNPS Field Trip: Early Spring Walk in the Woods: Rock Creek Regional Park at Meadowside Nature Center (Friday)
    04/06/2018 MNPS Field Trip: Spring Wildflowers at Turkey Run Park
    04/05/2018 MNPS Field Trip: Spring Ephemerals on the Cabin John Trail (Thursday)
    03/31/2018 MNPS Field Trip: Early Spring Tree ID at Waterford Park (Saturday)
    03/31/2018 MNPS Field Trip: Saturday Rambles - Lois Y. Green Conservation Park (Saturday)
    03/30/2018 MNPS Field Trip: Our Earliest Ephemerals (Friday)
    03/27/2018 MNPS Program (Tuesday): The Limits of Restoration
    03/25/2018 MNPS Field Trip: Tree and Shrub ID in Rock Creek Park (Sunday)
    03/20/2018 MNPS Field Trip: Spring Equinox at Little Bennett Regional Park (Tuesday)
    03/20/2018 Mountain Laurel Garden Club
    03/18/2018 MNPS Field Trip: Kingman and Heritage Islands (Sunday)
    03/13/2018 Allegany & Garrett Counties' Bird Club
    03/08/2018 Western Mountains: March Meeting & Program
    02/27/2018 MNPS Program (Tuesday): Dogbanes and Milkweeds
    02/26/2018 National Invasive Species Awareness Week-Events in DC (Feb. 26-March 2, 2018)
    02/18/2018 MNPS Field Trip: Cheverly Nature Park (Sunday)
    02/17/2018 MNPS Field Trip: Cheverly Woodworth Park (Saturday)
    02/11/2018 MNPS Field Trip: Civil War Fort Site-Fort DeRussy in Rock Creek Park (Sunday)
    02/08/2018 Western Mountains: February Meeting & Program
    01/30/2018 MNPS Program (Tuesday): Life on the Edge
    01/12/2018 MNPS Field Trip: Winter Greens
    12/31/2017 MNPS Field Trip: Wild Washington-Fort Dupont Park (Sunday)
    12/17/2017 MNPS Field Trip: Winter Solstice Walk and Hooley (Sunday)
    12/03/2017 Water Forum (sponsored by Sierra Club)
    12/02/2017 MNPS Field Trip: Early Winter in Froggy Hollow at Little Bennett (Saturday)
    11/28/2017 MNPS Program (Tuesday): Members Share and (Short) Annual Meeting
    11/18/2017 MNPS Field Trip and Weed Warrior Work Day: Little Bennett Regional Park (Saturday)
    11/12/2017 MNPS Field Trip: Civil War Fort Site: Shepherd Parkway (Sunday)
    10/28/2017 MNPS Field Trip: Fall at Little Bennett-Hyattstown Mill trails (Saturday)
    10/27/2017 MNPS Field Trip: Trees of the Gold Mine Tract (Friday)
    10/24/2017 MNPS Program (Tuesday): The Botanical Society of Washington; Partnering for Plants
    10/19/2017 Western Mountains Chapter: October Meeting & Program
    10/15/2017 Evergreen Heritage Center Fall Harvest Native Plant Sale (Sunday)
    10/15/2017 MNPS Field Trip: Wild Washington- Fort Slocum (Sunday)
    10/15/2017 Western Mountains Chapter: Field Trip
    10/07/2017 MNPS Field Trip: Fall Tree ID at Carderock (Saturday)
    09/29/2017 2017 Tri-State Conference, "Nature Knows No Boundaries"
    09/26/2017 MNPS Program (Tuesday): The Humane Gardener: Nurturing Habitat for Wildlife with author Nancy Lawson
    09/24/2017 Earth Sangha Open House and Plant Sale (Sunday)
    09/23/2017 Northern Alexandria Native Plant Sale (Saturday)
    09/22/2017 Early Fall Walk in the Woods, Rock Creek Regional Park (Friday)
    09/16/2017 MNPS Field Trip: Catoctin (Saturday)
    09/16/2017 Lake Roland Native Plant Sale (Saturday)
    09/10/2017 Seneca Creek Greenway Trail (Sunday)
    09/10/2017 MNPS Field Trip: Wild Washingon-Roosevelt Island (Sunday)
    09/09/2017 Greenspring Gardens Fall Garden Day Plant Sale & More (Saturday)
    09/08/2017 Adkins Arboretum Fall Open House & Native Plant Sale
    09/08/2017 Environmental Concern, Inc. Native Plant Sale (Friday & Saturday)
    08/29/2017 MNPS Program (Tuesday): Peas of Maryland
    08/26/2017 MNPS Field Trip: Late Summer Meadow at Audrey Carroll Audubon Sanctuary (Saturday)
    08/04/2017 Western Mountains Chapter: Outdoor Activity
    07/31/2017 MAIPC Conference: Invasion Biology, Paths to Conservation and Restoration Success
    07/29/2017 MNPS Field Trip and Weed Warrior Work Day: Little Bennett Regional Park (Saturday)
    07/25/2017 MNPS Program (Tuesday): How Geology Affects Plants: Examples Near Great Falls, MD
    07/22/2017 MNPS Field Trip: High Summer in Little Bennett (Saturday)
    07/09/2017 MNPS Field Trip: Ferns on the Gunpowder
    07/07/2017 Western Mountains Chapter: Plant ID Workshop
    06/27/2017 MNPS Program (Tuesday): Transforming the Natural Heritage Plant List
    06/17/2017 MNPS Field Trip: Frederick City Watershed Cooperative Wildlife Management Area (CWMA) (Saturday)
    06/11/2017 MNPS Field Trip: Wild Washington - Oxon Run Bog (Sunday)
    06/08/2017 Hometown Habitat: Lecture & Documentary Film
    06/02/2017 Western Mountains Chapter: Outdoor Activity
    05/30/2017 MNPS Program (Tuesday): Fabaceae (Pea Family) of Our Region
    05/27/2017 MNPS Field Trip: Mid-Spring Trees and Flowers at Little Bennett Regional Park (Saturday)
    05/27/2017 MNPS Field Trip: Rachel Carson Day House Tour and Mountain Laurel Walk (Saturday)
    05/21/2017 Evergreen Herb Expo
    05/20/2017 MNPS Field Trip: Ferncliff Peninsula Natural Area (Saturday)
    05/19/2017 MNPS Field Trip: Native Plant ID in Greenbrier State Park (Friday)
    05/19/2017 Whipps Garden Cemetery Plant Sale
    05/14/2017 MNPS Field Trip: Gunpowder State Park - Hereford Area
    05/13/2017 Native Plant Sale to benefit Howard County Sierra Club
    05/13/2017 MNPS Field Trip: Family Green Hour - Weekly Walks (Saturday)
    05/12/2017 MNPS Field Trip: Hellen Creek Hemlock Preserve (Friday)
    05/12/2017 Environmental Concern Annual Native Plant Sale
    05/09/2017 MNPS Field Trip: Evening Spring Plant Walk at the Don Miller Forest (Tuesday)
    05/07/2017 MNPS Field Trip: Spring in Catoctin Mountain Park (Sunday)
    05/07/2017 MNPS Field Trip: Wild Washington- Fort Chaplin (Sunday)
    05/06/2017 MNPS Field Trip: Over the Ridge and Back Through the Tunnel (Saturday)
    05/05/2017 Western Mountains Chapter: Outdoor Activity
    04/30/2017 CANCELLED MNPS Field Trip: Iris and Trilliums (Sunday)
    04/29/2017 MNPS Field Trip: Search for Orchids (Saturday)
    04/29/2017 Audubon Society of Central MD Native Plant Sale
    04/28/2017 MNPS Workshop: Wildflower ID for Beginners
    04/27/2017 Friends of Black Hill Native Plant Sale
    04/25/2017 MNPS Program: Native orchids - Ecologically interesting and deserving of MNPS support for their conservation
    04/25/2017 Western Mountains Chapter: Invasive Species Removal Project
    04/24/2017 MNPS Field Trip: Catoctin Wildflowers 101 (Monday)
    04/24/2017 Western Mountains Chapter: Invasive Species Removal Project
    04/23/2017 MNPS Field Trip: Seneca Creek Greenway Trail (Sunday)
    04/23/2017 MNPS Field Trip: Gunpowder State Park - Hereford Area
    04/23/2017 MNPS Workshop: SERC Flora Project
    04/22/2017 Howard County GreenFest Native Plant Sale
    04/22/2017 MNPS Field Trip: Watkins Regional Park Spring Wildflower and Nature Hike (Saturday)
    04/21/2017 MNPS Field Trip: River Trail at Great Falls, MD (Friday)
    04/15/2017 MNPS Field Trip: Spring Tree ID at Carderock (Saturday)
    04/15/2017 MNPS Field Trip: April Blooms in Northwest Branch (Saturday)
    04/15/2017 MNPS Field Trip: Spring Wildflowers at Governor Bridge Natural Area (Saturday)
    04/15/2017 MNPS Field Trip: Euclid Woods Spring Flora, Tree ID and Forest Restoration Survey (Saturday)
    04/15/2017 Montgomery Parks Field Trip: Saturday Rambles - Agricultural History Farm Park (Saturday)
    04/14/2017 Spring Ephemerals in Little Bennett (Friday)
    04/09/2017 MNPS Field Trip and Weed Warrior Work Day (Sunday)
    04/09/2017 Chesapeake Natives Early Spring Sale
    04/08/2017 MNPS Field Trip: Spring Flora of the Holmes Run Gorge (Saturday)
    04/08/2017 Baltimore Native Plant Sale
    04/01/2017 MNPS Field Trip: Spring Blooms of Blockhouse Point - Pettit Way entrance (Saturday)
    04/01/2017 MNPS Field Trip: Saturday Rambles - Lower Magruder Branch Trail (Saturday)
    04/01/2017 Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy Native Plant Sale
    03/28/2017 MNPS Program: Bringing Back the Grasslands, One Lawn at a Time
    03/25/2017 Spring Walk at Little Bennett (Saturday)
    03/25/2017 MNPS Field Trip: Family Green Hour - Weekly Walks (Saturday)
    03/16/2017 Western Mountains Chapter: March Meeting & Program
    03/12/2017 MNPS Field Trip: Monocacy Aqueduct (Sunday)
    03/04/2017 MNPS Field Trip: Saturday Rambles - Seneca Creek Greenway Trail (Saturday)
    02/28/2017 MNPS Program: Vulnerability of Tidal Wetlands to Sea Level Rise (Tuesday)
    02/26/2017 MNPS Field Trip: Wild Washington- Fort Totten Civil War Fort (Sunday): Commemorative walk for David Culp
    02/25/2017 MNPS Field Trip: Winter Woody Plant ID for Beginners (Saturday)
    02/19/2017 MNPS Field Trip: Woodworth Park (Sunday)
    02/18/2017 MNPS Field Trip: Cheverly Nature Park (Saturday)
    02/17/2017 MNPS Field Trip: Winter Greens
    02/16/2017 Western Mountains Chapter: February Meeting & Program
    01/31/2017 MNPS Program: A tale of two vines (Tuesday)
    01/21/2017 MNPS Field Trip: Saturday Rambles - Seneca Creek Greenway Trail (Saturday)
    01/07/2017 MNPS Field Trip: Saturday Rambles - Little Bennett Regional Park (Saturday)
    12/18/2016 MNPS Field Trip: Annual Winter Solstice and Hooley- Chapman Forest (Sunday)
    12/11/2016 MNPS Field Trip: Wild Washington - Fort Dupont Park (Sunday)
    12/10/2016 MNPS Field Trip: Little Bennett Late Autumn Walk (Saturday)
    11/29/2016 The Science behind Wild and Designed Plant Communities (Tuesday)
    11/19/2016 MNPS Field Trip: Bark, Berries, Branches, and Buds of Wheaton Regional Park – Exploring Down County Montgomery Parks (Saturday)
    11/13/2016 MNPS Field Trip: Little Bennett Autumn Walk
    11/06/2016 MNPS Field Trip: Table Mountain Pines and Other Pines and Deciduous Woody Plants of Sugarloaf Mountain (Sunday)
    10/30/2016 Catoctin Fall Foliage/Beginning Fall Tree ID Walk (Sunday)
    10/28/2016 Additions, Deletions and Re-deletions to the Maryland Flora (Friday)
    10/25/2016 Native Medicinal Plants: Cultivation, Conservation and Ethnobotany (Tuesday)
    10/22/2016 MNPS Field Trip: Hyattstown and Prescott Road trails at Little Bennett Regional Park (Saturday)
    10/18/2016 Western Mountains Chapter: October Meeting & Program
    10/16/2016 Autumn Festival and Plant Sale (Sunday)
    10/15/2016 Autumn Festival and Plant Sale (Saturday)
    10/12/2016 MNPS Field Trip: Shinrin-Yoku or Forest Bathing Walk in Rock Creek Park
    10/08/2016 Invasives Removal - Emily Bayless Graham Park (Saturday)
    10/02/2016 MNPS Field Trip: Wild Washington - Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens (Sunday)
    10/02/2016 MNPS Field Trip: Seneca Creek Greenway Trail (Sunday)
    10/02/2016 Fall Open House and Native Plant Sale (Sunday)
    10/01/2016 MNPS Program and Field Trip: Introduction to Native Plants and Visit to Cavano's Perennials (Saturday)
    09/27/2016 Documenting Maryland's Flora Through Space and Time: the Norton-Brown Herbarium and the Maryland Plant Atlas
    09/25/2016 Carrroll Co Weed Warrior Training
    09/25/2016 Native Plant Sale Fundraiser (Sunday)
    09/24/2016 Northern Alexandria Native Plant Sale (Saturday)
    09/18/2016 Central Farm Bog: Fall Conference Field Trip, Sunday
    09/18/2016 College Park Herbarium: Fall Conference Field Trip, Sunday
    09/18/2016 George Washington House Tour: Fall Conference Field Trip, Sunday
    09/18/2016 Buck Lodge: Fall Conference Field Trip, Sunday
    09/18/2016 Canoe Trip on the Anacostia: Fall Conference Field Trip, Sunday
    09/17/2016 MNPS Annual Fall Conference: Saturday Social
    09/17/2016 Greenbelt Forest Preserve: Fall Conference Field Trip, Saturday
    09/17/2016 Greenbelt National Park Bogs and Forest: Fall Conference Field Trip, Saturday
    09/17/2016 Watkins Regional Park: Fall Conference Field Trip, Saturday
    09/17/2016 Suitland Bog: Fall Conference Field Trip, Saturday
    09/17/2016 Wooded Hillock: Fall Conference Field Trip, Saturday
    09/17/2016 Pitch Pine Barrens at BARC: Fall Conference Field Trip, Saturday
    09/17/2016 Bay-Wise Native Plant Sale (Saturday)
    09/17/2016 Patuxent Research Refuge: Fall Conference Field Trip, Saturday
    09/17/2016 2016 MNPS Annual Fall Conference; Maryland's Forgotten Bogs and Pine Barrens
    09/11/2016 MNPS Field Trip: Wild Washington- Fort Chaplin (Sunday)
    09/11/2016 Native Plant Sale & Fundraiser (Sunday)
    09/11/2016 MNPS Field Trip: Invasives (and other plants) of Little Bennett (Sunday)
    09/10/2016 Watershed Stewards Native Plant Sale (Saturday)
    09/10/2016 Fall Garden Day 2016- VNPS Plant Sale (Saturday)
    09/10/2016 Fall Native Plant Sale (Saturday)
    08/30/2016 Native Plant Production Utilizing Seeds of Local Ecotype
    08/27/2016 MNPS Field Trip: Late Summer Wildflower Meadow at Little Bennett Regional Park (Saturday)
    08/27/2016 25th Annual Native Plant Seminar and Sale
    08/16/2016 Western Mountains Chapter: August Meeting & Program
    08/13/2016 MNPS Field Trip: North Point State Park (Saturday)
    08/12/2016 MNPS Field Trip: River Trail at Great Falls Park, MD (Friday)
    08/06/2016 MNPS Field Trip: Canoe Trip- Anita C. Leight Estuary (Saturday)
    07/26/2016 Creating Beautiful Landscapes for Pollinator and Wildlife Habitat: Smithsonian Gardens to Your Front Yard (Tuesday)
    07/24/2016 Western Mountains Chapter: Field Trip
    07/23/2016 Summer Wildflowers in Little Bennett (Saturday)
    07/17/2016 Western Mountains Chapter: Plant ID Workshop - Part 2
    07/16/2016 MNPS Field Trip: Wetland Plant Id (Saturday)
    07/10/2016 Western Mountains Chapter: Plant ID Workshop - Part 1
    07/08/2016 MNPS Field Trip: Battle Creek Cypress Swamp (Friday)
    06/28/2016 Conifer Diversity in Maryland: Identification and Ecology (Tuesday)
    06/23/2016 MNPS Field Trip: Little Bennett Summer Solstice Walk
    06/21/2016 Western Mountains Chapter: June Meeting & Program
    06/18/2016 Kingman and Heritage Islands (Saturday)
    06/12/2016 MNPS Field Trip: Wild Washington- Oxon Run Bog (Sunday)
    06/11/2016 Reservoir Hill Garden Tour Weekend
    05/31/2016 Update on Wavyleaf Basketgrass: Habitat, Dispersal, Competition and Control (Tuesday)
    05/29/2016 MNPS Field Trip: "Peak Bloom-- Mountain Laurels of Buck Lodge Community Park”
    05/22/2016 Chesapeake Natives- Spring Finale Greenhouse Sale (Sunday)
    05/22/2016 MNPS Field Trip: Lake Frank at Meadowside Nature Center (Sunday)
    05/21/2016 Invasives Removal - Emily Bayless Graham Park (Saturday)
    05/21/2016 MNPS Field Trip: Mountain Laurels of Northwest Branch (Saturday)
    05/20/2016 MNPS Field Trip: Hellen Creek Hemlock Preserve (Friday)
    05/17/2016 MNPS Field Trip: Evening Spring Plant Walk at the private Don Miller Forest, Ellicott City, Howard County (Tuesday)
    05/15/2016 Native Plant Palooza (Sunday)
    05/07/2016 CANCELED: Little Bennett Park-National Champion Spicebush (Saturday)
    05/07/2016 MNPS Field Trip: Pinxters of Rachel Carson Park (Saturday)
    05/01/2016 Earth Sangha Open House & Native Plant Sale (Sunday)
    05/01/2016 MNPS Field Trip: Wild Washington- Fort Chaplin (Sunday)
    04/30/2016 Adkins Arboretum Nursery Member Open House (Saturday)
    04/30/2016 MNPS Field Trip: Spring Wildflowers at Liberty Watershed & Piney Run Park (Saturday)
    04/30/2016 MNPS Field Trip: Spring Wildflowers at Carderock (Saturday)
    04/30/2016 Audubon Society of Central Maryland Native Plant Sale
    04/30/2016 MNPS Field Trip: Wildflower Walk at Fairhill Nature Center, Cecil Co. (Saturday)
    04/30/2016 Northern Alexandria Native Plant Sale (Saturday)
    04/29/2016 Black Hill Regional Park Native Plant Sale (Fri., Sat. & Sun.)
    04/26/2016 Signs of Deer
    04/26/2016 Late Ephemerals in Little Bennett (Tuesday)
    04/19/2016 Western Mountains Chapter: April Meeting & Program
    04/17/2016 MNPS Field Trip: Watkins Regional Park Spring Wildflower & Nature Hike (Sunday)
    04/17/2016 MNPS Field Trip: Blockhouse Point from Pettit Way entrance (Sunday)
    04/17/2016 MNPS Field Trip: Lake Roland (RE Lee Park) Plant Survey
    04/16/2016 MNPS Field Trip: Spring Wildflowers at Governor Bridge Natural Area (Saturday)
    04/16/2016 Native Plant Sale at GreenFest 2016 (Saturday)
    04/16/2016 Spring in the Potomac Gorge (Saturday)
    04/12/2016 Western Mountains Chapter: Invasive Species Removal Project
    04/11/2016 Western Mountains Chapter: Invasive Species Removal Project
    04/08/2016 MNPS Field Trip: Wildflower ID for Beginners (Friday)
    04/06/2016 Cecil Bird Club Meeting: Doug Tallamay (Wednesday)
    04/05/2016 Spring Wildflowers at Little Bennett (Tuesday)
    04/03/2016 MNPS Field Trip: Wild Washington- Fort Connector between Fort Dupont and Fort Stanton (Sunday)
    03/29/2016 Year of the Conifer (Tuesday)
    03/23/2016 MNPS Field Trip: Spring Equinox at Little Bennett Regional Park (Wednesday)
    03/20/2016 MNPS Field Trip: Cabin John Stream Valley Park (Sunday)
    03/19/2016 Signs of Spring at Blockhouse Point (Saturday)
    03/17/2016 Native Plants in the Landscape (Thursday)
    03/13/2016 MNPS Field Trip: Maryland's Largest Known Tree & Two Montgomery County Champions (Sunday)
    03/12/2016 MNPS Field Trip: Big Trees of the Goldmine Tract (Saturday)
    03/06/2016 MNPS Field Trip: Wild Washington- Fort Totten Civil War Fort (Sunday)
    02/23/2016 Vegetation Dynamics in Serpentine Soil (Tuesday)
    02/21/2016 MNPS Field Trip: Blockhouse Point from Pettit Way entrance (Sunday)
    02/16/2016 CANCELLED Western Mountains Chapter: February Meeting & Program
    02/14/2016 MNPS Field Trip: Nature Hike & GBBC- Woodworth Park, Cleverly (Sunday)
    02/13/2016 MNPS Field Trip: Nature Hike & GBBC- Cheverly Nature Park (Saturday)
    02/07/2016 MNPS Field Trip: Wild Washington- Fort Dupont (Sunday)
    02/05/2016 MNPS Field Trip: Winter Greens (Friday)
    01/26/2016 Year of the Conifer- CANCELED DUE TO SNOW AND ICE
    01/03/2016 MNPS Field Trip: Wild Washington- Fort Stanton (Sunday)
    12/20/2015 MNPS Field Trip: Annual Winter Solstice and Hooley- Travilah Serpentine Barrens (Sunday)
    12/20/2015 MNPS Field Trip: Pre-Christmas Nature Hike and Bird Count (Sunday)
    12/19/2015 MNPS Field Trip: Pre-Christmas Nature Hike and Bird Count (Saturday)
    12/06/2015 MNPS Field Trip: Wild Washington- National Arboretum (Sunday)
    11/21/2015 MNPS Field Trip: Rock Creek Park - Boundary Bridge Area (Saturday)
    11/17/2015 Holiday Social and Members Share Night
    11/01/2015 MNPS Field Trip: Wild Washington- Civil War Fort Chaplin- Sunday
    10/27/2015 Native Plants of the Mid-Atlantic: Botanical Artists for Education and the Environment
    10/24/2015 Carrroll Co Weed Warrior Training
    10/20/2015 Western Mts Chapter Program: An Evaluation of Pest and Disease Vulnerability of DC Urban Street Trees
    10/17/2015 Western Mts Chapter Program: Ginseng Talk & Fall Foliage Walk
    10/10/2015 Carrroll Co Restoration Project
    10/04/2015 MNPS Field Trip: Wild Washington- Dumbarton Oaks Park (Sunday)
    10/04/2015 MNPS Field Trip: Gunpowder State Park - Hereford Area
    09/29/2015 Ecological Restoration of Invaded Urban Forests
    09/27/2015 MNPS Field Trip: Native Plants Return to Urban Park- Wyman Park Dell (Sunday)
    09/20/2015 Adkins Arboretum (Fall Conference)
    09/20/2015 Assateague Island (Fall Conference)
    09/20/2015 Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge (Fall Conference)
    09/20/2015 Fishing Bay, the Everglades of Maryland (Fall Conference)
    09/20/2015 Hickory Point Cypress Swamp (Fall Conference)
    09/20/2015 Wye Island, (Fall Conference)
    09/19/2015 MNPS Annual Fall Conference: Saturday Social
    09/19/2015 Furnace Town and Nassawango Preserve (Fall Conference)
    09/19/2015 Glen Heights Forest and Bear Swamp (Fall Conference)
    09/19/2015 Nassawango Creek (Fall Conference)
    09/19/2015 Pemberton Park (Fall Conference)
    09/19/2015 Plum Creek (Fall Conference)
    09/19/2015 Pocomoke River Kayak Trip (Fall Conference)
    09/19/2015 Ward Museum and Marsh Walk (Fall Conference)
    09/19/2015 Wicomico State Forest (Fall Conference)
    09/19/2015 Dorchester Pond (Fall Conference)
    09/19/2015 2015 MNPS Annual Fall Conference "Shifting Sands: Coastal Plain Flora from Wetlands to Upland"
    09/13/2015 MNPS Field Trip: Fall Trip to Eidolon Nature Preserve (Third in a Series)
    09/13/2015 MNPS Field Trip: Wild Washington- Tregaron, NW DC (Sunday)
    09/11/2015 Picnic & Sunset Stroll: New Beginnings- Woodlawn Wildlife Area (Friday)
    09/02/2015 MNPS Field Trip: Lake Frank in Rock Creek Regional Park (Wednesday)
    08/25/2015 What's in a Name? Botanical Names Explored
    08/22/2015 MNPS Workshop: Wildflower ID for Beginners
    08/21/2015 Field Trip: Habitat Survey (Friday)
    08/18/2015 Western Mountains Chapter Program
    08/14/2015 MNPS Field Trip: West Baltimore Wildflower Project-Vacant Lots to Green Spaces
    08/12/2015 MNPS Field Trip: Conservation of North American Orchids (Wednesday)
    08/01/2015 MNPS Field Trip: Baltimore Botany: Plants of Druid Hill Park (Saturday)
    07/28/2015 MNPS Program: NatureServe- A Network Approach to Conserving Plants
    07/25/2015 MNPS Field Trip: Exploring Elk Ridge in Summer
    07/22/2015 Field Trip: Habitat Survey (Wednesday)
    07/18/2015 Bioblitz at Colmar Manor/Duelling Creek
    07/13/2015 MNPS Field Trip: Baltimore Botany: Plants of Herring Run Park (Monday)
    07/12/2015 MNPS Field Trip: Summer Trip to Eidolon Nature Preserve (Second in a Series)
    07/11/2015 MNPS Field Trip: Wetland Plant Id
    07/10/2015 MNPS Workshop: Wildflower ID for Beginners
    07/02/2015 Field Trip: Habitat Survey (Thursday)
    06/30/2015 MNPS Program: Native and Non-native Vines in Maryland’s Natural Areas
    06/27/2015 Training on the ID and Removal of Invasive Exotic Plants (Saturday)
    06/20/2015 MNPS Northeast Chapter Field Trip and Meeting (Saturday)
    06/20/2015 MNPS Field Trip: Rosaryville State Park- Historic Maryland Providing a Future for Native Plants (Saturday)
    06/18/2015 MNPS Field Trip: Effects of Non-native Earthworms on Mid-Atlantic Forest Soils (Thursday)
    06/16/2015 Woodland Ecosystems Urban Design (Tuesday)
    06/16/2015 MNPS Western Mountains Chapter Meeting and Field Trip
    06/14/2015 MNPS Field Trip: Wild Washington- Fort Totten (Sunday)
    06/13/2015 Bay-Wise and Beautiful Garden Tour (Saturday)
    06/10/2015 Maydale Conservation Park Community Meeting
    06/08/2015 MNPS Field Trip: Cabin John Stream Valley Park (Monday)
    06/06/2015 Native Plant Sale at Glendening Nature Preserve (Saturday)
    05/31/2015 Chesapeake Natives Spring Finale Sale (Sunday)
    05/30/2015 MNPS Field Trip: Mountain Laurels of Northwest Branch (Saturday)
    05/26/2015 Non-native invasive insects and diseases: What do they like to eat and attack?
    05/19/2015 MNPS Field Trip: Evening Spring Plant Walk at the Don Miller Forest, Ellicott City, Howard County (Tuesday)
    05/17/2015 MNPS Field Trip: WILD WASHINGTON: Fort Dupont
    05/16/2015 ID Training and Removal of Invasive Exotic Plants (Saturday)
    05/16/2015 MNPS Field Trip: Pinxters of Rachel Carson Park (Saturday)
    05/16/2015 Cheverly Biodiversity Day Bioblitz (Saturday)
    05/10/2015 MNPS Field Trip: Spring Trip to Eidolon Nature Preserve (First in a Series)
    05/08/2015 Environmental Concern Native Plant Sale
    05/07/2015 MNPS Northeast Chapter Program
    05/07/2015 Douglas Tallamy- Book Signing and Presentation
    05/03/2015 Robinson Nature Center Native Plant Palooza (Sunday)
    05/02/2015 Chesapeake Native Plant Sale at the Rachel Carson House in Silver Spring (Saturday)
    05/02/2015 MNPS Field Trip: Gunpowder State Park May Wildflower Hike- Hereford Area
    05/02/2015 MNPS Field Trip: Wildflowers and More at Carderock/Marsden
    05/02/2015 Second Annual Native Plant Sale at Robert E. Lee Park
    04/28/2015 Effects of Non-native Earthworms on Mid-Atlantic Forest Soils
    04/26/2015 MNPS Field Trip: Watkins Regional Park Nature Hike
    04/25/2015 MNPS Field Trip: Snyder's Landing
    04/25/2015 ID and Removal of Invasive Exotic Plants
    04/25/2015 Croydon Creek Spring Festival and Native Plant Sale
    04/25/2015 Audubon Society of Central Maryland Native Plant Sale
    04/23/2015 MNPS Field Trip: Spring Wildflowers at Flag Ponds
    04/23/2015 Field Trip: Habitat Survey
    04/21/2015 MNPS Western Mountains Chapter Meeting and Program
    04/18/2015 Howard County GreenFest 2015
    04/12/2015 MNPS Field Trip: Early Spring on the Upper Canal
    04/12/2015 Conowingo Wildflowers and Birds
    04/11/2015 ID and Removal of Invasive Exotic Plants
    04/09/2015 Battling Botanical Bullies at Bear Pen
    04/06/2015 MNPS Field Trip: Blockhouse Point/ Muddy Branch Stream Valley
    04/05/2015 MNPS Field Trip: Roosevelt Island- 131st in the Civil War Fort series
    04/04/2015 MNPS Field Trip: Early Spring Wildflowers at Carderock
    03/31/2015 Statewide Eyes Program: A Citizen Science Contribution to Protecting Maryland Biodiversity
    03/27/2015 MNPS Field Trip: Hug a Tree- Maryland's Biggest, Plus a Few Other Champs (Friday)
    03/26/2015 Field Trip: Habitat Survey
    03/25/2015 MNPS Field Trip: Mid-week 'Welcome Spring' Hike at Little Bennett Regional Park
    03/21/2015 MNPS Field Trip: Hug a Tree- Maryland's Biggest, Plus a Few Other Champs (Saturday)
    03/20/2015 CANCELLED MNPS Field Trip: Vernal Equinox Big Tree Walk at Goldmine Tract
    03/14/2015 MNPS North East Chapter Meeting
    03/13/2015 CANCELLED MNPS Field Trip: Hug a Tree- Maryland's Biggest, Plus a Few Other Champs (Friday)
    03/04/2015 Using Native Plants in Our Gardens to Support Wildlife
    03/01/2015 MNPS Field Trip: National Arboretum- 130th in the series CANCELED DUE TO SNOW AND ICY CONDITIONS
    02/24/2015 Year of the Vines
    02/21/2015 MNPS Field Trip: Hug a Tree- Maryland's Biggest, Plus a Few Other Champs- CANCELED DUE TO ICY CONDITIONS
    02/17/2015 MNPS Western Mountains Chapter Meeting and Program
    02/16/2015 MNPS Field Trip: Blockhouse Point/ Muddy Branch Stream Valley- CANCELED
    02/15/2015 MNPS Field Trip: Nature Hike & GBBC- Nature Park, Cheverly
    02/14/2015 MNPS Field Trip: Nature Hike & GBBC- Woodworth Park, Cheverly
    02/01/2015 MNPS Field Trip: Civil War Fort Dupont
    01/27/2015 The Effects of Climate Change on Native Plants
    01/24/2015 MNPS Field Trip: Big Trees of the Goldmine Tract
    01/18/2015 MNPS Field Trip: 3rd Annual Skunk Cabbage Swamp Stomp
    01/16/2015 MNPS Field Trip: Winter Greens
    01/04/2015 MNPS Field Trip: Civil War Fort Mahon
    12/21/2014 MNPS Field Trip: Winter Solstice Walk & Hooley at Ferry Hill
    12/13/2014 MNPS Field Trip: Winter Tree ID along the Potomac
    12/07/2014 MNPS Field Trip: Civil War Forts Dupont-Stanton Connector
    11/09/2014 MNPS Field Trip: Rock Creek Park- Boundary Bridge Area
    11/02/2014 MNPS Field Trip: Sugarloaf Mountain
    11/02/2014 MNPS Field Trip: Fort Stanton
    11/01/2014 MNPS Field Trip: Trees at Greenmount Cemetery
    10/28/2014 A Year in Rock Creek Park: the Wild, Wooded Heart of Washington, DC
    10/24/2014 MNPS Field Trip: Seneca Creek State Park
    10/21/2014 MNPS Western Mts Chapter Meeting and Program
    10/18/2014 Exploring Elk Ridge in Autumn
    10/11/2014 MNPS Field Trip: Cheverly Euclid Park Nature Hike and Habitat Restoration Project
    10/05/2014 MNPS Field Trip: Fort Totten
    10/01/2014 Please keep me on your mailing list!
    09/30/2014 Deer Overabundance: Unintended Ecological Consequences
    09/21/2014 Fall Conference Field Trip: Susquehanna Lock 12 Park
    09/21/2014 Fall Conference Field Trip: State Line Barrens
    09/21/2014 Fall Conference Field Trip: Rocks State Park
    09/21/2014 Fall Conference Field Trip: Elk Neck State Forest
    09/21/2014 Fall Conference Field Trip: Lum’s Pond State Park
    09/20/2014 MNPS Annual Fall Conference: Saturday Social
    09/20/2014 Fall Conference Field Trip: Pilot Serpentine Barren
    09/20/2014 Fall Conference Field Trip: Mt Cuba Center
    09/20/2014 Fall Conference Field Trip: Cecil College grounds
    09/20/2014 Fall Conference Field Trip: Susquehanna State Park, PA
    09/20/2014 Fall Conference Field Trip: Elk Neck State Forest
    09/20/2014 Fall Conference Field Trip: Nottingham Serpentine Barrens
    09/20/2014 Fall Conference Field Trip: White Clay Creek
    09/20/2014 Fall Conference Field Trip: Lum’s Pond State Park
    09/20/2014 2014 MNPS Annual Fall Conference: The Diverse Flora and Habitats of Cecil County and the Tri-state Area
    09/19/2014 Cecil College- Green Roof Tour and Workshop
    09/07/2014 MNPS: Fort Slocum Civil War Site
    08/26/2014 Herbal Uses for Native Plants - and a few pioneers...
    08/19/2014 MNPS Western Mts Chapter Meeting and Program
    07/29/2014 The Maryland Amphibian Reptile Atlas
    07/27/2014 MNPS Field Trip: Wetland Plant Id
    07/26/2014 Exploring Elk Ridge in Summer
    07/12/2014 MNPS Field Trip: West Baltimore Wildflower Project- Vacant Lots to Green Spaces
    07/11/2014 Field Trip: Habitat Survey
    07/11/2014 MNPS Western Mts Workshop: Wildflower ID for Beginners
    06/24/2014 Amelanchier (Shadbush) of the Potomac Gorge
    06/21/2014 MNPS Field Trip:Rosaryville State Park- Historic Maryland Providing a Future for Native Plants
    06/18/2014 MNPS Field Trip: Little Bennett Summer Solstice Walk
    06/13/2014 Field Trip: Habitat Survey
    06/07/2014 MNPS Field Trip: Patapsco Valley St Park, McKeldin Area
    06/05/2014 Native Plants in the Landscape Conference
    06/01/2014 MNPS Field Trip: Mountain Laurels of Northwest Branch
    06/01/2014 MNPS Field Trip: Fort Dupont
    05/31/2014 Chesapeake Natives at Cheverly Community Market
    05/27/2014 The Decline of Orchid Populations in the Catoctin Mountains
    05/13/2014 MNPS Field Trip: Walk near Enchanted Forest, Ellicott City
    05/12/2014 MNPS Board Meeting
    05/10/2014 Hyattsville PTA Native Plant Sale
    05/09/2014 Field Trip: Habitat Survey
    05/04/2014 Native Plant Palooza
    05/04/2014 MNPS: Fort Chaplin Civil War Site
    05/04/2014 MNPS Field Trip: Gunpowder State Park May Wildflower Hike – Hereford Area
    05/03/2014 Weed Warrior Training
    05/03/2014 WSSC Native Tree and Wildflower Hike
    05/03/2014 MNPS Field Trip: Spring Wildflowers at Carderock
    05/03/2014 Nature Walk at Robert E Lee Park
    05/03/2014 Native Plant Sale at RE Lee Park
    04/29/2014 Maryland Botanical Heritage Work Group Report Highlights
    04/27/2014 MNPS Field Trip: Watkins Regional Park Spring Wildflower & Nature Walk
    04/26/2014 Chesapeake Natives at Mt Rainier Plant Sale
    04/26/2014 Exploring Elk Ridge in Spring
    04/26/2014 Audubon Soc'y of Central MD Native Plant Sale
    04/26/2014 Bioblitz Howard County
    04/19/2014 Prince Georges County Members Meeting
    04/19/2014 MNPS Field Trip: Spring Wildflowers at Turkey Run Park
    04/15/2014 MNPS Western Mts Chapter Meeting and Program
    04/12/2014 MNPS Field Trip: Spring Wildflowers at Governor Bridge Natural Area
    04/11/2014 Field Trip: Habitat Survey
    04/10/2014 Battling Botanical Bullies at Bear Pen
    04/06/2014 MNPS Field Trip: Shepherd Parkway Civil War Site
    04/05/2014 Native Plant and Herb Sale
    04/05/2014 MNPS Field Trip: Early Spring Wildflowers at Carderock
    03/29/2014 Moss Workshop
    03/25/2014 The Mysterious Biology of Native Orchids
    03/22/2014 H2O Summit Festival
    03/17/2014 MNPS Board Meeting POSTPONED
    03/14/2014 Field Trip: Habitat Survey
    03/09/2014 MNPS Field Trip: Loch Raven Reservoir Watershed, Baltimore
    03/02/2014 MNPS Field Trip: Fort Connector between Fort Dupont and Fort Stanton
    02/25/2014 Maryland Biodiversity Project
    02/22/2014 Robt E Lee Park Restoration Project
    02/18/2014 MNPS Western Mts Chapter Meeting and Program
    02/16/2014 MNPS Field Trip: Nature Hike & GBBC- Nature Park, Cheverly
    02/15/2014 MNPS Field Trip: Nature Hike & GBBC- Woodworth Park, Cheverly
    02/10/2014 Plant Identification Lab
    02/08/2014 MNPS Field Trip: Ten Mile Creek
    02/07/2014 Winter Greens
    02/02/2014 MNPS Field Trip: Fort Totten
    01/28/2014 MNPS Monthly Program: Introduction to the Rose Family in Maryland
    01/25/2014 Exploring Elk Ridge in Winter
    01/25/2014 Oh Deer! Dealing with Deer in Your Woodlands and Around Your Home
    01/22/2014 Plant Conservation Lecture Series- United States Botanic Garden
    01/18/2014 MNPS Field Trip: Winter Tree and Shrub ID Along the Potomac
    01/11/2014 MNPS Field Trip: Winter Tree and Shrub ID Along the Potomac
    01/05/2014 MNPS Field Trip: Fort Bayard
    12/15/2013 MNPS Field Trip: Winter Solstice Walk & Hooley at Chapman Forest
    12/08/2013 MNPS Field Trip: Fort Bayard CANCELLED
    11/26/2013 MNPS Monthly Program: Members Share and (Short) Annual Meeting
    11/09/2013 Pennsylvania Native Plant Society Annual Meeting
    11/03/2013 MNPS Field Trip: Fort Dupont
    10/29/2013 MNPS Monthly Program: How Are Mountain Wildflowers and Pollinators Responding to a Changing Climate?
    10/26/2013 Forest Ecology
    10/26/2013 MNPS Field Trip: Greenbelt Forest Preserve
    10/22/2013 MNPS Program: Learn about Lupines and Invasive Plants
    10/19/2013 Native Plant Sale: Chesapeake Natives
    10/15/2013 MNPS Western Mountains Chapter Meeting
    10/10/2013 Public Event: Ten Mile Creek Worksessions
    10/06/2013 MNPS Field Trip: Fort Totten
    10/05/2013 Native Plant Sale: Chesapeake Natives
    10/05/2013 MNPS Field Trip: Andelot Farm
    09/28/2013 Parkfairfax Native Plant Fall Sale
    09/24/2013 MNPS Monthly Program: Challenges of Native Prairie Coastal Restoration
    09/22/2013 Fall Conference Field Trip: Cranesville Swamp
    09/22/2013 Fall Conference Field Trip: Fifteen Mile Creek
    09/22/2013 Fall Conference Field Trip: High Rock Wildland
    09/22/2013 Fall Conference Field Trip: North Cherry Creek Bog
    09/22/2013 Fall Conference Field Trip: Rock Lodge
    09/21/2013 MNPS Annual Fall Conference: Saturday Social
    09/21/2013 Fall Conference Field Trip: Wolf Swamp
    09/21/2013 Fall Conference Field Trip: Elk Ridge Native Plant Preserve
    09/21/2013 Fall Conference Field Trip: Finzel Swamp
    09/21/2013 Fall Conference Field Trip: Fort Hill
    09/21/2013 Fall Conference Field Trip: Mount Aetna Tract
    09/21/2013 Fall Conference Field Trip: New Germany State Park
    09/21/2013 Fall Conference Field Trip: Allegany College Arboretum
    09/21/2013 2013 MNPS Annual Fall Conference: The Threatened Natural Communities and Rare Plants of Maryland's Mountains
    09/13/2013 Native Plant Sale: Adkins Arboretum
    09/10/2013 Public Hearing on Ten Mile Creek Development plan
    09/09/2013 Public Hearing: Pesticides in MoCo
    09/07/2013 Chesapeake Natives Plant Sale
    08/27/2013 MNPS Monthly Program: Geology and Natural History of Maryland
    08/20/2013 MNPS Western Mountains Chapter Meeting
    08/17/2013 Ten Mile Creek Potluck Picnic
    07/30/2013 MNPS Monthly Program: Let’s Do Lunch-The Uneasy Relationship Between Ungulates and the Landscapes They Inhabit
    07/12/2013 SRWA - Wildflower Identification for Beginners
    07/07/2013 MNPS Field Trip: Loch Raven Reservoir Watershed, Baltimore
    06/25/2013 MNPS Monthly Program: From Mountains to Sea: Maryland’s Natural Areas
    06/18/2013 MNPS Western Mountains Chapter Meeting
    06/15/2013 Exploring the Heaths at Elk Ridge
    06/09/2013 MNPS Field Trip: Ferns on the Gunpowder
    06/09/2013 MNPS Field Trip: Oxon Run Bog
    06/02/2013 MNPS Field Trip: Mountain Laurel and Other Heaths of Sugarloaf Mountain
    06/01/2013 Spring Gardening Open House
    06/01/2013 Native Plant Sale: Herring Run Nursery
    05/30/2013 Smarter Growth Alliance For Charles County
    05/28/2013 MNPS Monthly Program: The Path from Heath to Gardens
    05/26/2013 Native Plant Sale: Herring Run Nursery
    05/18/2013 Native Plant Sale: Herring Run Nursery
    05/18/2013 MNPS Field Trip: Gunpowder State Park May Wildflower Hike – Hereford Area
    05/18/2013 MNPS Field Trip: Mountain Laurels along Northwest Branch of the Anacostia
    05/18/2013 Invasives/Cleanup Project: Shepherd Parkway, DC
    05/18/2013 MAEscapes Native Plant Fest and Sale
    05/18/2013 4th Annual Native Plant Sale
    05/15/2013 MNPS Program: Native Plant Garden Tour
    05/14/2013 Movie Night and "Early-Bird" Walk
    05/14/2013 MNPS Field Trip: Walk in Howard Co Near Enchanted Forest
    05/12/2013 Native Plant Sale: Herring Run Nursery
    05/11/2013 Spring Native Plant Sale
    05/10/2013 Native Plant Sale: Environmental Concern
    05/09/2013 Magnolia Bogs of the Fall Line
    05/05/2013 MNPS Field Trip: Civil War Forts: Fort Chaplin
    05/04/2013 WHC Picnic and Native Plant Sale
    05/04/2013 Native Plant Sale: Herring Run Nursery
    05/04/2013 Central Pennsylvania Native Plant Festival and Sale
    05/04/2013 IWL Native Plant Sale and Family Day
    05/02/2013 Native Plant Sale Preview and Lecture: Brookside Gardens
    04/30/2013 MNPS Monthly Program: Heath Diversity in Maryland
    04/30/2013 Native Plant Sale: Irvine Nature Center
    04/27/2013 MNPS Field Trip: Gems of the Forest
    04/27/2013 MNPS Field Trip: Carderock Area Woodlands & Tow Path
    04/21/2013 MNPS Field Trip: Leakin Park, Baltimore
    04/20/2013 Invasives/Cleanup Project: Shepherd Parkway, DC
    04/20/2013 Walk for the Woods
    04/19/2013 MNPS Field Trip: Spring Flowers at Flag Ponds
    04/18/2013 Bear Pen Wildlands: SRWA Battling Botanical Bullies
    04/16/2013 MNPS Western Mountains Chapter Meeting
    04/14/2013 SRWA Red Spruce Rescue and Count
    04/13/2013 Invasive Removal & Plant ID at Swann Park
    04/07/2013 Urban Plant Walk and Exhibition Tour
    04/07/2013 MNPS Field Trip: Fort Dupont
    04/06/2013 Herring Run Nursery Spring Schedule
    03/31/2013 MNPS Field Trip: Walk in Howard Co Near Enchanted Forest
    03/26/2013 MNPS Monthly Program: The Ecology of Wavyleaf Basketgrass
    03/23/2013 Invasives/Cleanup Project: Shepherd Parkway, DC
    03/23/2013 USNA Lahr Symposium
    03/14/2013 Master Gardener Classes in Allegany and Garrett Counties
    03/03/2013 MNPS Field Trip: National Arboretum
    03/02/2013 Balancing Natives and Exotics in the Garden
    02/26/2013 MNPS Monthly Program: Introduction to Maryland's Heaths
    02/23/2013 Invasives/Cleanup Project: Shepherd Parkway, DC
    02/19/2013 MNPS Western Mountains Chapter Meeting
    02/15/2013 The Green Invasion
    02/09/2013 Winter Greens
    02/03/2013 MNPS Field Trip: National Arboretum
    01/29/2013 MNPS Monthly Program: Oak Hybrids of Our Region
    01/26/2013 Invasives/Cleanup Project: Shepherd Parkway, DC
    01/22/2013 Workshop: Maple Sugar Training
    01/20/2013 Winter Greens
    01/12/2013 Workshop: The Woods in Your Backyard
    01/06/2013 MNPS Field Trip: Fort Bunker Hill
    12/16/2012 MNPS Field Trip: Winter Solstice Walk and Hooley
    12/04/2012 Bot Society of Washington Annual Banquet
    12/02/2012 MNPS Field Trip: Connector between Forts Dupont and Stanton
    11/27/2012 MNPS Monthly/Annual Meeting: Oak Tree Anatomy
    11/14/2012 MNPS Baltimore Chapter Monthly Lecture/Workshop: Winter Oak Indentification Workshop
    11/13/2012 Mountain Laurel Garden Club Meeting
    11/09/2012 2012 Pennsylvania Botany Symposium
    11/08/2012 Sustaining Nature in an Urbanizing Landscape
    11/04/2012 MNPS Field Trip: Civil War Fort Site: Fort Dupont
    11/03/2012 Field Trip: Fall Foliage Hike at Dora Kelley
    11/03/2012 Pennsylvania Native Plant Society Annual Meeting
    10/30/2012 MNPS Monthly Meeting: CANCELED
    10/27/2012 Improving Wildlife Habitat in your Backyard
    10/27/2012 Prince George's County Champion Tree Tour
    10/17/2012 MNPS Greater Baltimore Monthly Lecture/Discussion: A Bee's Eye View of Pollination
    10/16/2012 MNPS Western Mountains Chapter Meeting
    10/13/2012 Native Plant Sale: Herring Run Nursery
    10/11/2012 Environmental Effects Associated with Fracking
    10/07/2012 Native Plant Sale: Herring Run Nursery
    10/07/2012 MNPS Field Trip: Civil War Fort Site: Fort Dupont
    10/02/2012 Master Naturalist Training (Montgomery County, MD)
    09/30/2012 MNPS Annual Conference Field Trip: North Point State Park
    09/30/2012 MNPS Annual Conference Field Trip: Robert E Lee Park
    09/30/2012 MNPS Annual Conference Field Trip: Marshy Point by Canoe
    09/30/2012 MNPS Annual Conference Field Trip: Towson University's Field Station
    09/29/2012 MNPS Annual Fall Conference: Saturday Social
    09/29/2012 MNPS Annual Conference Workshop: Maryland's Oaks
    09/29/2012 MNPS Annual Conference Field Trip: Gunpowder Falls
    09/29/2012 MNPS Annual Conference Field Trip: Oregon Ridge Park
    09/29/2012 MNPS Annual Conference Field Trip: Native Plant Garden Tours
    09/29/2012 MNPS Annual Conference Field Trip: Hampton, NPS Historic Site
    09/29/2012 MNPS Annual Conference Field Trip: Soldiers Delight
    09/29/2012 Native Plant Sale: Herring Run Nursery
    09/29/2012 Workshop: Invasive Plant ID and Native Alternative
    09/29/2012 2012 MNPS Annual Fall Conference: Preserving and Restoring Biodiversity in Developed Landscapes
    09/25/2012 MNPS Monthly Meeting: Oaks of MD-What's Quirky About Quercus?
    09/23/2012 Workshop: Training on Invasive Removal
    09/22/2012 MNPS Field Trip: National Museum of the American Indian Gardens
    09/19/2012 MNPS Greater Baltimore Monthly Lecture: New Pests & Diseases of Maryland's Forests
    09/16/2012 Native Plant Sale: Herring Run Nursery
    09/16/2012 Create a Butterfly Garden
    09/15/2012 Native Plant Sale: Adkins Arboretum
    09/15/2012 Workshop: Plant Yer Own Patch!
    09/15/2012 Fall Native Plant Sale: Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy
    09/10/2012 Master Naturalist Training (Frederick County, MD)
    09/10/2012 Master Naturalist Training (Baltimore County, MD)
    09/08/2012 Wokshop: Forest Ecosystems
    09/08/2012 Native Plant Sale: Herring Run Nursery
    09/08/2012 Fall Foliage Walk at Patuxent Research Refuge-North Tract
    09/08/2012 Native Plant Sale: Environmental Concern
    09/02/2012 MNPS Field Trip: Civil War Fort Site: Fort Stanton
    08/28/2012 MNPS Monthly Meeting: Conservation of Serpentine Ecosystems: Soldier’s Delight and Beyond
    08/26/2012 Native Plant Sale: Herring Run Nursery
    08/25/2012 Irvine Native Plant Seminar and Sale
    08/21/2012 MNPS Western Mountains Chapter Meeting
    07/31/2012 MNPS Monthly Meeting: "An Ozone Monitoring Garden"
    07/29/2012 MNPS Field Trip: Wetland Plant Id
    07/20/2012 Wildflower Identification for Beginners
    07/18/2012 MNPS Greater Baltimore Monthly Lecture/Discussion: Saving Wild Plants at Meadowlark Garden
    07/10/2012 MNPS Field Trip: Uncultivated - Wild Urban Plants
    07/08/2012 MNPS Field Trip: Severn Run Environmental Area CANCELLED
    06/26/2012 Last Minute Change: MNPS Monthly Meeting
    06/26/2012 Special Event: Going Native in Your Backyard
    06/23/2012 MNPS Field Trip: Oaks Overhead, Garrett County
    06/22/2012 MNPS Field Trip: Oaks, and Other Plants, Identification Challenge
    06/20/2012 MNPS Baltimore Chapter Montly Lecture/Discussion: Rain Garden Design
    06/19/2012 MNPS Western Mountains Chapter Meeting:
    06/17/2012 MNPS Field Trip: Soldiers Delight Natural Environment Area
    06/10/2012 MNPS Field Trip: Civil War Fort Site: Fort Slocum
    06/10/2012 Joint Field Meeting 2012
    06/09/2012 Natural History Tree Tour
    06/09/2012 MNPS Workshop: Carex Indentification
    06/03/2012 Presentation: American Canopy
    06/03/2012 MNPS Field Trip: Oaks of Sugarloaf Mountain
    06/03/2012 Society for Economic Botany 53rd Annual Meeting: "Ethnobotany of Mountain Cultures"
    06/02/2012 Native Plant Sale: Herring Run Nursery
    06/02/2012 Wildflower Walk at Patuxent Research Refuge-North Tract
    05/29/2012 MNPS Monthly Meeting: Deer Management in Montgomery County
    05/20/2012 Native Plant Sale: Herring Run Nursery
    05/20/2012 MNPS Field Trip: Piney Orchard Nature Preserve
    05/20/2012 Native Plant Sale: American Native Plants/Green and Sticky
    05/19/2012 Field Trip: Certified Wildlife Habitat Tour
    05/19/2012 MNPS Field Trip: Gunpowder State Park May Wildflower Hike – Hereford Area
    05/19/2012 Native Plant Sale: Herring Run Nursery
    05/19/2012 SRWA Garden Tour and Native Plant Sale
    05/19/2012 Native Plant Sale: Hyattsville Elementary School PTA
    05/19/2012 Native Plant Fest and Sale: MAEScapes and Penn State Master Gardeners
    05/16/2012 MNPS Baltimore Chapter Monthly Lecture/Discussion: Maryland's Orchids
    05/13/2012 Native Plant Sale: Herring Run Nursery
    05/12/2012 Native Plant Sale: Woodlawn Wildlife Area, Cecil County
    05/12/2012 Native Plant & Seed Sale: Brandywine Conservancy
    05/12/2012 Native Plant Sale: Chesapeake Natives, Inc.
    05/06/2012 MNPS Field Trip: Civil War Fort Site: Fort Chaplin
    05/06/2012 MNPS Field Trip: Uncultivated - Exploring Wild Urban Plants
    05/06/2012 Native Plant Sale: American Native Plants/Green and Sticky
    05/05/2012 Field Trip: Greenbridge Recreation Area
    05/05/2012 MNPS Field Trip: Blind Leading the Blind?
    05/05/2012 Field Trip: Spring Tree Tour of the Capitol Grounds
    05/05/2012 Native Plant Sale: Herring Run Nursery
    05/05/2012 PNPS Native Plant Sale
    04/29/2012 Native Plant Sale: Herring Run Nursery
    04/29/2012 Native Plant Sale: Chesapeake Natives, Inc.
    04/29/2012 Forest Friends Festival
    04/29/2012 MNPS Field Trip: Severn Run Natural Environmental Area
    04/28/2012 BioBlitz @ Leight Estuary Center
    04/28/2012 MNPS Field Trip: Herring Run Park
    04/28/2012 MNPS Field Trip: Carderock Recreation Area Woodlands and Tow Path
    04/28/2012 SRWA Native Plant Demonstration and Sale
    04/28/2012 Native Plant Sale: Audubon Society of Central Maryland
    04/27/2012 Native Plant Sale: National Arboretum
    04/25/2012 Baltimore Premiere Screening of Green Fire
    04/24/2012 MNPS Monthly Meeting: The Natural History Of Oak-Feeding Insects in Maryland
    04/24/2012 MNPS Field Trip: Jones Falls at the Inner Harbor
    04/22/2012 Native Plant Sale: Herring Run Nursery
    04/22/2012 MNPS Field Trip: Leakin Park
    04/22/2012 Native Plant Sale: American Native Plants/Green and Sticky
    04/22/2012 Field Trip: Wildflower Walk
    04/21/2012 MNPS Lecture: Landscaping with Native Plants to Attract Wildlife
    04/21/2012 MNPS Field Trip: Spring Wildflowers at Governor Bridge Natural Area
    04/21/2012 MNPS Field Trip: Druid Hill Oaks
    04/21/2012 Red Spruce Ecosystem Restoration
    04/20/2012 SRWA Battling Botanical Bullies
    04/19/2012 SRWA Battling Botanical Bullies
    04/18/2012 MNPS Baltimore Chapter Monthly Lecture/Discussion: Native Plant Nurseryman Roundtable
    04/18/2012 Picky Partners: Why Our Native Orchids Grow Where They Do
    04/18/2012 Tree Essentials
    04/17/2012 MNPS Western Mts Chapter Meeting: "A Native American Species Becomes a New Fruit Crop"
    04/16/2012 Restoration Project: SRWA Red Spruce Plantings
    04/15/2012 Restoration Project: SRWA Red Spruce Plantings
    04/15/2012 Native Plant Sale: American Native Plants/Green and Sticky
    04/14/2012 Training: Identifying and Removing Invasive Exotic Weeds
    04/14/2012 Field Trip: Big Tree Hike
    04/14/2012 Native Plant Sale: Adkins Arboretum
    04/14/2012 Conference: Tomorrow’s Landscapes: More Birds, Butterflies, & Bees for YOUR Garden.
    04/14/2012 Tomorrow's Landscapes: More Birds, Butterflies, and Bees for YOUR Garden
    04/11/2012 Native Orchids: A National Approach to Conservation
    04/11/2012 Meeting: The Rebuild of Poplar Island
    04/07/2012 Native Plant Workshop and Sale: Chesapeake Natives, Inc.
    04/01/2012 MNPS Field Trip: Civil War Fort Site: Fort Connector south of Fort Dupont
    03/31/2012 Invasives Species Removal Project: Muddy Branch Greenway Trail System
    03/31/2012 Native Plant Sale: Friends of the National Arboretum
    03/31/2012 Lahr Native Plant Symposium: "Native Plants: Inspiring New Directions"
    03/31/2012 Capital Science 2012 Conference
    03/27/2012 MNPS Monthly Meeting: The Flora of Virginia Project
    03/25/2012 Invasives Species Removal Project: Muddy Branch Greenway Trail System
    03/22/2012 Workshop: "Vernal Pool Site Design and Restoration Techniques"
    03/22/2012 Conference: SER: "Restoration on the Edge: Exploring the Frontiers of Restoration, Collaboration, and Resilience in Changing Ecosystems"
    03/21/2012 MNPS Baltimore Chapter Monthly Lecture/Discussion: Saving the Sundial Lupine
    03/20/2012 Doug Tallamy: Bringing Nature Home
    03/04/2012 MNPS Field Trip: Civil War Fort Site: Fort Totten
    02/28/2012 MNPS Monthly Meeting: Winter Oak Identification Workshop
    02/21/2012 MNPS Western Mountains Chapter Meeting: "Going Native in Your Backyard"
    02/19/2012 MNPS Field Trip: Cheverly Nature Hike and Bird Count
    02/18/2012 MNPS Field Trip: Winter Tree and Plant ID Hike
    02/18/2012 MNPS Field Trip: Cheverly Nature Hike and Bird Count
    02/15/2012 MNPS Baltimore Chapter Monthly Lecture/Discussion: Wavy-leaved Basketgrass Ecology
    02/11/2012 MNPS Workshop: Winter Botany
    02/05/2012 MNPS Field Trip: Civil War Fort Site: Fort Dupont
    02/01/2012 MNPS Workshop: Seed Propagation
    01/31/2012 MNPS Monthly Meeting: Landscaping with Native Plants to Attract Hummingbirds, Butterflies, and Other Wildlife
    01/28/2012 Field Trip/Workshop: Identifying Trees in Winter
    01/19/2012 VNPS Program: A Bee’s Eye View of Native Plants
    01/19/2012 Maryland Invasive Species Council Meeting
    01/18/2012 MNPS Baltimore Chapter Monthly Lecture/Discussion: Soldiers Delight Restoration
    01/16/2012 MNPS Board Annual Planning Meeting
    01/14/2012 Workshop: The Woods in Your Backyard
    01/08/2012 MNPS Field Trip: Civil War Fort Site: Fort Stanton
    12/18/2011 MNPS Field Trip: Winter Solstice Walk and Hooley
    12/14/2011 MNPS Baltimore Chapter Monthly Meeting: Holiday Share Night
    12/13/2011 MNPS Holiday Social and Members Share Night Plus Annual Business Meeting
    12/08/2011 Habitat Restoration Work Group: Howard County Conservancy
    11/29/2011 MNPS Monthly Meeting: "An Ozone Monitoring Garden"
    11/26/2011 Moss Study Group
    11/22/2011 Conservation Stewardship Project Middle Patuxent Environmental Area
    11/20/2011 MNPS Field Trip: Civil War Fort Site Group: US National Arboretum
    11/19/2011 Native Plant Sale: Chesapeake Natives
    11/16/2011 MNPS Baltimore Chapter Monthly Meeting: TreeBaltimore
    11/10/2011 Habitat Restoration Work Group: Howard County Conservancy
    11/05/2011 MNPS Field Trip: Tree Anatomy Walk
    10/29/2011 Moss Study Group
    10/29/2011 Holmes Run Native Tree Planting
    10/27/2011 Habitat Restoration Work Group: Howard County Conservancy
    10/26/2011 Weed Warrior Training
    10/25/2011 MNPS Montgomery Chapter Meeting: "The Old-Growth Forest Network: America's Next Idea"
    10/25/2011 Conservation Stewardship Project Middle Patuxent Environmental Area
    10/23/2011 Native Plant Sale: Herring Run Nursery
    10/22/2011 MNPS Field Trip: Civil War Fort Site: Fort Dupont
    10/19/2011 MNPS Baltimore Chapter Monthly Meeting: Blue Water Baltimore
    10/18/2011 MNPS Chapter Meeting: Western Mountains
    10/16/2011 Workshop: The Evergreen Rain Garden
    10/15/2011 MNPS Field Trip: Soldiers Delight Natural Environmental Area
    10/13/2011 Habitat Restoration Work Group: Howard County Conservancy
    10/11/2011 Free Webinar: Growing Native 101
    10/09/2011 VNPS-Potowmack Chapter Annual Meeting and Meadow Walk
    10/09/2011 Native Tree Walk
    10/08/2011 MNPS Field Trip: Aquatic Plants by Canoe, Marshy Point
    10/08/2011 Native Plant Sale: Chesapeake Natives
    10/05/2011 Weed Warrior Training
    10/05/2011 Native Plant Sale: Chesapeake Natives
    10/02/2011 Native Plant Sale: Herring Run Nursery
    10/02/2011 MNPS Field Trip: Uncultivated: Exploring Wild Urban Plants
    10/01/2011 Native Plant Sale: Chesapeake Natives
    10/01/2011 MNPS Field Trip: Middle Patuxent Environmental Area
    09/27/2011 MNPS Montgomery Chapter Meeting: "Uncultivated: A Physical and Virtual Tour of Baltimore’s Wild Plants"
    09/27/2011 Conservation Stewardship Project Middle Patuxent Environmental Area
    09/25/2011 Fall Conference Field Trip: Exploring the Mattawoman by Water
    09/25/2011 Fall Conference Field Trip: Focus on Ferns at Historic St. Mary's City
    09/25/2011 Fall Conference Field Trip: Swann Park to Chapman Forest Hike
    09/24/2011 Moss Study Group
    09/24/2011 2011 MNPS Annual Fall Conference: Ecology of Southern Maryland
    09/22/2011 Habitat Restoration Work Group: Howard County Conservancy
    09/21/2011 MNPS Baltimore Chapter Meeting/Workshop: Fall Wildflowers
    09/20/2011 Workshop: Tree and Plant ID
    09/18/2011 MNPS Field Trip: Gunpowder State Park - Hereford Area
    09/17/2011 Evening in the Park: Cromwell Valley Park
    09/17/2011 MNPS Workshop: Seed Collection & Storage
    09/17/2011 Native Plant Sale: Chesapeake Natives
    09/17/2011 Native Plant Sale: Herring Run Nursery
    09/11/2011 Native Plant Sale: Chesapeake Natives
    09/11/2011 MNPS Field Trip: Civil War Fort Sites: Roosevelt Island
    09/11/2011 MNPS Field Trip: Severn Run Natural Environmental Area
    09/10/2011 Native Plant Sale: Chesapeake Natives
    09/10/2011 Native Plant Sale: Chesapeake Natives, Inc.
    09/10/2011 Conservation Landscaping Information Session
    09/09/2011 Native Plant Sale: Herring Run Nursery
    09/09/2011 Fall Plant Sale: Environmental Concern, St. Michaels, MD
    09/08/2011 Habitat Restoration Work Group: Howard County Conservancy
    08/30/2011 MNPS Montgomery Chapter Meeting: "Pimple Dunes of the Eastern Shore Barrier Islands"
    08/27/2011 Moss Study Group
    08/27/2011 Irvine Native Plant Seminar & Sale
    08/27/2011 Non-native Invasive Plant Removal at Patuxent Research Refuge
    08/21/2011 MNPS Field Trip: Magruder Branch Stream Valley Park
    08/20/2011 Invasive Plant Removal: Hellen Creek Forest and Wildlife Preserve, St. Mary's County
    08/16/2011 MNPS Chapter Meeting: Western Mountains
    08/03/2011 Program: ICC Environmental Stewardship/Compensatory Mitigation Effort
    08/03/2011 Non-native Invasive Plant Removal at Patuxent Research Refuge
    08/03/2011 Conference: Invasive Plant Council Annual Conference
    07/30/2011 Moss Study Group
    07/30/2011 Non-native Invasive Plant Removal at Patuxent Research Refuge
    07/26/2011 MNPS Montgomery Chapter Meeting: "Ferns in the Natural Landscape"
    07/23/2011 Program: Bold Native Plants and Their Hybrids, Green Spring Gardens, VA
    07/20/2011 MNPS Chapter Meeting: Greater Baltimore
    07/20/2011 Non-native Invasive Plant Removal at Patuxent Research Refuge
    07/17/2011 Workshop: Seeing the Forest and the Trees
    07/12/2011 SRWA - Wildflower Identification for Beginners
    07/06/2011 Non-native Invasive Plant Removal at Patuxent Research Refuge
    06/28/2011 MNPS Montgomery Chapter Meeting: "Deer Management in Natural Areas"
    06/28/2011 Conservation Stewardship Project Middle Patuxent Environmental Area
    06/26/2011 MNPS Field Trip: Summer Solstice Walk and Fern ID Survey at Mattawoman Bottomlands
    06/25/2011 Moss Study Group
    06/23/2011 PlanMaryland Public Forums II Open Houses
    06/23/2011 Habitat Restoration Work Group: Howard County Conservancy
    06/21/2011 MNPS Chapter Meeting: Western Mountains
    06/18/2011 MNPS Field Trip: Ferns on the Gunpowder - Gunpowder State Park – Kingsville (Perry Hall) Area, Baltimore County
    06/18/2011 Non-native Invasive Plant Removal at Patuxent Research Refuge
    06/18/2011 Weed Warriors Come to Quiet Waters
    06/16/2011 PlanMaryland Public Forums II Open Houses
    06/15/2011 Non-native Invasive Plant Removal at Patuxent Research Refuge
    06/12/2011 MNPS Field Trip: Kenilworth Park and Aquatic Gardens
    06/12/2011 MNPS Field Trip: NJ Pine Barrens
    06/11/2011 Native Plant Sale: Herring Run Natives Nursery
    06/11/2011 Invasive Plant Removal: Hellen Creek Forest and Wildlife Preserve, St. Mary's County
    06/11/2011 Huntley Meadows park Plant Walk: Wetland in Bloom
    06/11/2011 County-Wide Weed Removal: Carroll County
    06/09/2011 Habitat Restoration Work Group: Howard County Conservancy
    06/08/2011 PlanMaryland Public Forums II Open Houses
    06/08/2011 Non-native Invasive Plant Removal at Patuxent Research Refuge
    06/05/2011 Native Plant Sale: Herring Run Natives Nursery
    06/04/2011 Invasive Species Removal: Ford Nature Center, Alexandria, VA
    06/04/2011 Invasive Removal with Anacostia Watershed Society, Fort Dupont, DC
    06/03/2011 Invasive Species Removal: Dyke Marsh Wildlife Preserve, VA
    06/02/2011 PlanMaryland Public Forums II Open Houses
    06/02/2011 Invasive Species Removal: Leitner Mansion, VA
    05/31/2011 MNPS Montgomery Chapter Meeting: "Wildflowers in Focus"
    05/28/2011 SRWA Garden Tour and Native Plant Sale
    05/28/2011 Moss Study Group
    05/28/2011 MNPS/PNPS Poconos Weekend: WAITLIST ONLY
    05/26/2011 Native Plantings: Potomac Heritage Trail
    05/25/2011 PlanMaryland Public Forums II Open Houses
    05/24/2011 Conservation Stewardship Project Middle Patuxent Environmental Area
    05/21/2011 Native Plant Sale: Herring Run Natives Nursery
    05/21/2011 Invasinator Work Day at Anita C. Leight Estuary Center, Harford County
    05/21/2011 Invasive Removal with Anacostia Watershed Society, Fort Dupont, DC
    05/21/2011 Non-native Invasive Plant Removal at Patuxent Research Refuge
    05/21/2011 Native Plant Sale and Open House: Environmental Concern, St. Michaels, MD
    05/20/2011 Native Plant Sale and Open House: Environmental Concern, St. Michaels, MD
    05/19/2011 PlanMaryland Public Forums II Open Houses
    05/18/2011 MNPS Chapter Meeting: Greater Baltimore
    05/18/2011 Non-native Invasive Plant Removal at Patuxent Research Refuge
    05/15/2011 Native Plant Sale: Hyattsville Elementary PTA, Prince George's County, MD
    05/14/2011 Weed Warrior Training: Carroll County Forest Conservancy District Board
    05/14/2011 Allegheny Mountain Green Fest
    05/14/2011 Invasive Plant Removal at Arlington Woods
    05/14/2011 Invasive Plant Removal at Patuxent River Park, Prince George's County
    05/14/2011 Native Plant Sale: Hyattsville Elementary PTA, Prince George's County, MD
    05/14/2011 Native Plant Sale: Roland Park, Baltimore, MD
    05/13/2011 Invasive Plant Removal: Dyke Marsh Wildlife Preserve, VA
    05/13/2011 Spring Wild Flower Symposium
    05/12/2011 Habitat Restoration Work Group: Howard County Conservancy
    05/12/2011 Invasive Plant Removal: Potomac Heritage Trail, VA
    05/11/2011 PlanMaryland Public Forums II Open Houses
    05/11/2011 Invasive Removal with Anacostia Watershed Society, Fort Dupont, DC
    05/09/2011 Workshop: Trees of Your Neighborhood, Park, and Schoolyard
    05/08/2011 Native Plant Sale: Herring Run Natives Nursery
    05/08/2011 MNPS Field Trip: Civil War Fort Sites in Washington (98th in the Series)-Fort Chaplin
    05/07/2011 Native Plant Celebration and Sale
    05/07/2011 MNPS Field Trip: Wildflower Tour of Triadelphia Reservoir Area
    05/07/2011 Third Annual Native Plant Sale and Benefit
    05/07/2011 MNPS Field Trip: Fern Walk at Snyder's Landing
    05/07/2011 Presentation: "The Safe Lawn: How and Why to Create a Beautiful, Natural Landscape"
    05/07/2011 Market Day at Cylburn Arboretum, Baltimore, MD
    05/07/2011 Virginia Statewide Invasives Day
    05/06/2011 Market Day at Cylburn Arboretum, Baltimore, MD
    05/06/2011 FSU Arboretum Workdays
    05/06/2011 Invasive Removal with Anacostia Watershed Society, Fort Dupont, DC
    05/05/2011 Movie Screening: "A Chemical Reaction: The Story of a True Green Revolution"
    05/05/2011 Invasive Plant Removal: Potomac Heritage Trail, VA
    05/04/2011 Invasive Removal with Anacostia Watershed Society, Prince George's County
    05/01/2011 Annual Garlic Mustard Challenge, Patapsco Valley State Park, Baltimore County
    04/30/2011 Patuxent Research Refuge: Wildflower Walk
    04/30/2011 Field Trip: Carderock Recreation Area Woodlands and Tow Path
    04/30/2011 SRWA Native Plant Demonstration and Sale
    04/30/2011 Moss Study Group
    04/30/2011 Invasive Plant Removal: Hellen Creek Forest and Wildlife Preserve, St. Mary's County
    04/30/2011 Native Plant Sale: Audubon Society of Central Maryland
    04/30/2011 Weed Warrior Training: Carroll County Forest Conservancy District Board
    04/28/2011 Habitat Restoration Work Group: Howard County Conservancy
    04/28/2011 Invasive Species Removal Project: SRWA Battling Botanical Bullies
    04/26/2011 MNPS Montgomery Chapter Meeting: Fern Identification Workshop
    04/26/2011 Conservation Stewardship Project Middle Patuxent Environmental Area
    04/26/2011 Invasive Species Removal Project: SRWA Battling Botanical Bullies
    04/23/2011 Native Plant Sale: Herring Run Natives Nursery
    04/23/2011 Field Trip: Leakin Park, Baltimore, MD
    04/23/2011 Workshop: Introduction to Identifying the Common Native Bees in Maryland
    04/17/2011 Native Plant Sale: Herring Run Natives Nursery
    04/17/2011 Bird Walk and Invasive Plant Removal on the Blue Mash Nature Trail
    04/16/2011 CANCELLED due to inclement weather: Fort Dupont Joint Field Trip of Maryland Native Plant Society and the Anacostia Watershed Society
    04/16/2011 Native Plant Sale: Chesapeake Natives, Inc.
    04/15/2011 Native Plant Sale: Adkins Arboretum
    04/15/2011 Southern Appalachian Botanical Society 75th Anniversary Celebration
    04/03/2011 MNPS Field Trip: Civil War Fort Site: Fort DeRussy in Rock Creek Park (97th in the Series)
    04/03/2011 Exploring Impacts Of Climate Change On Shoreline Property And Habitats
    04/02/2011 MNPS Field Trip: Wheaton Regional Park, Montgomery County, MD
    04/02/2011 Exploring Impacts Of Climate Change On Shoreline Property And Habitats
    03/29/2011 MNPS Montgomery Chapter Meeting: "Alienweeds: The Art of Invasives"
    03/27/2011 Exploring Impacts Of Climate Change On Shoreline Property And Habitats
    03/26/2011 Patuxent Research Refuge: Early Spring Wildflowers
    03/26/2011 Moss Study Group
    03/26/2011 25th Annual Lahr Native Plant Symposium and Plant Sale
    03/26/2011 Exploring Impacts Of Climate Change On Shoreline Property And Habitats
    03/26/2011 Field Trip: Exploring Impacts of Climate Change on Shoreline Property and Habitats
    03/25/2011 Wildlife Art Show and Sale
    03/22/2011 Conservation Stewardship Project Middle Patuxent Environmental Area
    03/19/2011 Help the Suitland Bog
    03/16/2011 Greater Baltimore Chapter Meeting
    03/06/2011 MNPS Field Trip: Civil War Fort Site: Fort DeRussy in Rock Creek Park (97th in the Series)
    02/26/2011 Moss Study Group
    02/22/2011 Still Happening! MNPS Montgomery Chapter Meeting: "Tree ID Workshop"
    02/19/2011 Winter Greens - MNPS Field Trip
    02/10/2011 Landscape Management Seminar
    02/05/2011 Fort Dupont Joint Field Trip of Maryland Native Plant Society and the Anacostia Watershed Society
    01/29/2011 Moss Study Group
    01/25/2011 MNPS Montgomery Chapter Meeting: "Unexplored Pine Barrens of the Washington, DC Area"
    01/25/2011 Gardening Workshop: Death by Soil: Killing Plants S-L-O-W-L-Y
    01/22/2011 Winter Tree ID
    01/17/2011 National Day of Service on Underground Railroad Trail
    01/15/2011 Woods in Your Backyard
    01/09/2011 MNPS Field Trip: Civil War Fort Site: Rock Creek (96th in Series)
    12/19/2010 Winter Solstice Celebration
    12/18/2010 Moss Study Group
    12/14/2010 MNPS Holiday Social and Members Share Night Plus Annual Business Meeting
    12/11/2010 Tree Anatomy Walk with Richard Murray, Arborist, Silver Spring
    12/11/2010 Invasive Species Removal at Cromwell Valley Park
    12/05/2010 MNPS Field Trip: Civil War Fort Site: Fort Totten (94th in Series)
    11/30/2010 MNPS Montgomery Chapter Meeting: "Wild Uses of Plants"
    11/28/2010 Invasives Species Removal on Blue Mash Nature Trail
    11/23/2010 Barberry Bustin'
    11/17/2010 Greater Baltimore Chapter Meeting
    11/17/2010 Stewardship Projects at Greenbelt Homes, Inc., Housing Cooperative
    11/14/2010 Tree Planting, Scott's Cove
    11/13/2010 Deer Management Seminar
    11/13/2010 Invasive Species Removal at Fort Meade Army Installation
    11/13/2010 Invasive Species Removal at Ruth Swann Park
    11/13/2010 Invasive Plant Removals along Underground Railroad Experience Trail
    11/13/2010 Invasive Plant Removals in Jones Falls Watershed
    11/13/2010 Invasive Species Removal at Cromwell Valley Park
    11/13/2010 Invasive Weed Removal, Rocky Gorge/Supplee
    11/11/2010 Bringing Native Plants and Wildlife into the Managed Landscape
    11/10/2010 Tree Planting in Rock Creek Park, Chevy Chase, MD
    11/09/2010 Sustainable Landscaping Workshop Series
    11/08/2010 MNPS Board Meeting
    11/07/2010 Invasive Species Removal at Chapman Forest
    11/07/2010 Invasive Weed Removal and Azalea Garden Clean-up, Brighton Dam
    11/06/2010 Defend Greenbelt Park from Alien Enroachment
    11/06/2010 Invasive Weed Removal, Triadelphia
    11/06/2010 Roaches Run Waterfowl Sanctuary: Weed Warriors Activities
    11/05/2010 Weed Warrior Activities: Dyke Marsh Wildlife Habitat
    11/04/2010 Olmsted Woods Walk: "Brilliant Fall Color with Native Plants"
    10/31/2010 Invasive Weed Removal, Greenbridge
    10/30/2010 Invasives Removal at Little Paint Branch Park and Cherry Hill Road Community Park
    10/30/2010 Invasive Species Removal at American Chestnut Land Trust, Calvert County
    10/30/2010 Invasive Weed Removal, Pigtail
    10/30/2010 Backyard Wildlife Habitat Worshop: "The Beauty and Bounty of Native Cherry Trees"
    10/26/2010 MNPS Montgomery Chapter Meeting: "Maryland Native Plants and the Pollinators that Love Them"
    10/26/2010 Riparian Buffer Retreat
    10/24/2010 Fall Plant Sale: Herring Run Native Plant Nursery
    10/24/2010 Invasive Weed Removal, Triadelphia
    10/24/2010 Invasives Species Removal on Blue Mash Nature Trail
    10/23/2010 Invasive Weed Removal, Browns Bridge
    10/21/2010 Presentation: "Native Plants and Invasive Species"
    10/20/2010 MNPS Greater Baltimore Chapter Meeting
    10/20/2010 Stewardship Projects at Greenbelt Homes, Inc., Housing Cooperative
    10/19/2010 MNPS Western Mountains Chapter Meeting
    10/19/2010 Sustainable Landscaping Workshop Series
    10/16/2010 Native Plant Walk
    10/16/2010 Invasives Removal at Magruder Park
    10/15/2010 Backyard Wildlife Habitat Worshop: "Creating Wildlife Communities in Small Spaces"
    10/13/2010 Backyard Wildlife Habitat Worshop: "Creating Wildlife Communities in Small Spaces"
    10/09/2010 Fall Plant Sale: Herring Run Native Plant Nursery
    10/09/2010 Invasive Plant Removals along Underground Railroad Experience Trail
    10/09/2010 Invasive Species Removal at Ruth Swann Park
    10/09/2010 Invasive Species Removal at Fort Meade Army Installation
    10/09/2010 Workshop: "Drought Tolerant Natives"
    10/09/2010 Backyard Wildlife Habitat Worshop: "Gardening for Birds and Butterflies"
    10/09/2010 Invasive Plant Removals in Jones Falls Watershed
    10/09/2010 Invasive Species Removal at Cromwell Valley Park
    10/05/2010 7th Eastern Native Grass Symposium: "Native Grasses on Working and Natural Landscapes"
    10/03/2010 Invasive Species Removal at Chapman Forest
    10/03/2010 International Meeting on "Biological Control for the Protection of Native Ecosystems"
    10/02/2010 Defend Greenbelt Park from Alien Enroachment
    09/29/2010 Weed Whacking Wednesdays at American Chestnut Land Trust, Calvert County
    09/28/2010 MNPS Montgomery Chapter Meeting: "Bringing Nature Home - The Importance of Conserving and Planting Native for Biodiversity"
    09/28/2010 Invasive Vine Trimming & Monarch Activities
    09/26/2010 Fall Plant Sale: Herring Run Native Plant Nursery
    09/26/2010 Nassawango Preserve
    09/26/2010 Field Trip: Adkins Arboretum
    09/26/2010 Paddling the Freshwater Wetlands on Watts Creek
    09/26/2010 Invasives Species Removal on Blue Mash Nature Trail
    09/25/2010 Invasives Removal at Little Paint Branch Park and Cherry Hill Road Community Park
    09/25/2010 Backyard Wildlife Habitat Worshop: "Design and Build a Unique Backyard Habitat"
    09/25/2010 Roaches Run Waterfowl Sanctuary: Weed Warriors Activities
    09/25/2010 2010 MNPS Annual Fall Conference 2010: "Biodiversity of Maryland's Eastern Shore"
    09/25/2010 Native Plant Sale: Parkfairfax, Alexandria, VA
    09/23/2010 Olmsted Woods Bird Walk
    09/22/2010 Weed Whacking Wednesdays at American Chestnut Land Trust, Calvert County
    09/21/2010 ICC Public Meeting: PB-H Stream Restoration Projects
    09/18/2010 South River Greenway BioBlitz
    09/18/2010 Backyard Wildlife Habitat Worshop: "Design and Build a Unique Backyard Habitat"
    09/18/2010 Invasives Removal at Magruder Park
    09/18/2010 Invasive Species Removal at American Chestnut Land Trust, Calvert County
    09/18/2010 Open House and Native Plant Sale: Chesapeake Ecology Center
    09/16/2010 Olmsted Woods Bird Walk
    09/15/2010 ICC Public Meeting: PB-H Stream Restoration Projects
    09/15/2010 Greater Baltimore Chapter Meeting
    09/15/2010 Weed Whacking Wednesdays at American Chestnut Land Trust, Calvert County
    09/15/2010 Stewardship Projects at Greenbelt Homes, Inc., Housing Cooperative
    09/14/2010 Remove Japanese Barberry in MPEA
    09/13/2010 MNPS Board Meeting
    09/12/2010 Field Trip: "Plants, Insects, and Birds"
    09/12/2010 MNPS Field Trip: Civil War Fort Site: Fort Mahan (93rd in Series)
    09/11/2010 Roaches Run Waterfowl Sanctuary: Weed Warriors Activities
    09/11/2010 Invasive Plant Removals along Underground Railroad Experience Trail
    09/11/2010 Invasive Species Removal at Fort Meade Army Installation
    09/11/2010 Invasive Species Removal at Ruth Swann Park
    09/11/2010 Invasive Species Removal at Cromwell Valley Park
    09/11/2010 Invasive Plant Removals in Jones Falls Watershed
    09/11/2010 Backyard Wildlife Habitat Worshop: "Design and Build a Unique Backyard Habitat"
    09/11/2010 Plant Conservation Day
    09/11/2010 Fall Open House and Native Plant Sale: MAEscapes, York, PA
    09/10/2010 Roaches Run Waterfowl Sanctuary: Weed Warriors Activities
    09/10/2010 Fall Native Plant Sale: Environmental Concern, Inc.
    09/08/2010 Weed Whacking Wednesdays at American Chestnut Land Trust, Calvert County
    09/05/2010 Invasive Species Removal at Chapman Forest
    09/04/2010 Roaches Run Waterfowl Sanctuary: Weed Warriors Activities
    09/04/2010 Defend Greenbelt Park from Alien Enroachment
    09/01/2010 Weed Whacking Wednesdays at American Chestnut Land Trust, Calvert County
    08/31/2010 MNPS Montgomery Chapter Meeting: "Summer Wildflower Identification Workshop"
    08/28/2010 Invasives Removal at Little Paint Branch Park and Cherry Hill Road Community Park
    08/28/2010 Roaches Run Waterfowl Sanctuary: Weekend Warriors Activities
    08/26/2010 George Washington National Parkway: Kudzu Removal on Potomac Heritage Trail
    08/25/2010 Weed Whacking Wednesdays at American Chestnut Land Trust, Calvert County
    08/22/2010 Invasives Species Removal on Blue Mash Nature Trail
    08/21/2010 Mattawoman Lotus Blossom Festival and Important Bird Area Dedication
    08/21/2010 Invasives Removal at Magruder Park
    08/21/2010 Conference and Plant Sale: Irvine Nature Center, Owings Mills, MD
    08/18/2010 Weed Whacking Wednesdays at American Chestnut Land Trust, Calvert County
    08/18/2010 Stewardship Projects at Greenbelt Homes, Inc., Housing Cooperative
    08/18/2010 Mid-Atlantic Exotic Pest Plant Council Biennial Workshop: "Biosolutions for Biopollutions"
    08/17/2010 MNPS Western Mountains Chapter Meeting: "What's the Rush?"
    08/14/2010 Invasive Plant Removals along Underground Railroad Experience Trail
    08/14/2010 Invasive Species Removal at Fort Meade Army Installation
    08/14/2010 Invasive Species Removal at Cromwell Valley Park
    08/14/2010 Invasive Training Program at American Chestnut Land Trust, Calvert County
    08/14/2010 Invasive Plant Removals in Jones Falls Watershed
    08/11/2010 Weed Whacking Wednesdays at American Chestnut Land Trust, Calvert County
    08/11/2010 Stiltgrass Summit
    08/07/2010 Defend Greenbelt Park from Alien Enroachment
    08/07/2010 Invasive Species Removal at Ruth Swann Park
    08/07/2010 Butterflies in the Garden
    08/04/2010 Non-native Invasive Plant Removal at Patuxent Research Refuge
    08/04/2010 Weed Whacking Wednesdays at American Chestnut Land Trust, Calvert County
    08/01/2010 Invasive Species Removal at Chapman Forest
    07/31/2010 Going Native in Your Backyard
    07/31/2010 Invasives Removal at Little Paint Branch Park and Cherry Hill Road Community Park
    07/31/2010 Butterflies in the Garden
    07/28/2010 Butterflies in the Garden
    07/28/2010 Weed Whacking Wednesdays at American Chestnut Land Trust, Calvert County
    07/27/2010 MNPS Montgomery Chapter Meeting: "Fern Identification"
    07/25/2010 Invasives Species Removal on Blue Mash Nature Trail
    07/24/2010 Invasive Species Removal at American Chestnut Land Trust, Calvert County
    07/21/2010 Weed Whacking Wednesdays at American Chestnut Land Trust, Calvert County
    07/21/2010 Non-native Invasive Plant Removal at Patuxent Research Refuge
    07/21/2010 Stewardship Projects at Greenbelt Homes, Inc., Housing Cooperative
    07/17/2010 Invasives Removal at Magruder Park
    07/16/2010 Western Maryland Chapter: Wildflower Identification for Beginners
    07/14/2010 Weed Whacking Wednesdays at American Chestnut Land Trust, Calvert County
    07/12/2010 MNPS Board Meeting
    07/10/2010 Invasive Species Removal at Fort Meade Army Installation
    07/10/2010 Going Native in Your Backyard
    07/10/2010 Invasive Plant Removals along Underground Railroad Experience Trail
    07/10/2010 Invasive Plant Removals in Jones Falls Watershed
    07/10/2010 The Native Plant Experience: Bringing Back Nature to our Yards
    07/10/2010 Invasive Species Removal at Cromwell Valley Park
    07/10/2010 Native Tree Tour, Pigtail Recreation Area, Howard County
    07/07/2010 Weed Whacking Wednesdays at American Chestnut Land Trust, Calvert County
    07/07/2010 Non-native Invasive Plant Removal at Patuxent Research Refuge
    07/03/2010 Defend Greenbelt Park from Alien Enroachment
    07/03/2010 Invasive Species Removal at Ruth Swann Park
    06/30/2010 Weed Whacking Wednesdays at American Chestnut Land Trust, Calvert County
    06/29/2010 MNPS Montgomery Chapter Meeting: "Regeneration: Recovering a Nature Center from an Unnatural Invasive Plant Infestation"
    06/27/2010 Invasives Species Removal on Blue Mash Nature Trail
    06/26/2010 Invasives Removal at Little Paint Branch Park and Cherry Hill Road Community Park
    06/26/2010 Moss Study Group
    06/26/2010 Remove Non-Native Invasive Plants from Lower Beaverdam Creek
    06/23/2010 Sustainable Landscaping Workshop Series
    06/23/2010 Weed Whacking Wednesdays at American Chestnut Land Trust, Calvert County
    06/22/2010 Sustainable Landscaping Workshop Series
    06/22/2010 Menacing the Mile-a-Minute
    06/21/2010 National Pollinator Week Festival
    06/19/2010 MNPS Field Trip: Ferns on the Gunpowder - Gunpowder State Park – Kingsville (Perry Hall) Area, Baltimore County
    06/16/2010 MNPS Baltimore Chapter Brainstorming Session
    06/12/2010 Native Plant Walk
    06/11/2010 Open House and Native Plant Sale: Environmental Concern, Inc.
    06/06/2010 MNPS Field Trip: Civil War Fort Site: Fort Dupont (92nd in Series)
    06/05/2010 Sweetbay Magnolia in Central Pennsylvania
    05/29/2010 Moss Study Group
    05/26/2010 Cascade Falls Trailhead Area and River Road Trail at Patapsco Valley State Park
    05/25/2010 MNPS Meeting: "The Enchanting Root: An Exploration of the Lore, Life and Status of American Ginseng"
    05/22/2010 MNPS Field Trip: Mountain Laurels on the Northwest Branch, Montgomery County
    05/19/2010 MNPS Chapter Meeting: "Ferns of the Area and Where They Grow", Greater Baltimore
    05/16/2010 MNPS Field Trip: Rare Plant at Black Hill Regional Park, Montgomery County
    05/15/2010 MNPS Field Trip: Gunpowder State Park May Wildflower Hike – Hereford Area
    05/15/2010 Native Plant Sale: Roland Park Civic League Beautification Committee
    05/15/2010 Native Plant Sale: Virginia Native Plant Society Potowmack Chapter
    05/15/2010 Native Plant Sale: Mid-Atlantic Ecological Landscapes Partnership, York, PA
    05/10/2010 MNPS Board Meeting
    05/09/2010 Native Plant Sale: Herring Run Native Nursery
    05/08/2010 Mothers Day Weekend in Pennsylvania's Ridge and Valley Province
    05/08/2010 Native Plant Sale: Adkins Arboretum, Ridgley, MD
    05/02/2010 MNPS Field Trip: Civil War Fort Site: Fort Chaplin (91st in Series)
    05/02/2010 Native Plant Sale: Herring Run Native Nursery
    05/01/2010 Native Plant Walk
    05/01/2010 MNPS Field Trip: Carderock Recreation Area Woodlands and Towpath, Montgomery County
    05/01/2010 Native Plant Sale: American Natives Nursery, White Marsh, MD
    04/27/2010 MNPS Meeting: "Preserving Maryland’s Grasslands"
    04/24/2010 Arboretum Workday: Frostburg State University
    04/24/2010 Moss Study Group
    04/24/2010 Native Plant Sale: Parkfairfax, Alexandria, VA
    04/24/2010 Native Plant Sale: Audubon Society of Central Maryland, Mount Airy, MD
    04/24/2010 Native Plant Sale: Herring Run Native Nursery
    04/20/2010 MNPS Chapter Meeting: "TBA", Western Mountains
    04/18/2010 SRWA Red Spruce Plantings, Savage River State Forest
    04/18/2010 MNPS Field Trip: Wildflowers of Red Run, Baltimore County
    04/17/2010 Arboretum Workday: Frostburg State University
    04/17/2010 Garden Tour and Native Plant Sale: Chesapeake Climate Action Network and Chesapeake Natives, Takoma Park, MD
    04/15/2010 SRWA Red Spruce Plantings, Savage River State Forest
    04/11/2010 MNPS Field Trip: Civil War Fort Site: Shepherd Parkway (90th in Series)
    04/11/2010 MNPS Field Trip: Nature Hike to Greet New Spring, Cheverly, Prince George's County
    04/11/2010 Native Plant Sale: American Natives Nursery, White Marsh, MD
    04/10/2010 Arboretum Workday: Frostburg State University
    04/03/2010 Arboretum Workday: Frostburg State University
    04/01/2010 Mailing Party
    03/30/2010 MNPS Meeting: "Vernal Pools"
    03/23/2010 Garlic Mustard Removal & Seep Area Excursion
    03/17/2010 MNPS Chapter Meeting: "Preserving Biodiversity - How Pollinators Benefit from a Vibrant Heliophilic Native Plant Community", Baltimore
    02/23/2010 MNPS Meeting: "Threatened Lands in Maryland and What MNPS Is Doing to Protect Them"
    01/26/2010 MNPS Meeting: "Rare and Uncommon Native Plants of Maryland's Piedmont"
    12/15/2009 MNPS Annual Holiday Social and Members Share Night plus Annual MNPS Business Meeting
    11/24/2009 MNPS Meeting: "Last Survivors of Magnolia Bog Flora in Maryland, D.C., and Virginia"
    10/27/2009 MNPS Meeting: "A Year of Botanical Exploration in Maryland and Vicinity"
    09/29/2009 MNPS Meeting: "Habitat Value of Natives: More Than Fashionable Flowers, Part II"
    09/26/2009 MNPS 2009 Annual Fall Conference, "The Catoctin Mountains: Maryland's Blue Ridge"
    08/25/2009 MNPS Meeting: "Summer Wildflower Identification Workshop"
    07/28/2009 MNPS Meeting: "Champion Trees of Maryland"
    06/30/2009 MNPS Meeting: "The Secret to Maintaining a Productive Butterfly Garden"
    05/26/2009 MNPS Meeting: "Whither Potomac Wildness?"
    04/28/2009 MNPS Meeting: "Spring Flowering Native Plants of Maryland"
    03/31/2009 MNPS Meeting: "Mosses for Beginners"
    02/24/2009 MNPS Meeting: "Winter Evergreens"
    01/27/2009 MNPS Meeting: "Winter Fruits, Berries, Seeds, and Pods"
    12/16/2008 MNPS Annual Holiday Social and Members Share Night plus Annual MNPS Business Meeting
    11/25/2008 MNPS Meeting: "Travilah Serpentine Barrens: A Globally Rare Natural Community"
    10/28/2008 MNPS Meeting: "Roots: The Underground Business End of the Tree System"
    09/30/2008 MNPS Meeting: "The Case of the Promiscuous Quillworts"
    09/20/2008 MNPS 2008 Annual Fall Conference, "Ecological Communities of the Western Shores of the Chesapeake Bay"
    08/26/2008 MNPS Meeting: "A Year of Botanical Exploration in Maryland and Vicinity"
    07/29/2008 MNPS Meeting: "Habitat Value of Natives: More Than Fashionable Flowers"
    06/24/2008 MNPS Meeting: "Wavyleaf Basketgrass Moves in Waves through Maryland Forests"
    05/27/2008 MNPS Meeting: "Our Native Pollinators"
    04/29/2008 MNPS Meeting: "Non-Native Plants: The Green Invasion"
    03/25/2008 MNPS Meeting: "Spring Flowering Native Plants of Maryland"
    02/26/2008 MNPS Meeting: "Rights of Nature"
    01/29/2008 MNPS Meeting: "Wild Orchids of North America"
    12/18/2007 MNPS Annual Holiday Social and Members Share Night plus Annual MNPS Business Meeting
    11/27/2007 MNPS Meeting: "Native Oak and Hickory ID: Workshop and Seed Exchange"
    10/30/2007 MNPS Meeting: "Why Do These Plants Grow Here...and Not There? A Baltimore-Area Perspective on Native Plant Communities and their Habitats - Part II"
    09/29/2007 MNPS 2007 Annual Fall Conference, "Climate Change: Global Effects, Local Impacts: Western Maryland's Flora - At Risk?"
    09/25/2007 MNPS Meeting: "Economics: A Very Important Subject for Conservationists"
    08/28/2007 MNPS Meeting: "Summer Wildflower Identification Workshop"
    07/31/2007 MNPS Meeting: "Tree Branch Anatomy and Why It Matters"
    06/26/2007 MNPS Meeting: "Why Do These Plants Grow Here...and Not There? A Baltimore-Area Perspective on Native Plant Communities and their Habitats"
    05/29/2007 MNPS Meeting: "Saving Maryland's Baltimore Checkerspot Butterfly"
    04/24/2007 MNPS Meeting: "Preparing a Natural Resources Management Plan for Arlington County, Virginia"
    03/27/2007 MNPS Meeting: "Spring Flowering Native Plants of Maryland"
    02/27/2007 MNPS Meeting: "Rare and Uncommon Native Plants of Maryland's Piedmont"
    01/30/2007 MNPS Meeting: "Winter Evergreen Identification Workshop"
    12/19/2006 MNPS Annual Holiday Social and Members Share Night plus Annual MNPS Business Meeting
    11/28/2006 MNPS Meeting: "Flora of Plummers Island"
    10/24/2006 MNPS Meeting: "The Importance of Hybridization in the Systematic Evolution of Oaks"
    10/14/2006 MNPS 2006 Annual Fall Conference, "Botanical Diversity of Montgomery County: The Geology-Botany Connection"
    09/26/2006 MNPS Meeting: "Goldenrods, Asters, and Thoroughworts"
    08/29/2006 MNPS Meeting: "Dragonfly Diversity and Conservation"
    07/25/2006 MNPS Meeting: "Native Plant Pollinators"
    06/27/2006 MNPS Meeting: "Native Alternatives to Invasive Plants"
    05/30/2006 MNPS Meeting: "Ferns of Maryland"
    04/25/2006 MNPS Meeting: "Spring Flowering Native Plants of Maryland"
    03/28/2006 MNPS Meeting: "American Chestnut: Past Abundance and Future Restoration"
    02/28/2006 MNPS Meeting: "Travilah Barrens: Maryland's Last Remaining Serpentinite Forest"
    01/31/2006 MNPS Meeting: "Bibb County, Alabama: A Botanical Hotspot"
    12/20/2005 MNPS Annual Holiday Social and Members Share Night plus Annual MNPS Business Meeting
    11/29/2005 MNPS Meeting: "The Importance of Hybridization in the Systematic Evolution of Oaks"
    10/25/2005 MNPS Meeting: "Fall Fruits and Berries"
    10/01/2005 MNPS 2005 Annual Fall Conference, "Baltimore's Urban and Suburban Forests: People and Plants in Partnership"
    09/27/2005 MNPS Meeting: "Goldenrods, Asters, and Thoroughworts"
    08/30/2005 MNPS Meeting: "Diversity of Maryland and Virginia Plant Life"
    07/26/2005 MNPS Meeting: "Identification and Restoration of Seepage Wetlands in Maryland and Virginia"
    06/28/2005 MNPS Meeting: "Not Just a Pretty Face: Plants with a Purpose"
    05/31/2005 MNPS Meeting: "The Natural History and Wildflowers of Sugarloaf Mountain"
    04/26/2005 MNPS Meeting: "Spring Wildflowers"
    03/29/2005 MNPS Meeting: "Potomac Gorge Habitat Restoration"
    02/22/2005 MNPS Meeting: "Compartmentalization: The Dynamic Tree Defense Process"
    01/25/2005 MNPS Meeting: "Threatened Lands in Maryland and What MNPS is Doing To Protect Them"
    12/20/2004 MNPS Annual Holiday Social and Members Share Night Plus Annual MNPS Business Meeting
    11/30/2004 MNPS Meeting: "Local Pollinators"
    10/26/2004 MNPS Meeting: "Botany in the Washington, D.C., Region: A Historical Overview"
    10/16/2004 MNPS 2004 Annual Fall Conference, "Pieces of the Puzzle: Connecting Land, Water, and the Chesapeake"
    09/28/2004 MNPS Meeting: "Natural Grassland Communities in Maryland"
    10/04/2003 MNPS 2003 Annual Fall Conference, "Blue Ridge & Potomac Valley"
    10/12/2002 MNPS 2002 Annual Fall Conference, "Communities and Geology of the Fall Line"
    09/29/2001 MNPS 2001 Annual Fall Conference, "Shaping Nature: The Impact of Human and Natural Disturbance on Our Native Flora"
    09/23/2000 MNPS 2000 Annual Fall Conference
    09/01/1999 MNPS 1999 Annual Fall Conference: "New Directions in Land Preservation: Thinking Big so Nature Can Work"
    09/01/1998 MNPS 1998 Annual Fall Conference: "Limits of Restoration"
    09/01/1997 MNPS 1997 Annual Fall Conference: "Allegheny Alliances and Communities"
    09/01/1996 MNPS 1996 Annual Fall Conference: "Ecology of the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain"
    09/01/1995 MNPS 1995 Annual Fall Conference: "Biodiversity of Barrens Communities"
    09/01/1994 MNPS 1994 Annual Fall Conference: Allegany County
    05/13/1994 MNPS 1994 Spring Field Meeting: Eastern Shore
    09/01/1993 MNPS 1993 Annual Fall Conference: Montgomery County
    09/01/1992 MNPS 1992 Annual Fall Conference: "Restoring Their Habitats; Beautifying Our Yard"
    10/01/1991 MNPS 1991 Annual Fall Conference: Montgomery County
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